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Why do Christians support Trump?

A threat of loss of status. Christianity is crumbling. They're hemorrhaging members at a much faster rate that they can attract them. Until Trump, they've lost influence, power, numbers, money, you name it. So, they form Trump's unshakeable base, and in return, Trump gives in to whatever they want. Look at what Trump has done since he's been in office. It's conservative baptist's wet dream come true. On everything from Muslims, trans issues, abortion, removing the separation between religion and state, immigration, moving the embassy to Jerusalem; it's every demand they've wanted and then some. It will continue too.

It's the death throes of American Evangelism, and it will do a lot of damage before it finally comes to heel. American evangelists live in an increasingly secular world. They've lost members because of their incredible level of moral hypocrisy. They've lost members because of their hate for anyone not like them. Their hate and hypocrisy on now easily found and transmitted across the airwaves and transatlantic cables for all to see.

Instead of looking inward, they've taken their persecution complex and their white fragility to a whole new level. It's not their fault their religion is no longer relevant, it's not their fault that the word evangelical is now synonymous with a self-righteous bigot. It's an increasingly secular world that's at fault. It's those nasty atheists. It's Islam, and dare I say it, it's...SATAN!?

What these evangelicals fail to see is that the very things that have turned people off about their faith are the very things they are doing to try and hold on to their power and influence. It will only hasten their demise, but in the meantime, it's going to hurt.
It’d surprise you that Jesus would be anti-abortion and Pro-Israel? Really?

Depends on which Jesus we're talking about. Everyone has their own version of him, from a very Ayn Rand Jesus of Christian Dominionists to a Jesus that is absolutely against violence of any kind and whose biggest priority is to help the poor.
It’d surprise you that Jesus would be anti-abortion and Pro-Israel? Really?
Jesus said nothing about abortion. Jews today do not consider it to violate mosaic law. He’d be pro Israel for sure. That’s the only thing though that we could be reasonably sure about.
It’d surprise you that Jesus would be anti-abortion and Pro-Israel? Really?

We'll just go ahead and assume for the moment that both are true.


1. The hypocrisy. Anyone here could write a dissertation three inches thick on the matter, so the walking, talking, redolence that is Trump, which in every way represents the opposite of what American Christians profess can be left at that.

2. Was Machiavelli the Second Coming that everyone missed? The practical argument for Christians is that Trump is the means that justifies the end (or do I have that backward? Whatever, you know what I mean). That is, Trump can rape a goat on the front lawn of a Protestant megachurch in Kansas, cut it up, feed its entrails to onlooking children while standing there naked and soaked in blood, and Christians would still support him.

So okay, that's an exaggeration, but the point is that thus far, there is nothing he can say or do that loses him support with his Christian base.

Trump can do or say anything as long as he's anti-abortion and pro-Israel. He's God's personally chosen vessel to accomplish Christian goals. What in the fucking world does that say about not only Christians, but the god they worship?

"You wanted my word made real? Heh-heh. Well here ya' go; how 'boutcha take a look at that! Lolz^3 motherfuckers!"

If God's word made real is a greedy, rotund, sub-adolescent mouthed, orange face-paint wearing liar, then maybe it's time to find a new Word.
There was no Israel as we know it in the first century.
And 25% of fetuses abort naturally,god's will?
There was no Israel as we know it in the first century.
And 25% of fetuses abort naturally,god's will?

There was a Judea and the Jews viewed as their homeland/promised land. Kinda like today. Masada isn't fiction.
Because Trump is most likely to give them what they want. Something of a theocracy.

I asked this question on the Facebook, and got the first part of this answer from my "Christian" friend.

If Trump manages to outlaw abortion and give a tax cut and kick out the illegal immigrants and cause a flood of liberal tears, they're okay with him paying hush money to a porn star.

The ends justify the means. That is all. Next question?
It’d surprise you that Jesus would be anti-abortion and Pro-Israel? Really?
Jesus said nothing about abortion. Jews today do not consider it to violate mosaic law. He’d be pro Israel for sure. That’s the only thing though that we could be reasonably sure about.

Jesus would probably be against the Israeli state and its continual brutal terrorism against the Palestinians that has gone on for decades.

Give to Caesar what is Caesar's.

He would not give a rat's ass about some nation.

In that he was a thinker way ahead of his time.
I've never understood, really, how anyone can NOT be nauseated by Trump -- or at least, NOT be alarmed at the depths of his personality disorders. I have heard so many times that his supporters think he's a "strong" leader and that they celebrate what most of us see as ignorant belligerence that I have to take that as plausible. But here's what slays me about conservative Christians lining up behind him... 1) You have to have read nothing about Trump to be unaware that he led the Birther movement for 6 years, i.e., he's provably a liar and a liar without any conscience. Add the hundreds + hundreds of well-documented lies he's told since Jan. '17. Christians don't know this about him? 2) Most conservative Christians I know frown on cuss words. This president calls people son of a bitch...right into the microphone, on stage, Presidential appearance! This doesn't set up a conflict in their minds? 3) Trump has said over and over how he views adversity and controversy: if someone hits you, you hit him back fifteen times harder. Excuse me, Christians, but anyone who would proudly say that has told you that he rejects your ethic and your Lord & master. Because didn't Jesus preach a lesser number of hit-backs than 15? (Actually, I give up on Trump world and the folks who don't see through him. If you don't see it by now, you're never gonna see it.)
There was no Israel as we know it in the first century.
And 25% of fetuses abort naturally,god's will?

There was a Judea and the Jews viewed as their homeland/promised land. Kinda like today. Masada isn't fiction.
Which has nothing to do regarding whether or not this purported Jesus would care about any particular nation state more so than any other. There is the 'give unto Caesar thing already mentioned as well as the parable of the Good Samaritan. Then there is John 18:36 'Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place.”'
It’d surprise you that Jesus would be anti-abortion and Pro-Israel? Really?
Jesus said nothing about abortion. Jews today do not consider it to violate mosaic law. He’d be pro Israel for sure. That’s the only thing though that we could be reasonably sure about.

Didn't Jesus advocate paying taxes to Caesar, the colonial ruler of Isreal at the time?
It’d surprise you that Jesus would be anti-abortion and Pro-Israel? Really?
Jesus said nothing about abortion. Jews today do not consider it to violate mosaic law. He’d be pro Israel for sure. That’s the only thing though that we could be reasonably sure about.

Didn't Jesus advocate paying taxes to Caesar, the colonial ruler of Isreal at the time?

Sure, and he also didn't want to work a miracle for a woman because she was a Canaanite and called her a dog. We have several contradictory books that show a contradictory Jesus. I would say there's only one overriding theme to Jesus consistent through the Gospels, and that was his concern for the poor. That is probably the single most overlooked trait of Jesus today, in my opinion.

Apparently it’s because he’s strong on national defense, Anti abortion, Pro Israel, strongly. Against Islamic terrorism, and against excessive taxation and regulation.

Jesus apparently felt the same way. It’s somewhere in the scriptures. Just can’t seem to find it.


What about Trump strikes you as particularly anti-Christian? His racism? Mistreatment of women? Disregard for human life? If you've read the Bible, you know that all of those things are hardly un-Christian.

Apparently it’s because he’s strong on national defense, Anti abortion, Pro Israel, strongly. Against Islamic terrorism, and against excessive taxation and regulation.

Jesus apparently felt the same way. It’s somewhere in the scriptures. Just can’t seem to find it.


They support him primarily because he is a white male. Second would be his xenophobia, to include his hateful demonizing of outsiders like gays and immigrants.
I've never understood, really, how anyone can NOT be nauseated by Trump -- or at least, NOT be alarmed at the depths of his personality disorders. I have heard so many times that his supporters think he's a "strong" leader and that they celebrate what most of us see as ignorant belligerence that I have to take that as plausible. But here's what slays me about conservative Christians lining up behind him... 1) You have to have read nothing about Trump to be unaware that he led the Birther movement for 6 years, i.e., he's provably a liar and a liar without any conscience. Add the hundreds + hundreds of well-documented lies he's told since Jan. '17. Christians don't know this about him? 2) Most conservative Christians I know frown on cuss words. This president calls people son of a bitch...right into the microphone, on stage, Presidential appearance! This doesn't set up a conflict in their minds? 3) Trump has said over and over how he views adversity and controversy: if someone hits you, you hit him back fifteen times harder. Excuse me, Christians, but anyone who would proudly say that has told you that he rejects your ethic and your Lord & master. Because didn't Jesus preach a lesser number of hit-backs than 15? (Actually, I give up on Trump world and the folks who don't see through him. If you don't see it by now, you're never gonna see it.)

Well, when you see him this way...


... it becomes obvious that he's been chosen by God Himself.
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