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Why the Republican sweep is no big deal.

I see Bill is getting his excuses for the inevitable 2016 republican drubbing ready early.

I think the precedent is pretty clear from my post that Republicans should win in 2016, and that's what I said in my post. However, I did point out that there were qualifiers that suggest we shouldn't put too much faith in those precedents. But that's really quite a lot different from you said I said.

Since the 2-term limit began, the parties have swapped control of the White House every eight years with only two exceptions: 1980 when Carter lost to Reagan after one term and 1988 when Bush succeeded Reagan and gave Republicans three consecutive terms. So here's another precedent that favors the Republicans but, of course, that trend has been broken in the past and could be broken in 2016.
arkirk raises an interesting fact. Turnout was low. In some places in Ohio, near a 36 year low. What is incredible, is that while the Republicans were energized, it was still that low. The Dems were neutered in Ohio. Virtually no reason to vote other than local positions (and judges... why the fuck do we vote for judges?!).
I see Bill is getting his excuses for the inevitable 2016 republican drubbing ready early.
Is it a drubbing though? Looking at the map, it isn't as easy for the Democrats as one would think. Missouri, Ohio and the like will be very hard to take back. I think that maybe 5 seats are available from all of the Republican seats up for election.

The question is who will face who in the General Election for President. Walker is a putz. Kasich may be the guy, or at least on the ticket. Two solid wins in a state the Republicans have a good shot at winning. He is really conservative, fiscally reckless, but hides it well enough to appear *cough* moderate.

I think the Dems will nominate Coakley from Massachusetts like the Republicans nominated Lincoln back in 1860 and hope for the best. I don't see Clinton getting the nomination.

Coakley? She just lost the Governorship race after previously losing the Senate in heavily Democrat Massachusetts. I think you must be confusing her with Elizabeth Warren, the native American *cough, cough* who won the Senate seat held by Scott Brown.
I think the dems could realistically take 8 of the republican seats: NH, PA, OH, IL, WI, AK, NC and FL.

But that depends on the strength of the Democrat nominee.

The question is who will face who in the General Election for President. Walker is a putz. Kasich may be the guy, or at least on the ticket. Two solid wins in a state the Republicans have a good shot at winning. He is really conservative, fiscally reckless, but hides it well enough to appear *cough* moderate.

Kasich would definitely be more dangerous than Walker. Kasich is very fiscally conservative plus I think he's just a pretty nice guy. That would play well in a general election. The problem is that he wouldn't make it out of the primaries. The republican primaries will give us an idiot like Chris Christie or Rick Perry.

I think the Dems will nominate Coakley from Massachusetts like the Republicans nominated Lincoln back in 1860 and hope for the best. I don't see Clinton getting the nomination.

Ugh, if Mass. Dems nominate Coakley again then they deserve to lose. She's a horrible candidate. My own dumb state Dem party got Crist nominated who's another horrible candidate. Rick Scott should have lost easily but the FL Dems made it easy for him by nominating former Republican-former independent Crist.

It's hard to make predictions for 2016 when we don't even know who the candidates will be. My guess is that Christie or Jeb Bush will emerge as the "establishment" guy, and Rand Paul will emerge as the conservative. Ted Cruz is too much of a lightening rod to build a broad base. Kasich is a conservative establishment guy which means he isn't much trusted by either side. Admittedly, this is a wild guess and if Romney runs again, all bets are off.
How's the weather in the dimension you are living in? Is it like what we have in this reality?

You know, the reality where the number of Executive Orders (AKA ruling by decree) was something along the lines of:
  • Nixon - 345 (5 to 6 years)
  • Ford - 168 (3 years)
  • Carter - 319 (4 years)
  • Reagan - 380 (8 years)
  • HW Bush - 165 (4 years)
  • Clinton - 363 (8 years)
  • W - 490 ( 8 years)
  • Obama - 190 (6 years)

I have grown so tired of BS.

No you have not, or you would not let politics make you drag out an obviously irrational argument. Otherwise very intelligent people can semi-consciously embrace some very dumb gambits, but you provide the same simple-minded gambit again and again, even after you have been shown why it is crazy - you seem to have a deep need to deny, to burn your bridges to reality.

While I am pretty sure you (on some level) already know (and recall) why it is dumb to offer a numerical tabulation on the numbers of executive orders as a 'counter' to the criticism of Obama's actions (or inactions) as illegal and/or unconstitutional, perhaps a few others ought to be reminded as well.

The number of EOs of a President may tell us of his willingness to use his lawful authority, but it tells us nothing whatsoever about whether or not he has exceeded his authority. Nor is every illegal Presidential decision or directive an EO. When, for example, Obama refuses to implement various provisions of PPACA, or invents bogus interpretations of other provisions, he has intentionally chosen to break with his oath and seize unconstitutional power - regardless of what Congress law approved (and he signed).
Interesting. So back to this "I'm against how he delayed parts of a law I thought shouldn't become law." thing. Otherwise umm... any other examples?

As Obama has not faithfully executed the plainly written law, and is promising to make his own immigration law, he is no longer on the line, but far over it.
Really? There is that vague reference to nothing again.

How long ago was it that Boehner said Obama should do something on his own.
John Boehner said:
There are numerous steps the president can and should be taking right now, without the need for congressional action, to secure our borders and ensure these children are returned swiftly and safely to their countries.

Yeah that whole children on the border crisis that the massive Republican majority couldn't even muster a vote on a bill thing. So Boehner says Obama should do it himself... wait no... he shouldn't... yes... he should... no he shouldn't! It'll poison the well... it'll poison all that trust the Republicans have put in Obama. Yeah. Fuck it and fuck Boehner.
He has decided to make his own law and ignore the Constitution - something a President has not done on this scale since the civil war (or perhaps Jackson and the trail of tears).
Oh... more vague references to absolutely nothing about creating actual laws by decree.

The only way to cease being tired of being confronted with the facts is to think through the issues surrounding your denial; to be aware of your motivation for repeatedly asserting nonsense counter-factuals that are on their face irrelevant to criticism of Obama.

Might it just be that Obama really likes being an autocrat, and is going to cause a major crisis, probably a constitutional crisis, if he tears up the law on the books and gives amnesty to 5 to 15 million illegal aliens, provide them taxpayer funded Obamacare, and green cards? If he can do that, he can do what he likes (as long as 1/3rd of the Senate is supportive).

At least Chavez asked his legislature for the power of law-making decree's, a nicety that Obama has not bothered with.
Chavez Godwin.
The number of EOs of a President may tell us of his willingness to use his lawful authority, but it tells us nothing whatsoever about whether or not he has exceeded his authority. Nor is every illegal Presidential decision or directive an EO. When, for example, Obama refuses to implement various provisions of PPACA, or invents bogus interpretations of other provisions, he has intentionally chosen to break with his oath and seize unconstitutional power - regardless of what Congressional law approved (and he signed).
Interesting. So back to this "I'm against how he delayed parts of a law I thought shouldn't become law." thing. Otherwise umm... any other examples?
If, by "interesting" you mean you won't be subjecting us to the 'EO' tabulation of 'non-evidence' in the future, we can move on to another endlessly repeated canard.

One's feelings about PPACA is irrelevant to the question of Obama's unlawful conduct. This is not a dispute between alternative readings of vague passages, this is an issue of routine and caviler disregard of statutory law.

Article II, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution, to which every president swears an oath, commands that the president “shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.” The President is not above the law, and he is as obligated to follow the law as is the citizenry. None the less, Obama has:

- illegally diverted a half billion in PPACA revenue from their authorized use to other purposes that lack congressional appropriation.
- He has unilaterally and repeatedly rewritten that PPACA expressly forbids him to spend.
- He has unilaterally issued blanket waivers to requirements that the PPACA does not authorize him to waive.
- He has unilaterally rewritten the statute to impose billions of dollars in taxes that the PPACA expressly forbids him to impose, and to incur billions of dollars in debt that the statute expressly forbids him to incur.
- He has unilaterally rewritten the PPACA to allow health insurance products that the statute expressly forbids. He has encouraged consumers, insurers, and state officials to violate a federal law he enacted.
- And he has taken these steps for the purpose of forestalling democratic action by the people’s elected representatives in Congress.

President Obama’s unfaithfulness to the PPACA is so wanton, it is no longer accurate to say the
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is “the law of the land.” Today, with respect to health
care, the law of the land is whatever one man says it is – or whatever this divided Congress will
let that one man get away with saying. What this one man says may flatly contradict federal
statute. It may suddenly confer benefits on favored groups, or tax disfavored groups without
representation. It may undermine the careful and costly planning done by millions of individuals
and businesses. It may change from day to day. This method of lawmaking has more in common
with monarchy than democracy or a constitutional republic.

http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMp1402641 "The Legality of Delaying Key Elements of the ACA" New England Journal of Medicine

And you wish other examples? Start here:

Examples of Obamas willful refusal to execute the laws faithfully and his usurpation of the legislative authority of Congress:

Obama's unilateral amendment, on the eve of the 2012 election, of federal law mandating notification of impending layoffs.
His unilateral amendment of the federal law requiring welfare recipients to work
His unilateral amendments of federal immigration law, including decrees of amnesty for various categories of illegal immigrants
His unilateral amendment and maladministration of the Clean Air Act in destructively regulating carbon dioxide (recently slapped down 9-0)
His defiance of congressional law and court orders in obstructing the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste project
His defiance of federal law requiring the president to address the impending insolvency of Medicare.
His usurping the constitutional authority and prerogatives of Congress The president’s usurpation of Congress’s constitutional war powers in instigating an undeclared, unauthorized, unprovoked, and ultimately disastrous war in Libya.
His making of “recess appointments” when the Senate was not in recess
His undermining of, and contempt for, Congress’s constitutional duty to conduct oversight of executive agencies funded by Congress.

His willful and repeated lieing and fraud on a wide range of executive actions:

The president’s fraudulent claim that the Benghazi massacre was caused by an anti-Islamic film, including the willful misleading of the American people, the provision of false information to Congress, and the scapegoat prosecution of the film producer.
The president’s willful misrepresentations that Americans would be able to keep their health insurance and their doctors, and that they would save rather than lose thousands of dollars, in order to secure political support for Obamacare’s enactment and conceal damaging information that would have threatened his reelection bid.
The president’s fraudulent claims about enforcement efforts against illegal immigration
The Solyndra fraud: The president’s provision of subsidies to a failing solar energy company backed by a prominent donor, his deceptive claims about its financial condition when it was preparing to sell stock to the public, and his imposition on taxpayers of millions of dollars in company losses in violation of federal law.

To say nothing of his shill, Holder, and other agencies in their refusal to obey lawful subpoenas for information on Fast and Furious, the IRS, EPA actions, and ther oversight functions.

How long ago was it that Boehner said Obama should do something on his own.
John Boehner said:
There are numerous steps the president can and should be taking right now, without the need for congressional action, to secure our borders and ensure these children are returned swiftly and safely to their countries.
And you actually think those steps included an unconstitutional usurpation of power and a failure to enforce the law? That is one of the lamest excuses I have read in sometime - be serious.

Yeah that whole children on the border crisis that the massive Republican majority couldn't even muster a vote on a bill thing. So Boehner says Obama should do it himself... wait no... he shouldn't... yes... he should... no he shouldn't! It'll poison the well... it'll poison all that trust the Republicans have put in Obama. Yeah. Fuck it and fuck Boehner.
Whether or not the Republican majority passed one bill has nothing to do with Obama's long record of faithless execution, nor his actions in quickly dispersing the illegals into the population (secretly).

At least Chavez asked his legislature for the power of law-making decree's, a nicety that Obama has not bothered with.
Chavez Godwin.
You need to read up on Godwin and the Nazi comparison in Wiki. I am sure you know that Chavez was not a Nazi, no?

And, by the way, when the analogy is accurate a mangled appeal to Godwin is just another another dodge.
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The result of the election? Harry Reid's 300 to 400 House bill blockade will finally be broken. However, Obama and the Courts will still be an obstruction to democracy and the Constitution. Obama has already made it clear that will decree laws, starting with legalization of up to 17 million illegals, the actual immigration law of the nation will be suspended. . The Courts will not check his "eminent domain" taking of law making power, and the Senate will lack the super majority needed to impeach him. If Congress disagrees they can pass a law and "if he likes it", he will let them rubber stamp his new laws.

Blockading garbage is the right thing to do. Most of what you are complaining about are bills passed just to bash Obama. Stuff that as far as I'm concerned should warrant removal from office for malfeasance.

And just because you keep bashing Obama about immigration doesn't mean he's not actually doing the job--look at the actual numbers.
The result of the election? Harry Reid's 300 to 400 House bill blockade will finally be broken. However, Obama and the Courts will still be an obstruction to democracy and the Constitution. Obama has already made it clear that will decree laws, starting with legalization of up to 17 million illegals, the actual immigration law of the nation will be suspended. . The Courts will not check his "eminent domain" taking of law making power, and the Senate will lack the super majority needed to impeach him. If Congress disagrees they can pass a law and "if he likes it", he will let them rubber stamp his new laws.

Blockading garbage is the right thing to do. Most of what you are complaining about are bills passed just to bash Obama. Stuff that as far as I'm concerned should warrant removal from office for malfeasance.

And just because you keep bashing Obama about immigration doesn't mean he's not actually doing the job--look at the actual numbers.

You're making uninformed partisan assumptions on the sinister nature of all 300 to 400 bills, Harry Reid's own motives and judgement, and ignoring what Congressional observers have already noted. Its not really in dispute; the unprecedented bill blockade was keep any legislation that some Democrats might support (or amend and then support) from being passed, risking Obama to the judgement of the people should he choose to to veto a bill. He didn't want to consider a bill, amend it, or compromise in reconciliation. He wanted shut down most business and amendments - often to the frustration of his own Party's Senators.

Those who Democrats who complain about Republican obstruction are throwing boulders from crystal palaces.
It takes two parties not to pass a bill.

I think we just had an election that demonstrates the democrats attempts to blame everything on republicans obstructing weren't particularly successful. Outside of places like this.
Blockading garbage is the right thing to do. Most of what you are complaining about are bills passed just to bash Obama. Stuff that as far as I'm concerned should warrant removal from office for malfeasance.

And just because you keep bashing Obama about immigration doesn't mean he's not actually doing the job--look at the actual numbers.

You're making uninformed partisan assumptions on the sinister nature of all 300 to 400 bills, Harry Reid's own motives and judgement, and ignoring what Congressional observers have already noted. Its not really in dispute; the unprecedented bill blockade was keep any legislation that some Democrats might support (or amend and then support) from being passed, risking Obama to the judgement of the people should he choose to to veto a bill. He didn't want to consider a bill, amend it, or compromise in reconciliation. He wanted shut down most business and amendments - often to the frustration of his own Party's Senators.

Those who Democrats who complain about Republican obstruction are throwing boulders from crystal palaces.

There have been dozens of basically repeated bills. There's no legitimate purpose served by such actions.
Blockading garbage is the right thing to do. Most of what you are complaining about are bills passed just to bash Obama. Stuff that as far as I'm concerned should warrant removal from office for malfeasance.

And just because you keep bashing Obama about immigration doesn't mean he's not actually doing the job--look at the actual numbers.

You're making uninformed partisan assumptions on the sinister nature of all 300 to 400 bills, Harry Reid's own motives and judgement, and ignoring what Congressional observers have already noted. Its not really in dispute; the unprecedented bill blockade was keep any legislation that some Democrats might support (or amend and then support) from being passed, risking Obama to the judgement of the people should he choose to to veto a bill. He didn't want to consider a bill, amend it, or compromise in reconciliation. He wanted shut down most business and amendments - often to the frustration of his own Party's Senators.

Those who Democrats who complain about Republican obstruction are throwing boulders from crystal palaces.

Nancy Pelosi did the same thing, and Boehner ended the practice when he became Speaker. McConnell has also said that he will allow votes on bills sponsored by Democrats. Reid's action had nothing to do with promoting the efficiency of Congressional functioning. It was all about protecting Obama.
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