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Why the science of intelligence matters: affirmative action for college admission but not for graduation


Veteran Member
Sep 19, 2002
Colorado, USA
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Infotheist. I believe the gods to be mere information.
Whatever suspicions you may have against the science of intelligence, one relationship was by design and can not be easily dismissed: the relationship of intelligence scores to educational achievement. Universities and colleges want high graduation rates among their students, but they also want graduates who have proved their intellect, so they typically admit based primarily on intelligence tests (SAT, ACT or GRE) and previous school grades. In other words, they want students with high IQs. Spearman's g (estimated by IQ) has about a 50% relationship to grades (Neisser et al, "Intelligence: Knowns and Unknowns", 1996) and a whopping 86% non-linear relationship to SAT scores (Frey and Detterman, "Scholastic Assessment or g?: The Relationship Between the Scholastic Assessment Test and General Cognitive Ability", 2004).

Enter the politics of affirmative action. Blacks and Hispanics are poorer than whites and Asians. Racial differences in intelligence scores don't matter (just close your eyes and make this true). So, per the eyes-closed theory, the problem of racial economic inequalities can be fixed if we push more blacks and Hispanics into college, give them degrees, and make them just as qualified as whites and Asians to compete in the economy.

Next problem: blacks and Hispanics on average score significantly lower on the SAT/ACT/GRE and have lower grades (http://www.nationsreportcard.gov/hsts_2009/race_gpa.aspx?tab_id=tab2&subtab_id=Tab_1). No problem: just lower the qualifying standards for blacks and Hispanics. A full standard deviation lower for blacks and almost as much for Hispanics.

Well, maybe it wouldn't be a problem, except the requirements are lowered for admission but NOT for graduation. Affirmative action is widespread among college admissions offices, but each instructor is the sole decider of whether a student passes or fails the respective course, and the professor is unlikely to take the same affirmative action policy as the admissions office. If the student does not pass the required courses, then the student does not graduate.

Intelligence matters in all college majors, but, in technical majors, raw intelligence matters much more. A student is highly unlikely to pass integral calculus, or statistics, or physics, if his or her intelligence scores are merely average. Those are tough courses even for the math nerds. There are exceptions, but, as a general rule, a person with seemingly near-average intelligence definitely should not be admitted to schools of such technical fields, regardless of ideological theory.

Affirmative action debates are often framed as though the policy is unfair to whites, but whites are not the greatest victims. They are not the resultant dropouts who are saddled with debt and no degree to help pay it off. When whites are not admitted to colleges for their low grades and low scores, this should be seen as a good thing for whites. They can instead go to trade schools or two-year colleges, and they can graduate easily without nearly as much debt. For those unlucky students admitted to four-year colleges without meeting the typical intelligence requirement, the outcome is likely to be much worse.

And this is not mere speculation. The data from the National Center for Education Statistics shows it (https://nces.ed.gov/programs/digest/d13/tables/dt13_326.10.asp). Six years after being admitted to college, 62% of whites graduate, but only 51% of Hispanics and 40% of blacks graduate. If this is not a depressing statistic, then it should be. It means 22% fewer blacks graduate than whites after being admitted, and a random black college freshman probably will not graduate, instead leaving college with debt. Graduating with debt can be bad. But, having debt and NOT graduating... it means that the debt is not only burdensome but completely needless and much more difficult to pay off.

I have NOT discussed the theory of the genetics of the racial intelligence differences, as that is irrelevant. Whatever the cause of racial intelligence differences may be--bad childhood education, poverty, low self-esteem, lead poisoning, poor nutrition, genetics, whatever else--it doesn't change the numbers, and intelligence scores remain significantly predictive of graduation. So, this is not a conservative reason to oppose lowering standards according to race. It is a fully liberal reason. Most importantly, it is realistic.
I think this was Ward Connerly's reason to end affirmative action - the mismatch. Is it better to use affirmative action to enroll politically-favored students in universities where it is academically more difficult for them to compete, and thus less likely for them to obtain a degree? Or should all students be admitted to universities which are at their academic level, increasing the likelihood of getting a degree?
The following are NOT intelligence tests: SAT, ACT or GRE.

And working in admissions I can tall you we are not looking for high intelligence. We are looking for good students.

African-American and Hispanic American retention is not due to ability.

And I think this sums it up!

How is this pseudoscience? If it doesn't fit a moderator's political dogma then it's cast off to the realm of the illegitimate? I suppose I'm violating the TOS by even noticing this, but use of moderator privilege in this manner kinda makes this forum a joke.

How is this pseudoscience? If it doesn't fit a moderator's political dogma then it's cast off to the realm of the illegitimate? I suppose I'm violating the TOS by even noticing this, but use of moderator privilege in this manner kinda makes this forum a joke.

It is not focusing on politics but the "science" of racial intelligence. If you can clearly relate it to politics, I'm sure the mods will oblige.
It is not merely about science, not merely about politics, but about both. Politics first--as it calling for a change in the politics to be more in touch with the science. It could have been moved to the Social Science forum, as every claim agrees with the mainstream scientific thought of the relevant field, but it wasn't. It was moved to the Pseudoscience forum: the poisoned well of the FRDB. I wonder why.
It is not merely about science, not merely about politics, but about both. Politics first--as it calling for a change in the politics to be more in touch with the science. It could have been moved to the Social Science forum, as every claim agrees with the mainstream scientific thought of the relevant field, but it wasn't. It was moved to the Pseudoscience forum: the poisoned well of the FRDB. I wonder why.

It probably has something to do with its foundation in pseudoscientific horseshit.

But I'm just guessing.
It is not merely about science, not merely about politics, but about both. Politics first--as it calling for a change in the politics to be more in touch with the science. It could have been moved to the Social Science forum, as every claim agrees with the mainstream scientific thought of the relevant field, but it wasn't. It was moved to the Pseudoscience forum: the poisoned well of the FRDB. I wonder why.

It probably has something to do with its foundation in pseudoscientific horseshit.

But I'm just guessing.
Is there any specific claim that you think disagrees with the consensus of intelligence researchers, not just your opinions? If so, then I am happy to provide the evidence more fully.
It is not merely about science, not merely about politics, but about both. Politics first--as it calling for a change in the politics to be more in touch with the science. It could have been moved to the Social Science forum, as every claim agrees with the mainstream scientific thought of the relevant field, but it wasn't. It was moved to the Pseudoscience forum: the poisoned well of the FRDB. I wonder why.

It probably has something to do with its foundation in pseudoscientific horseshit.

But I'm just guessing.

Which part, exactly?
The following are NOT intelligence tests: SAT, ACT or GRE.

Technically true, but IQ and SAT are highly correlated at about .80.

And working in admissions I can tall you we are not looking for high intelligence. We are looking for good students.

Partly true. SAT, HSGPA, honors courses taken ect., are all highly correlated with each other and all reflect how good a student a person is, in addition to large overlap with IQ.
However, Affirmative Action policies give weight to race and thus inherently devalue all objective metrics of how good a student the person is.
Blacks and Hispanics are admitted with average SAT and HSGPA scores below what white applicants are admitted with. They also take few AP and more fluff course in HS, have fewer academic-related extra curriculars, etc. IOW, nothing in their applications (other than their minority status) makes up for their low GPA and SAT scores.

51% of first year college blacks have SAT scores below 1500 (out of the 2400 composite score), while only 20% of first year whites have such low scores.
The odds that you will drop out by your 4th year in college are doubled if you enter with an SAT below 1500 versus above it.
These two facts combine to tell all rational people that most the lower retention rate for blacks is due to the lower academic standards under which they are admitted.

African-American and Hispanic American retention is not due to ability.

False. Abilities related to success in college are highly reflected by SAT and HSGPA. Also, if we define college-related "ability" not as IQ but as whatever aptitudes, skills, and commitment is reflected by SAT and HSGPA, then that ability accounts for nearly all the lower retention rates of blacks and hispanics.
When comparing blacks and whites they have similar SAT scores, their retention rates are very similar, and even slightly higher for blacks with SATs from 1500-2100 than for whites with those high scores. IOW, there is nothing about college that drives blacks out at higher rates, so long as they are adequately prepared for the intellectual work. Low SAT scoring whites and blacks are similar to each other and comprise the majority of dropouts in both groups. However, since blacks admitted to college are much more likely to have those low score they have much higher dropout rates, meaning that the excess dropout rate for blacks is explained almost completely by the extra number of blacks admitted with low SAT scores and HSGPAs, and just generally show clear signs of not being "good students".

There are some non-academic reasons why college students do not college, but most of those are more evenly spread across racial groups. The fact that the racial admissions gap has closed in while the racial graduation gap has widened is very clearly attributable to the lower academic standards used to increase admissions for minority groups by admitting students who show every sign of not being ready and/or committed to a higher education and thus predictably struggle and leave before graduating.

It is not merely about science, not merely about politics, but about both. Politics first--as it calling for a change in the politics to be more in touch with the science. It could have been moved to the Social Science forum, as every claim agrees with the mainstream scientific thought of the relevant field, but it wasn't. It was moved to the Pseudoscience forum: the poisoned well of the FRDB. I wonder why.

It probably has something to do with its foundation in pseudoscientific horseshit.

But I'm just guessing.

The current validity of general intelligence research, its relation to school achievement, and the cited stats showing that the graduation gap is due to lower admission standards is based in science that is far more established and valid than almost any data or research cited in any thread in "Political Discussions". I realize that is not a very high bar, but it is well above that bar and thus the moving of this thread to "Pseudoscience" shows gross unreasonableness unfairness, and violates everything this board claims to be about.
Which part, exactly?

You can start with its history
Suppose we were to dismiss every modern science based on its history. Those nutty astronomers think they can predict my future based on the positions of the stars. That is what Kepler believed. And the odd thing is that such condemnation would be less fallacious than judging a science based on it its perceived MORAL history. You have two fallacies wrapped up in the same burrito: moralistic fallacy and genetic fallacy. But you are not alone. Far from it. That is how the very common judgment of "pseudoscience" follows.
It probably has something to do with its foundation in pseudoscientific horseshit.

But I'm just guessing.

Which part, exactly?

I would start with some of the claims in the OP. It starts with some wild assumptions about what college admissions offices look for and attempts to tie college admissions to IQ tests. It calls admission exams IQ tests, which is demonstrably false. They test (very poorly IMHO) for college readiness.

Secondly, we can talk about the cartoon sketch of Affirmative Action which does not reflect reality.

Thirdly, there is the claim that technical majors require more intelligence which is also false. It tends to require more mathematical skills and logical thinking, but is mute on creative thinking, creative thinking, persuasion, social cognition, etc. Technical knowledge is nice because it can be objectively measured, but as memorizing all of Byron's poems it is not in and of itself intelligence.

It then moves on to equate the lack of finishing college to be due to grades. As someone who works on retaining students, grades are seldom the reason. (We would suspend them if it were.) Life situations arise, students may drop out to take care of a family member, etc. The usual reasons are time and money, not grades. (There is also a lack of bonding and feeling the outsider, but harder to quantify.) People with fewer resources drop out of college all the time.

Then this claim comes out:
"I have NOT discussed the theory of the genetics of the racial intelligence differences, as that is irrelevant."

Well if that isn't what this thread is about, please tell me what it is about, because i am missing something.
Which part, exactly?

I would start with some of the claims in the OP. It starts with some wild assumptions about what college admissions offices look for and attempts to tie college admissions to IQ tests. It calls admission exams IQ tests, which is demonstrably false. They test (very poorly IMHO) for college readiness.

Secondly, we can talk about the cartoon sketch of Affirmative Action which does not reflect reality.

Thirdly, there is the claim that technical majors require more intelligence which is also false. It tends to require more mathematical skills and logical thinking, but is mute on creative thinking, creative thinking, persuasion, social cognition, etc. Technical knowledge is nice because it can be objectively measured, but as memorizing all of Byron's poems it is not in and of itself intelligence.

It then moves on to equate the lack of finishing college to be due to grades. As someone who works on retaining students, grades are seldom the reason. (We would suspend them if it were.) Life situations arise, students may drop out to take care of a family member, etc. The usual reasons are time and money, not grades. (There is also a lack of bonding and feeling the outsider, but harder to quantify.) People with fewer resources drop out of college all the time.

Then this claim comes out:
"I have NOT discussed the theory of the genetics of the racial intelligence differences, as that is irrelevant."

Well if that isn't what this thread is about, please tell me what it is about, because i am missing something.

If SAT tests have an 86% correlation to Spearman's g, then SAT tests are not IQ tests the same way intelligent design advocates are not creationists. What is affirmative action, if not lowering the admission standards for disadvantaged races? If it means something else, then assume that I mean lowering the admission standards for disadvantaged races, as this is the common and confirmed practice of admissions offices. I will grant you that there can be other possible primary reasons for the race gaps in college admissions, but, given the dropout gap stats matching both the grade gap stats and the IQ gap stats, and the known relationship between the two, one explanation has the most explanatory power here. If disadvantaged races were NOT more likely to drop out following from a confirmed a higher rate of failing grades, then that would actually reflect a systemic educational failure. Unless you tell me that college professors practice affirmative action when assigning grades (or whatever you prefer to call it).
Correlations everywhere.

The hallmark of pseudoscience - the belief that correlation implies causation.
Correlation is not causation. But, an essential PART of every case for causation is correlation. Without correlations, there is no causation. It is not just a part of pseudoscience but a part of ALL science. If you don't believe me, then try making a rational case for a causal link between two variables without correlations. Maybe you think correlations should be omitted from science completely, in which case you would be merely a philosophical postmodernist, where all theoretical thought has nothing to do with patterns of observation.
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