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Why Trumpsters can't see the truth

Yep. The best (worst) thing FOX did was make all other news outlets suspect. Trumpies take that to a whole new level. They're already defending (along with some republicans) Trump's continuing acting as Executive Producer of "The Apprentice" even while he's president. There will be a large segment that would defend him even while the bombs fall from the sky.
Drives me crazy. I thoroughly disliked Reagan's philosophy and policies, but I got why he inspired his crowd. I thought I recognized charisma when I saw it. Trump???? He's a degenerate. Nauseating. Gives off a fetid cloud of unhinged egomania. Lied his ass off for 5 years of Birtherism. Clearly has one thing in his coarse little heart: his own image in the mirror of public adulation. How are people drawn to this human?????? How are they able to stomach the name-calling he's so addicted to? I don't get it. I don't get it. I don't get it. Again, Reagan: the aw-shucks business, the geniality, the self-deprecation. Trump: old-style bully boy bullshit; he's like the worst villain in a Capra film. I want to be able to say something positive about his fans, but I can't, even at Christmastime.

I am endlessly fascinated by the people who refuse to trust "the media" based upon missives from media which tells them to do so.

Trump continuing to take a paycheck from one of the largest media companies in the world isn't some new thing. Rush Limbaugh is syndicated by the largest radio company that has ever existed. He's been part of the "mainstream media" for a generation. Fox News is not some radical outfit either...it is part of a mainstream media conglomerate and has been so since day one. All these talk show hosts and pundits who rail against "the media" only rise to national prominence when their drivel gets picked up by a media outlet with national distribution.

Trumpsters can't see the truth because they're the kind of people who ditch McDonald's for Subway and think they're somehow doing something different.
Should it really be surprising?

His supporters are the same people who have cognitive dissonance when reality doesn't meet their pre-conceived notions. Given the choice between facts and their beliefs, they'll choose their beliefs every time.

As the saying goes, "You cannot reason someone out of something he or she was not reasoned into".

Some folks' current political stances are more like religion to them. They don't buy Trump's garbage because it makes sense. They buy it because they FEEL and BELIEVE his rhetoric.

Having such supporters is extremely dangerous. And having these sort of people on juries is very much so as well. They don't know facts from opinions.
Most people don’t want to think. They weren’t taught thinking in their upbringing, and they’re not going to start now that they know everything. So, since opinions rule, they make themselves easy targets for con artists. Whatever lie they want to hear is the lie they will believe.

You see it in creationists too. Since thinking isn’t something they do, they choose the authority they want to believe. How to judge the things other people believe? Reason it through? No, it’s easier if they’re all just liars. So, if their authority... whatever con artist says what they want to hear... says crazy shit, that crazy shit must be true. How to account for the disparity between the crazy shit and all the rest of the world? It’s all a conspiracy! The world’s conspired against them. Conspiracy theory isn’t embraced just out of boredom; they’d rather make the whole world wrong before they would consider that they are wrong.
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For many months, I have been saying that Trump is the equivalent of a cult leader and his followers will be loyal to him even if he drives them to their deaths. Those of us outside the cult don't get it because we see through the lies and realize he's mentally unstable and inconsistent. His followers latched on to his ridiculous promises and they will continue to take them on faith, just like religious fanatics continue to believe some of the crazy things they do regardless of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. This makes Trump especially dangerous, not just because of his nutty inconsistent ideas but because his hardcore followers will follow him without allowing the facts to get in the way. Some of them are so extreme that they will do things that hurt others just because they believe they are defending their leader. Think of the cult leader, Jim Jones but with a much larger following, empowered to do a lot of damage to a much larger number of people. I'm not sure anything the man does will change the minds of his most ardent followers.

Anyone else see it this way?

As far as Congress goes, I'm not sure about their motive. Do any of the Republicans have enough integrity to stand up to Trump? I've heard that perhaps Lindsey Graham won't bend to Trump, but I'm not even sure about that. Will Trump go out of his way to harm any Republican in Congress that dares to have a dissenting opinion? Will conservatives in Congress be able to manipulate Trump by flattering his ego in order to get their extreme measures passed into law? It's all very unsettling at this point. I've never seen anything like it in my lifetime.

The Trumpers in the video want “the news” not a journalist’s “twist on the news”. And so they listen to… The Angry Patriot, Breitbart, Facebook (“we talk to 1000’s of people”… said by same lady who says it’s vital to be an educated person), Drudge and Twitter.

“We’re actually thinking for ourselves!” Nope, you're inside a closed loop, trying to shut out the world and hear only what you want to hear.

The Trumpers in the video want “the news” not a journalist’s “twist on the news”. And so they listen to… The Angry Patriot, Breitbart, Facebook (“we talk to 1000’s of people”… said by same lady who says it’s vital to be an educated person), Drudge and Twitter.

“We’re actually thinking for ourselves!” Nope, you're inside a closed loop, trying to shut out the world and hear only what you want to hear.

The last quote was the best - "Ideologically you're going to go to the news source that reports one incident the way you want to hear it"

Someone who doesn't take face value what they read in the media will exercise some common sense.

.... unless they leave their mind so open that their brain falls out. Then they end up believing their grandparents were exiled by fucking aliens, Obama is a Kenyan Muslim, unemployment went up under Obama, the CIA is "the media" etc...

It's tempting to believe media that suits a persons viewpoint or opinion.

Yes, fake news sites notwithstanding. But not so tempting as say, joining a religion whose inventor admits to having made it up for profit, doing self brain surgery, or other dumb stuff. At least one has the option of watching a broad diversity of media.
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Been told not to listen to other people because they watch the "MSM". These people aren't in a political movement, they are in a cult!
Someone who doesn't take face value what they read in the media will exercise some common sense.

.... unless they leave their mind so open that their brain falls out. Then they end up believing their grandparents were exiled by fucking aliens, Obama is a Kenyan Muslim, unemployment went up under Obama, the CIA is "the media" etc...

It's tempting to believe media that suits a persons viewpoint or opinion.

Yes, fake news sites notwithstanding. But not so tempting as say, joining a religion whose inventor admits to having made it up for profit, doing self brain surgery, or other dumb stuff. At least one has the option of watching a broad diversity of media.

True. Obama was a classic and there were all types of theories of where he was.. Also claims about the Clintons being pedophiles were off the wall. The drivel in the Huffington is just another example. However it is sort of preaching to the converted. Trump's the new president so get over it; just lie back and enjoy him :)
Someone who doesn't take face value what they read in the media will exercise some common sense. It's tempting to believe media that suits a persons viewpoint or opinion.

The BBC interview counters that it's common sense. They'll take anything at face value if it agrees with their preconceived notions. Common sense, to me, would dictate that you don't hedonistically supplicate to this temptation.
Someone who doesn't take face value what they read in the media will exercise some common sense. It's tempting to believe media that suits a persons viewpoint or opinion.

The BBC interview counters that it's common sense. They'll take anything at face value if it agrees with their preconceived notions. Common sense, to me, would dictate that you don't hedonistically supplicate to this temptation.

Re: The BBC (British Brainwashing Corporation) you are would often be right. I am looking for conclusions not opinions.
The BBC interview counters that it's common sense. They'll take anything at face value if it agrees with their preconceived notions. Common sense, to me, would dictate that you don't hedonistically supplicate to this temptation.

Re: The BBC (British Brainwashing Corporation) you are would often be right. I am looking for conclusions not opinions.

Did you even try clicking the link? It was Trump supporters offering their opinion not the BBC's opinion
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