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Yet more quiet part out loud

Is there a quiet part anymore? MAGAtards are not exactly known for their subtlety or nuance.
Word is the statement was plagiarized from a Wikipedia article about German Industrial improvements in the late 19th century. So it isn't a reference to the third Reich, though the person who created it might not have known that and was intending that portrayal. Certainly has a fascist appeal, however, with the graphic presentation.
American politics are boring yet also terrifying.

What issues are there that are more important than keeping Trump out of the White House? Anything else is a distant second.

What's Trump going to say that's "shocking" that he either hasn't clearly alluded to or explicitly said?

I spent years wondering how so many people could be so stupid and I'm bored with wondering about it. I remember sometime in 2016 I had a brief phase of thinking maybe there's something more to these people than I'm giving them credit for. There wasn't. They're just hateful morons waiting for their chance to turn murderous.

It's been 8 years of this and it's so fucking old.
Trump '24... let's finish what we never bothered to get started.
American politics are boring yet also terrifying.
It went from tedium to terrifying. Trump has a shot in November. His failures, lies, crimes, trying to steal an election... he has 45% locked up popular vote. That is frightening.

As Jon Stewart and the Daily Show demonstrated, the Trump Cancel Culture of the right-wing is cannibalizing their own party into this hollow, soul-less shell of a political party. And he still has 45% of the popular vote locked up. He is faker than a $3 bill and the devotion from those he despises is steadfast and ill-minded.

The Trump movement is about absolutely nothing (other than return America to the 1910's) and it has a disturbingly fiery backing behind it.
Word is the statement was plagiarized from a Wikipedia article about German Industrial improvements in the late 19th century. So it isn't a reference to the third Reich, though the person who created it might not have known that and was intending that portrayal. Certainly has a fascist appeal, however, with the graphic presentation.
That "unified Reich" was the Second Reich, the late 19th cy. German Empire, not the Third Reich. The First Reich was the Holy Roman Empire, a loose confederation that was none of these things.
After lats debates I learned that "Good people on both sides" was actually democrat lie. Not to mention RussiaGate.
Democrats are pathological liars too.
After lats debates I learned that "Good people on both sides" was actually democrat lie.
Trump said that of the anti-Semites (or Nazis as you'd call them) protesting in Virginia early in his administration.
Not to mention RussiaGate.
Yes, the secret meeting that was disclosed by Donnie Jr. proves that there was no communication... oh wait...
Democrats are pathological liars too.
Democrats are liars, but political liars. Trump can't apparently say a single statement without making at least one thing up.
Trump said that of the anti-Semites (or Nazis as you'd call them) protesting in Virginia early in his administration.
According to snopes he did not say what democrats claimed he had said. In other words, they lied.
And I tend to believe Trump about another democrat lie he mentioned during debates - about veterans.
Yes, the secret meeting that was disclosed by Donnie Jr. proves that there was no communication... oh wait...

That's not what RussiaGate was about.

Democrats are liars, but political liars. Trump can't apparently say a single statement without making at least one thing up.
They are pathological liars ready to risk war with Russia in order to defeat Trump.
Trump's lies are less dangerous becasue they are stupid. Even his January 6 lies are less dangerous than nuclear war.
The rest of his lies are just basically trolling.
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Trump said that of the anti-Semites (or Nazis as you'd call them) protesting in Virginia early in his administration.
According to snopes he did not say what democrats claimed he had said. In other words, they lied.
As with most things in politics, yes and no. As usual, there is context, and in this case, it was Trump's delay in condemning the anti-Semites. The Charlottesville protest took place on August 11, 12. Snopes' article takes his response on the 17th! And even then, he has to work a long while to get to the point where says the nationalists were wrong.

On the 12th his account makes an across the board note on Twitter.
article said:
Then, at 1:19 p.m. in New Jersey, Trump took a break from his working vacation at his private golf club to tweet: “We ALL must be united & condemn all that hate stands for. There is no place for this kind of violence in America. Lets come together as one!”

He then follows it up with the bullshit... both sides crap.
article said:
About two hours after the president’s tweet, Trump expanded with four-minute statement that began: “We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides.” He then added for emphasis: “On many sides.”
Trump refused to call out the anti-Semitism for several days.

So while it is accurate to say Trump was misquoted in part by Democrats, Trump didn't speak out against the anti-Semitism as it happened, instead choosing a Moore-Coulter approach of both sides-ism.
Yes, the secret meeting that was disclosed by Donnie Jr. proves that there was no communication... oh wait...
That's not what RussiaGate was about.
Democrats are liars, but political liars. Trump can't apparently say a single statement without making at least one thing up.
They are pathological liars ready to risk war with Russia in order to defeat Trump.
I'm quite curious how that one works. Biden going to invade Iraq?
Trump's lies are less dangerous becasue they are stupid. Even his January 6 lies are less dangerous than nuclear war.
Anything (except a major asteroid strike) is less dangerous than nuclear war. So, the value in that is not worth measuring.
The rest of his lies are just basically trolling.
Well that and trying to overthrow elections, trying to get Ukrainian President to influence the US election sort of shit, stealing uber-secret documents, leaking shit to the Russians about Israeli security.
Not to mention RussiaGate.

No 32–04 \ vd is part of a tranche of secret Russian documents known as the Kremlin papers, allegedly leaked by insiders in the Kremlin, with a summary thought to be authored by Vladimir Symonenko. The report outlines a plan to put Donald J. Trump into the White House in 2016 to promote Russian interests and to weaken the United States. The report also discusses the existence of kompromat on Trump, so-called compromising material, according to the document, collected from Trump's previous visits to Russia.[1]

The papers describe Trump as an "impulsive, mentally unstable and unbalanced individual" who suffers from "an inferiority complex". The author recommended using "all possible force to facilitate his election to the post of US president". Based on the release, it is thought that Vladimir Putin approved of the operation on January 22, 2016, at a private meeting of the Russian national security council.[2] During that meeting, it was determined by a Russian spy agency that they would hack US targets to collect information and prepare measures towards helping Trump.[1]

Shortly after the meeting, it is believed that Putin set up a commission to influence the 2016 US presidential election headed by Russia's defense minister Sergei Shoigu. He directed GRU military intelligence, SVR foreign intelligence and the FSB to work towards electing Trump as president. Just a few months later, on March 19, Russian hackers sent phishing emails to Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman John Podesta, resulting in the Podesta emails release, followed weeks later by the Russian attack on the Democratic National Committee.[3][note 1]
Wiki The Kremlin Papers
Not to mention RussiaGate.

No 32–04 \ vd is part of a tranche of secret Russian documents known as the Kremlin papers, allegedly leaked by insiders in the Kremlin, with a summary thought to be authored by Vladimir Symonenko. The report outlines a plan to put Donald J. Trump into the White House in 2016 to promote Russian interests and to weaken the United States. The report also discusses the existence of kompromat on Trump, so-called compromising material, according to the document, collected from Trump's previous visits to Russia.[1]

The papers describe Trump as an "impulsive, mentally unstable and unbalanced individual" who suffers from "an inferiority complex". The author recommended using "all possible force to facilitate his election to the post of US president". Based on the release, it is thought that Vladimir Putin approved of the operation on January 22, 2016, at a private meeting of the Russian national security council.[2] During that meeting, it was determined by a Russian spy agency that they would hack US targets to collect information and prepare measures towards helping Trump.[1]

Shortly after the meeting, it is believed that Putin set up a commission to influence the 2016 US presidential election headed by Russia's defense minister Sergei Shoigu. He directed GRU military intelligence, SVR foreign intelligence and the FSB to work towards electing Trump as president. Just a few months later, on March 19, Russian hackers sent phishing emails to Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman John Podesta, resulting in the Podesta emails release, followed weeks later by the Russian attack on the Democratic National Committee.[3][note 1]
Wiki The Kremlin Papers
BULLSHIT. I don't even need to read that to call it bullshit.
Do you know why? I will tell you why. Your government and their media are pathological liars and there is no point in taking anything they say as truth. They lied about Alfa Bank (I know that for sure) They lied about Russian putting bounties on americans in afghanistan. They lied about what Putin said about Trump's election (again I know that for sure becasue I speak russian)
They lied about Iraq invasion. They lie about Ukraine. They lied about Biden's mental; state, even government controlled media can't hide their lies anymore. US government and media are a bunch of psychopaths and liars.
For fuck's sake. Remember Sessions, the guy from Georgia I think.
Your shithead media showed a video of him where he and russian ambassador pass each other on some receptions where they both were invited and called it a RussiaGate.
Two guys don't even look each other, most likely they don't even know each other. RussiaGate!
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As with most things in politics, yes and no
Nope. Democrats flat out lied. They lied about RussiaGate, they lied about that too.
republicans are pathological liars too. So is Trump, but as I said, his lies for the most part stupid and irrelevant.
In case of democrats they lies can get us all killed.
Not to mention RussiaGate.

No 32–04 \ vd is part of a tranche of secret Russian documents known as the Kremlin papers, allegedly leaked by insiders in the Kremlin, with a summary thought to be authored by Vladimir Symonenko. The report outlines a plan to put Donald J. Trump into the White House in 2016 to promote Russian interests and to weaken the United States. The report also discusses the existence of kompromat on Trump, so-called compromising material, according to the document, collected from Trump's previous visits to Russia.[1]

The papers describe Trump as an "impulsive, mentally unstable and unbalanced individual" who suffers from "an inferiority complex". The author recommended using "all possible force to facilitate his election to the post of US president". Based on the release, it is thought that Vladimir Putin approved of the operation on January 22, 2016, at a private meeting of the Russian national security council.[2] During that meeting, it was determined by a Russian spy agency that they would hack US targets to collect information and prepare measures towards helping Trump.[1]

Shortly after the meeting, it is believed that Putin set up a commission to influence the 2016 US presidential election headed by Russia's defense minister Sergei Shoigu. He directed GRU military intelligence, SVR foreign intelligence and the FSB to work towards electing Trump as president. Just a few months later, on March 19, Russian hackers sent phishing emails to Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman John Podesta, resulting in the Podesta emails release, followed weeks later by the Russian attack on the Democratic National Committee.[3][note 1]
Wiki The Kremlin Papers
BULLSHIT. I don't even need to read that to call it bullshit.
Do you know why? I will tell you why. Your government and their media are pathological liars and there is no point in taking anything they say as truth. They lied about Alfa Bank (I know that for sure) They lied about Russian putting bounties on americans in afghanistan. They lied about what Putin said about Trump's election (again I know that for sure becasue I speak russian)
They lied about Iraq invasion. They lie about Ukraine. They lied about Biden's mental; state, even government controlled media can't hide their lies anymore. US government and media are a bunch of psychopaths and liars.
For fuck's sake. Remember Sessions, the guy from Georgia I think.
Your shithead media showed a video of him where he and russian ambassador pass each other on some receptions where they both were invited and called it a RussiaGate.
Two guys don't even look each other, most likely they don't even know each other. RussiaGate!
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