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You who tune in to right wing media....


Jan 10, 2004
Port Clinton, Ohio
Basic Beliefs
I'm curious about the following but unwilling to invest the time to see/hear for myself:
Do commentators like Rush and Hannity and that Laura Ingram woman (if I'm spelling her name correctly) back Trump on his explanations of tariffs as some kind of bounty that America is collecting from China? The deeper we go into the Trump rabbit hole, the more amazed I am at what conservatives will accept from him. The things he's said and tweeted about tariffs this past week are, first of all, misinformed if not lies, but more importantly, they go against old-style conservative thinking. I am beyond positive that, had Obama said anything similar, the wax would have sailed out of the ears of the Fox "News" team, followed by jets of steam. Rush would have done complete broadcasts on it.
Again, I'm grateful if someone tunes into these three (or similar figures) and knows how they're fielding the subject. I haven't listened to a Rush broadcast since about 1999 -- don't know that I've ever seen more than 5 consecutive minutes of Hannity. I get a case of Tourettes when their pugnacious voices get going. So...have any of these folks actually quoted Trump boasting about the billions we're "collecting", "mostly" paid for by the Chinese? (For that matter, did any of them endorse his trope that "one way or the other" he'd make Mexico pay for his wall?)
I can't stand to listen to that stuff for more than a few minutes. I hate it when someone assumes I am an idiot and you have to be an idiot to believe most of their crap.
lately the focus on GOP TV has been a war on personalities of the numerous Democratic candidates. Since the Democrats will flip on each other with a hair trigger, they are sowing dissent between them as a focus of their broadcasts. They point out hypocrisy of their alleged ethics, and ignore the irony it poses to their man.

Regarding Tariffs, they are planting pure denial. They say that Tarrifs help America. They're great. They work. It's working now, and China is about to surrender all their assets to the US. Their "experts" say we've never done anything about China (ignoring IP laws that were created specifically to curb China's unfair business practices, and non-Tariff related sanctions that served to stop their currency manipulation practices). They say Trump is the first to do anything and what he is doing is genius and working splendidly.
It is surreal to listen to Dennis Prager defend Trump. Prager didn't want Trump. But now, he is clearly carrying water for him. The likes of Limbaugh and Hannity are completely backing the guy. It is unbelievable that they are backing his anti-conservative policies. Limbaugh hated George HW Bush.
Chalk it all up to stupidity, loyalty, emotionalism, fear, hate, all those things that folks who follow their emotions and not rational thoughts are prone to do.

Trump has already explained to all of us how Mexico has already paid for the wall many times over and will again and again. See? Brilliant! So China is the same way. Even though all those tariffs are paid by the importers, and not the exporters, China is already paying out the nose like Mexico. Easy peasy.

It has been said that China needs us more than we need China. I believe that to be true so these tariffs are actually working in reverse.
Having an argument on FB right now with a woman who claims to have majored in political science but thinks that Bush II's economic conditions were far better than Obama's. Here's a link if you want to view the idiocy:


Kind of reminds me early in Bush's term, they were proudly proclaiming how unemployment was lower under Bush than it was under Clinton at the same point in their presidency. Totally ignoring how it went from a high under Bush I, decreasing under Clinton, to raising back up under Bush II. Practically a real world example of 'being born on third base and claiming hit a triple'.
Having an argument on FB right now with a woman who claims to have majored in political science but thinks that Bush II's economic conditions were far better than Obama's. Here's a link if you want to view the idiocy:

There are people that thought the economy was worse in 2016 than in 2008. Partisanship and blaming aside, not blaming W for the '08 crash... the economy was much worse off in '08 than in '16. This is as indisputible as saying water is wet. But these people have ingested unhealthy amounts of anti-left propaganda (can't even call it right-wing propaganda because these stewards of the AM Radio and Fox News/Newsmax/etc... have become apolitical in their own right), that simple truths are disputable. These people are dangerously detached from political reality, that it can be said that they are delusional.
The GM plant in Lordstown, Ohio... also known as the area that flip flopped from Obama to Trump... lost about 1,400 to 1,700 jobs when it closed.

This month, Trump let loose on Twitter about GM selling the Lordstown Plant to a small Electric truck company in Cincinnati. This was a deal that wasn't even closed yet, not really even close to being closed due to the company being really small, possibly adding 300 jobs, and desperate to win a contract to build vehicles for the USPS. Even the GOP Governor Dewine was a bit (very) hesitant to attaboy the deal... seeing how undone it is at the moment.

So lose over a thousand and gain a few hundred... and Trump is quick to call it a win.
It is surreal to listen to Dennis Prager defend Trump. Prager didn't want Trump. But now, he is clearly carrying water for him. The likes of Limbaugh and Hannity are completely backing the guy. It is unbelievable that they are backing his anti-conservative policies. Limbaugh hated George HW Bush.
Yes, one does have to marvel at how the Never Trumpers have turned around so much.
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