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Gavin Newsom 2024?!


Let's Go Brandon!
Jan 8, 2015
West Hollywood
Basic Beliefs
So the governor of California, the insufferable prick Gavin Newsom, seems to have started paving his way to a presidential nomination for 2024. The clown is running ads in Florida trash talking De Santis and the GOP.

For a time, polls showed Newsom could lose the recall vote and be replaced by a talk radio host. Merely reaching the threshold of enough signatures to force a recall vote indicates a significant dislike for a governor in a state the size of California. A state that was formerly a symbol of economic vibrancy has descended into a dystopian, third-world wasteland on his watch. Income inequality has skyrocketed. So many people left that the state was lucky to only lose one congressional district. So, well, it’s still sort of laughable to think Newsom could win a general election. But, he could be well-positioned to win the Democratic presidential nomination. Many things have to happen. A lot of Democrats don’t want President Joe Biden to run for a second term. But the alternative, Vice President Kamala Harris, is even more alarming to Democrats looking at her favorable ratings. If Biden opts not to run for age or health reasons, Democrat heavyweights might seek a way to give Harris a soft landing, with a high-paying corporate board seat or a more noble post as a president of an Ivy League university.


Newsom has fucked up just about everything he touched. How the hell could he fix Brandon's fuck ups?
Trash talking Desantis and the GOP ain't exactly a heavy lift. Florida is one of those many, many red states that takes far more in federal money than they contribute. California kicks Florida's ass on per capita GDP. Handling of the pandemic? California's Covid death rate per 100k? 235. The home of every Florida Man ever? 353? Way to go Ron! More vacancies at the retirement homes! Poverty rate? Florida's is 13.6% (17th highest), while California - that dystopian hellscape - is actually lower at 12.8%. There are a lot of metrics whereby the largest sub-national economy in the world beats the state which would rank 10 spots lower if compared to other national economies (California at #6, Florida at #16), but Desantis claims his state has more freedoms than Gavin's.

Really? I guess "feel free to shut the fuck up about your sexuality and don't teach our kids about racism" counts as liberty in your book.
More freedoms? That's a joke.

I don't care for Newsom as a person, but he's been a competent governor; if he runs in 2024, I can get behind that, especially if Biden isn't running. But it sounds like Biden also thinks he is running.
Dystopian? California?

Florida loves their scum. Florida, they elected a guy who committed hundreds of millions in Medicare fraud. DeSantis helped Florida have one of the highest death per capitas over Covid... for political reasons. And now students and teachers at Public colleges need to file forms on political beliefs. Yeah... California is the dystopian state? No, Florida apparently is walking gleefully into that role.
I don't care for Newsom as a person, but he's been a competent governor;

Newsom competent? Homelessness up and getting worse, people and businesses leaving the state, rolling brown outs, wildfires caused by his buddies at PG&E, a corrupt "high speed rail project", draconian lockdowns that defy the actual science and massive fraud to the cost of billions of dollars and zero investment in stuff we actually need like water. The insufferable prick was facing being recalled had Larry Elder not stuck his oar in.

Yeah, looking forward to this prick taking a shot at running the country.
California: the only way to get a Republican to (albeit obliquely) admit to the horrors of income inequality.
Florida, the state where everyone runs at the slightest sound in downtown Orlando because they're afraid it's a mass shooting only to vote for more gun-loving leaders.
So the governor of California, the insufferable prick Gavin Newsom, seems to have started paving his way to a presidential nomination for 2024. The clown is running ads in Florida trash talking De Santis and the GOP.
I forced myself to read your horseshit article and that's one hell of a reach.

You just love fringe lunatic conspiracies, don't you?
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