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Is Satan Happy? How Happy? Extremely Happy?

T.G.G. Moogly

Traditional Atheist
Mar 18, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Despite the orthodox line on Satan from christians that the guy is on the lam, for all appearances he is free and doing anything he wants. Sin began in heaven when Satan refused to be an obedient slave. For that he got tossed but only after quite the insurrection. When his lonely former master later created men there he was again. And he was able once again to talk us out of our obedient enslavement for which we ostensibly got banished from Plantation Pious.

The line is that when the world ends he and his merry band will be dealt with. But in the meantime he doesn't appear to be in much of a pinch. Should we really believe that Satan is miserable or are christians doing more than a bit of projecting?
That’s kind of an entertaining take. I have always wondered why the god suffers him to live. The, you know, omnipotent god.
It makes one wonder if Genesis 50:19-21 was no longer acceptable for explaining evil. Bad happens, but God makes good of it. Look at Joseph!

The Tanakh had no problem making man the heel. So much of it is shitting on the Hebrews and why they screwed up and deserve whatever hell they are going through now.

Christianity most certainly has no problem saying man is fallen (our Holy defect and why we need their product of Christ... sounds kind of circular), but Christianity indeed has a huge problem with the origin of it. Man can't be fallen because of Man, it had to be something else. Oh, and let's blame all evil on that too!

It is difficult to understand the need for this change. I suppose part of it is the marketing.

Jesus Solicitor: We need to follow Jesus.
Jewish: What?
Jesus Solicitor: We need to follow Jesus.
Jewish: Who is Jesus?
Jesus Solicitor: That Jewish guy.
Jewish: We need to follow a Jewish person? Aren't we following the same god?
Jesus Solicitor: Well yeah.
Jewish: And I follow his rules and commandments.
Jesus Solicitor: Well yeah, but...
Jewish: Did he have any other rules?
Jesus Solicitor: Well no but...
Jewish: Why is there a need for anything else?
Jesus Solicitor: ...

Jesus Solicitor: So then he was all like, aren't we following the same god... and I had nothing.
Another Jesus Solicitor: Crap. Makes it sound like we are a silly cult when you look at it that way. We are saying to follow a guy that is following their god.
*one month later*

Jesus Solicitor: We need to be saved by Jesus.
Jewish: Saved from what?

*two months later*

Jesus Solicitor: We need to be saved by Jesus.
Jewish: Saved from what?
Jesus Solicitor: Eternal damnation.
Jewish: What the heck is that?!
Jesus Solicitor: You get punished for eternity by Satan.
Jewish: The census guy? I'm going to get tortured for eternity by the guy who god had run a census?

*five years later*

That’s kind of an entertaining take. I have always wondered why the god suffers him to live. The, you know, omnipotent god.
Back in the days of Genesis, God hadn't yet become omnipotent.
Or omnipresent or any of that stuff.

Heck, He wasn't even sure what was going on in Sodom. He had to send a team of investigators.
GB Shaw wrote in one of his plays "the evil love it in Hell. it was made for them"
Don't know if that makes Satan happy or he's a really good guy or what.
I'm sure that like like most folk he's easier to be around when he's happy.
That’s kind of an entertaining take. I have always wondered why the god suffers him to live. The, you know, omnipotent god.
Back in the days of Genesis, God hadn't yet become omnipotent.
Or omnipresent or any of that stuff.
Huh? He foresees the Egyptian captivity in Genesis, creates the universe in Genesis. Pretty powerful, pretty all knowing.
Heck, He wasn't even sure what was going on in Sodom. He had to send a team of investigators.
Some of that is literary need. Can't try to rape god... if you can't get to god. There is question as to the rhetorical nature of his questions regarding where Cain be at or why fig leaves be covering up the naughty bits of the man and woman. But certainly, God seemed without limits in Genesis. Created existence as we know it (twice), flooded the entire area killing most of everything, cancelled Firefly.
I think the ancient writers wrote in the character as would a fiction writer today. A character to represent something. A character to make the plot work. Protagonist and antagonist.

The only way the bible makes sense outside of the historical ethnic aspects is allegory.
I think the ancient writers wrote in the character as would a fiction writer today. A character to represent something. A character to make the plot work. Protagonist and antagonist.

The only way the bible makes sense outside of the historical ethnic aspects is allegory.
But remember, the more ancient version doesn't have Satan as this heel to Yahweh. The Jesus cult invented that or at least popularized it.
I think the ancient writers wrote in the character as would a fiction writer today. A character to represent something. A character to make the plot work. Protagonist and antagonist.

The only way the bible makes sense outside of the historical ethnic aspects is allegory.
But remember, the more ancient version doesn't have Satan as this heel to Yahweh. The Jesus cult invented that or at least popularized it.
Satan exists in the Hebrew Scriptures, he's just a very different figure.
That is what I said, Satan isn't the heel to Yahweh. I reference that in my first post too as the Jesus cult members try to figure out how to sell Jesus.
As is made pretty clear in Genesis 3, while Mankind is subject to God Yahweh, Woman is the servant of Satan.

This is, at least indirectly, one reason why there have been calls to ban the Bible in one of the Mormon states.

The Song of Songs (which is Solomon's) contains vivid descriptions of fellatio and cunnilingus, which are praised by the Bible because of the lover's fidelity even though King Solomon himself had 700 wives and 300 concubines, far more than most Mormons. But elsewhere in the Old Testament, promiscuous fellatio is treated ambiguously when committed by Satan's servant:
Proverbs 30:18-20 said:
There be three things which are too wonderful for me, yea, four which I know not:
The way of an eagle in the air; the way of a serpent upon a rock; the way of a ship in the midst of the sea; and the way of a man with a maid.
Such is the way of an adulterous woman; she eateth, and wipeth her mouth, and saith, I have done no wickedness.

In such wise, all the Abrahamic religions for many centuries have endeavoured to suppress the power and spirit of women.
As is made pretty clear in Genesis 3, while Mankind is subject to God Yahweh, Woman is the servant of Satan.
What? There is a serpent in Genesis 3... there ain't no one by the name of Satan in Genesis 3.
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The book of Job has God and satan canoodling together in heaven having a friendly wager over the faithfullness of Job, with satan being obedient as to how to deal with Job, following instructions as ordered.....
Someone suggested to me that Satan is akin to Slugworth, from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. He appears sinister and claims to be in opposition to Willie Wonka, but in fact reports to and is in cahoots with the Big Kahuna himself.
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Who is more evil in the book of Job, God or his minion satan? It seems that it was God who raised the subject of Job and set the wheels in motion....
The book of Job has God and satan canoodling together in heaven having a friendly wager over the faithfullness of Job, with satan being obedient as to how to deal with Job, following instructions as ordered.....
Did Satan bet another solid gold violin, or did god already win them all (other than the one Johnny got off him)? what was Satan going to get if he won the bet? God’s soul?
lol, there is no satan. so what ever we want to believe to make us feel better ... go for it.
The book of Job has God and satan canoodling together in heaven having a friendly wager over the faithfullness of Job, with satan being obedient as to how to deal with Job, following instructions as ordered.....
Did Satan bet another solid gold violin, or did god already win them all (other than the one Johnny got off him)? what was Satan going to get if he won the bet? God’s soul?

And there I was thinking the Harp was the favourite instrument in heaven.
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