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Hillary and the 9/11 ceremony


Aug 19, 2002
Atlanta, GA
Basic Beliefs
Apparently she had to leave early due to a "medical episode".
Hillary Clinton not feeling well, leaves 9/11 event early
Clinton News Network is, of course, playing it down. But consider, she is 69 and had a blood clot 4 years ago. If she is unable to continue, who will replace her? Will it be Tim Kaine? Will there be an emergency convention (which will probably nominate Biden)? What will Sandernistas think of being passed over yet again?
She says she was overheated.
It's only low 80s in NYC right now, and humidity is not high. Seems actually quite a pleasant Sunday. And of course it was less warm in the morning when she had her episode.
I buy that she overheated, I do not buy that her getting overheated in these circumstances is normal.
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She says she was overheated.
It's only low 80s in DC right now, and of course it was less warm in the morning when she had her episode.
I buy that she overheated, I do not buy that her getting overheated in these circumstances is normal.

Why won't the Rump release his medical records or tax returns? What do you think he is hiding?
Why won't the Rump release his medical records or tax returns? What do you think he is hiding?
Just like Hillary, a lot. But he is not in much danger of winning, she is. Also, this is a thread about her. There are about a gazzilion threads about Trump already.

Not a good week for Hillary. First the Deplorablesgate, now Faintghazi.
For the record, Hillary Clinton is 68 years old. She turns 69 on October 26 of this year. Donald Trump is 70.

There are many reasonable possible explanations for her becoming over-heated that do not mean she is physically incapable of performing her duties as POTUS if elected.. One is that she has a cold or a slight fever. Another is that she is fatigued today. Not that the HRC haters are going to grant any of these possibilities are reasonable.
Apparently she had to leave early due to a "medical episode".
Hillary Clinton not feeling well, leaves 9/11 event early
Clinton News Network is, of course, playing it down. But consider, she is 69 and had a blood clot 4 years ago. If she is unable to continue, who will replace her? Will it be Tim Kaine? Will there be an emergency convention (which will probably nominate Biden)? What will Sandernistas think of being passed over yet again?

If she is unable to continue because of her health, which is not likely, that's what the chain of succession is for.

The woman is not young. You can abruptly get sick over any little thing. My grandma would get nauseous if she suddenly smelled perfume.
Apparently she had to leave early due to a "medical episode".
Hillary Clinton not feeling well, leaves 9/11 event early
Clinton News Network is, of course, playing it down. But consider, she is 69 and had a blood clot 4 years ago. If she is unable to continue, who will replace her? Will it be Tim Kaine? Will there be an emergency convention (which will probably nominate Biden)? What will Sandernistas think of being passed over yet again?

If she is unable to continue because of her health, which is not likely, that's what the chain of succession is for.

The woman is not young. You can abruptly get sick over any little thing. My grandma would get nauseous if she suddenly smelled perfume.

HRC picked a very competent vice president: Kaine. Kaine would do fine if HRC were to step down.
If she is unable to continue because of her health, which is not likely, that's what the chain of succession is for.

The woman is not young. You can abruptly get sick over any little thing. My grandma would get nauseous if she suddenly smelled perfume.

HRC picked a very competent vice president: Kaine. Kaine would do fine if HRC were to step down.

There you go. No problem then.
Why won't the Rump release his medical records or tax returns? What do you think he is hiding?
Just like Hillary, a lot.

Uh... did you know that HRC's tax returns for the last twenty years have been released and that her medical records are quite public? Apparently you are watching too much faux news.

But he is not in much danger of winning, she is.

Well, one of them is going to win. I hope it's not the cheeto-faced serial con artist, because he'd probably appoint some mini-Putin to the Supreme court.

Not a good week for Hillary. First the Deplorablesgate, now Faintghazi.

Yeah, that's going to dominate the news cycles... for ten minutes or so. She's not as entertaining as Trumples, and we already know about everything there is to know about her. But her opponent is a mystery - completely incoherent, obviously incompetent and has a fairly well-covered lifelong history of dirty dealings just waiting to be made public.
She says she was overheated.
It's only low 80s in NYC right now, and humidity is not high. Seems actually quite a pleasant Sunday. And of course it was less warm in the morning when she had her episode.
I buy that she overheated, I do not buy that her getting overheated in these circumstances is normal.

You don't get over any serious illness by resting for an hour.

Campaigning is grueling.

Much less strenuous than sitting in the White House talking to people.

This is really reaching considering Trump fits the physical description of elderly men that have heart attacks.

He is obese and red faced.
Sick or not, Hillary just has to survive for two more months. After that Tim Kaine could take over and it would still be better than Trump.

The biggest risk of possible complications is if she screws up the debates somehow.
How come no one ever speculates on the real reasons for Drumpf's orange tint? Or that maybe Drumpf seems incapable of constructing a complete thought or sentence because he is 70? Hmmmm.
Is it true that we had a President who was shot nearly point-blank in the chest?

A lot of people questioned if he was fit to serve any more. It's good we did the prudent thing and pressured him to resign and let someone younger and fitter do the job for the next seven years.
Hillary is in good health. She may not have been drinking enough fluids prior to the event, or maybe her clothing was too warm or she was standing in direct sunlight. She's fine now. I see this as another stupid, sexist attempt to try and make a very qualified candidate look bad. We know nothing about Trump's health except that he exhibits many symptoms of mental illness and apparently suffers from sleep deprivation, since he spends a lot of time sending tweets in the middle of the night. Sleep deprivation can lead to serious health issues, and I find Trump's symptoms a lot more of a potential problem than Clinton getting a little overheated at an outdoor event.

And shit. Gary Johnson didn't even know what Aleppo was. Does he never read a newspaper? He and Trump seem to be very poorly informed candidates when you compare them to Clinton.
Shocking, just shocking. Trump keeps being correct. Maybe Uncle Joe will save the Democrats.
How come no one ever speculates on the real reasons for Drumpf's orange tint? Or that maybe Drumpf seems incapable of constructing a complete thought or sentence because he is 70? Hmmmm.

I think there's a ton of dirt on Dumpf that has yet to come out. His bribery of the Atty Generals in FL and TX has been barely mentioned, his fraudulent "university" has not been fully prosecuted, and there are myriad small business people waiting in the wings to tell their stories of being ripped off. Not to mention his taxes (which he will NEVER release) and his medical records...
His cheeto-face is very low on the list.
When McCain was running his age and health were said to be serious issues. But Clinton's age, history of concussion, and now obvious health issues are not a big deal. Hypocrisy is wonderful!

Sneak peak of WEEKEND AT HILLARY'S, coming this fall to a presidential debate near you.

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When McCain was running his age and health were said to be serious issues. But Clinton's age, history of concussion, and now obvious health issues are not a big deal. Hypocrisy is wonderful!

Sneak peak of WEEKEND AT HILLARY'S, coming this fall to a presidential debate near you.

Yea, having Palin as president scared the bejesus out of most people! Kaine seems pretty workable. BTW: I'd take Palin over Trumpster....
When McCain was running his age and health were said to be serious issues. But Clinton's age, history of concussion, and now obvious health issues are not a big deal. Hypocrisy is wonderful!

Sneak peak of WEEKEND AT HILLARY'S, coming this fall to a presidential debate near you.

Yea, having Palin as president scared the bejesus out of most people! Kaine seems pretty workable. BTW: I'd take Palin over Trumpster....

That's still hypocrisy.

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