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Hillary and the 9/11 ceremony

Yea, having Palin as president scared the bejesus out of most people! Kaine seems pretty workable. BTW: I'd take Palin over Trumpster....

That's still hypocrisy.
It would hypocrisy if Kaine scared the bejesus out of most people. Otherwise, worrying about the age and health of a candidate if the replacement is totally unacceptable is not hypocritical but rational thinking.
That's still hypocrisy.
It would hypocrisy if Kaine scared the bejesus out of most people. Otherwise, worrying about the age and health of a candidate if the replacement is totally unacceptable is not hypocritical but rational thinking.

Either the health of a candidate matters or it doesn't.

BTW, it was in the low 70's at the time Weekend at Hillary's was filmed. "Overheating." Yeah, right.

If humans were rational creatures, the time and place of Clinton’s “overheating” wouldn’t matter at all. But when it comes to American psychology, there is no more powerful symbol of terrorism and fear than 9-11 . When a would-be Commander-in-Chief withers – literally – in front of our most emotional reminder of an attack on the homeland, we feel unsafe. And safety is our first priority.

Hillary Clinton just became unelectable.

The mainstream media might not interpret today’s events as a big deal. After all, it was only a little episode of overheating. And they will continue covering the play-by-play action until election day. But unless Trump actually does shoot someone on 5th Avenue, he’s running unopposed.


This video is proof that Clinton is clearly not healthy enough to be President. I'm going to vote for the older guy who's doctor wrote a terrific note about his health.
Yea, having Palin as president scared the bejesus out of most people! Kaine seems pretty workable. BTW: I'd take Palin over Trumpster....

That's still hypocrisy.

The Web is quick:

You seem a bit uncertain as to the meaning of hypocrisy.
How come no one ever speculates on the real reasons for Drumpf's orange tint? Or that maybe Drumpf seems incapable of constructing a complete thought or sentence because he is 70? Hmmmm.

I think there's a ton of dirt on Dumpf that has yet to come out. His bribery of the Atty Generals in FL and TX has been barely mentioned, his fraudulent "university" has not been fully prosecuted, and there are myriad small business people waiting in the wings to tell their stories of being ripped off. Not to mention his taxes (which he will NEVER release) and his medical records...
His cheeto-face is very low on the list.

All of this is meaningless though. None of these things will sway Trump's supporters.

Unless he reverses on path-to-citizenship, or there's an October surprise video of him praying in a mosque he will maintain the level of support he currently has.
I think there's a ton of dirt on Dumpf that has yet to come out. His bribery of the Atty Generals in FL and TX has been barely mentioned, his fraudulent "university" has not been fully prosecuted, and there are myriad small business people waiting in the wings to tell their stories of being ripped off. Not to mention his taxes (which he will NEVER release) and his medical records...
His cheeto-face is very low on the list.

All of this is meaningless though. None of these things will sway Trump's supporters.

Truest thing he has said to date was that line about shooting someone on 5th avenue and not losing any supporters. Shows what HE thinks of them.

Unless he reverses on path-to-citizenship, or there's an October surprise video of him praying in a mosque he will maintain the level of support he currently has.

Even those things won't sway the Trumpsters - they don't care if he's a .... whatever - murderer, for instance. Their "support" is based on an unwavering irrational hatred of Clinton. I'm no fan of Hillary, but I also don't buy the shrill talking points that drive the Trumplers.
This video is proof that Clinton is clearly not healthy enough to be President. I'm going to vote for the older guy who's doctor wrote a terrific note about his health.
That's still hypocrisy.

The Web is quick:

You seem a bit uncertain as to the meaning of hypocrisy.

Does a candidate's health matter or not? Or is it that it only matters when you dislike a candidate? Trump/Johnson/Stein haven't had these public health episodes.

Clinton's logo makes sense now.

Does a candidate's health matter or not? Or is it that it only matters when you dislike a candidate? Trump/Johnson/Stein haven't had these public health episodes.

Getting overheated is not a health episode. Coughing is not a health episode.

Trump is obese, can barely walk, and his face is bloated and red (underneath the orange die he puts on). He is a massive heart attack waiting to happen.
It's OK to get sick.

It's not a crime last time I looked.

But I suppose Trump supporters want Hillary to do time for that too.

Does a candidate's health matter or not? Or is it that it only matters when you dislike a candidate? Trump/Johnson/Stein haven't had these public health episodes.

Getting overheated is not a health episode. Coughing is not a health episode.

Trump is obese, can barely walk, and his face is bloated and red (underneath the orange die he puts on). He is a massive heart attack waiting to happen.

Yes, nobody questions Donnie's odd and bloated looks.

Last time someone had a 'tan' like that, it was Kennedy who was diagnosed with Addison's Disease.

Last time someone had a bloated and red face like that it was another Kennedy who was an alcoholic.
It was a nice day here, but it was hot in direct sunlight.

Funny HRC obliging Trump by contracting pneumonia.

I'll be surprised if it's more than a blip.
It would hypocrisy if Kaine scared the bejesus out of most people. Otherwise, worrying about the age and health of a candidate if the replacement is totally unacceptable is not hypocritical but rational thinking.

Either the health of a candidate matters or it doesn't.
Nope. Your response is an example of the fallacy of the excluded middle. And, it ignores the VP effect. But I realize rationality is lost on Clinton haters and Trump supporters.
Tim Kaine is still better than Trump. Some people might actually switch from Trump to Clinton on the chance of Clinton not serving a full term.
It was a nice day here, but it was hot in direct sunlight.

Funny HRC obliging Trump by contracting pneumonia.

I'll be surprised if it's more than a blip.

It's also probably why she was coughing.

I like heroes that don't get captured.

I like people that don't get pneumonia.
Is it true that we had a President who was shot nearly point-blank in the chest?

A lot of people questioned if he was fit to serve any more. It's good we did the prudent thing and pressured him to resign and let someone younger and fitter do the job for the next seven years.

Being shot in the chest is survivable. Trace Adkins - a country singer who was on Trump's show The Celebrity Apprentice - was shot in the chest once. Bullet passed through both lungs and his heart. He played a show in town just a few weeks ago. He's a bit of a grouch, but otherwise okay.
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