When a science is suppressed, it means a lost opportunity for scientific advancement. The lost opportunity can not be directly seen until the suppression is lifted and the science is allowed to progress. Until then, the science reaches a dead end, and the best path of potential progress is treated as just another one of many dead ends. A few years ago, an intelligence researcher hypothesized that the Flynn effect (the rise of IQ 2-3 points per decade over the last century) could be caused by a secular shift in the frequency of epigenetic marks for intelligence. As time progresses, the genetic variants for intelligence have been activated and expressed. I would like to generalize this hypothesis, as it isn't just intelligence, but there have been many other secular shifts over the last century: bodily stature, brain size, cranium size, fertility, and violence. They have tended to be in the direction of greater K selection, per the theory of JP Rushton. He theorized that races differentiate according to r/K selection, with higher IQ and lighter skinned races being more K selected. The most plausible environmental trigger for such epigenetic K selection would seem to be a progressively lower rate of observed death. Less death would mean greater K selection, an evolutionary reason to immediately invest in the K traits. My hypothesis would build on Rushton's theory, and, if true, the hypothesis would have the potential to enable epigenetic engineering for a large array of K selected traits, which tend to be more desirable. If I were to take the hypothesis almost anywhere, then it would be immediately shut down because it is racist. According to you, I presume this is exactly the way it should be.