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Feminist podcast


Nov 28, 2007
Basic Beliefs
I've not read up on what's happened within feminism since the 80'ies. My knowledge ends with Camille Paglia. I got the bright idea to fix that today.

I like podcasts. Since there is at least one podcast on every subject where some nerd burns through important ideas and people, I thought there would be one on feminist theory. Nope. At least none that I found.

They all just seems to be some offended lady or ladies being offended and ranting about shit, they think is obvious, but spend no time explaining, and give me no information to look it up if I'm interested to learn more. A lot of these ladies use overly long words, I'm pretty sure they don't understand.

If anybody knows of a feminist podcast where they explain feminist theory, please let me know? I want something that goes into nerd depths. Perhaps gender study lectures online? I don't need help with superficial knowledge. There's no shortage of superficial lectures and podcasts.
Feminism is the belief that Females should be considered equal to Males with respect to legal standing, except in cases of alleged rape, in which case Females have more rights than Males.

Does that help?
Feminism is the belief that Females should be considered equal to Males with respect to legal standing, except in cases of alleged rape, in which case Females have more rights than Males.

Does that help?

So if we fail to blame the females when they are raped, that is the same thing as giving women more rights than men?


Could you spell out how that argument works? I'm sure this will be fascinating.

- - - Updated - - -

I apologise for the straw man fallacy!

Of course the woman-haters are not blaming the victims. Instead they are pointing out that the rapes would not have happened if not for the careless actions of the victims, which is totally different from blaming!

How stupid of me to forget. Can you forgive me for my bad logic? I forgot to use woman-hater logic.
Wait! I think I got it!

When a man rapes a woman, in a tiny percentage of cases, the man goes to jail, even though the woman clearly caused the rape in the first place, therefore in cases of rape, the evil feminazis persecute men by giving special rights to women.

It all makes sense now!
I've not read up on what's happened within feminism since the 80'ies. My knowledge ends with Camille Paglia. I got the bright idea to fix that today.

I like podcasts. Since there is at least one podcast on every subject where some nerd burns through important ideas and people, I thought there would be one on feminist theory. Nope. At least none that I found.

They all just seems to be some offended lady or ladies being offended and ranting about shit, they think is obvious, but spend no time explaining, and give me no information to look it up if I'm interested to learn more. A lot of these ladies use overly long words, I'm pretty sure they don't understand.

If anybody knows of a feminist podcast where they explain feminist theory, please let me know? I want something that goes into nerd depths. Perhaps gender study lectures online? I don't need help with superficial knowledge. There's no shortage of superficial lectures and podcasts.

I did something similar recently. I followed 'Everyday Feminism' and 'Feministing' on Facebook for a while, hoping to glean more insight about it. In general, I'm pretty knowledgeable about it's history and theory, but it's always nice to fill in the blind spots.

But as active as I am for women's rights, and appreciative of the need for feminism, I found the same as you. A lot of the articles were pure nonsense and could easily be debunked by applying logic for a minute or two. If I waited long enough eventually there'd be a useful gem, but for the most part the pages were filled with half-baked ideas, and commented on by droves of largely angry women.

So that said, I don't think you're going to find what you're looking for. The state of 'popular' feminism in 2017 is filled with many good ideas, but also a lot of ideas that don't make a lot of sense, and many angry women who are more interested in asserting themselves than looking for common ground or seeing reason. In fairness, I don't mean to suggest that feminism itself is particularly stupid, but rather that feminists happen to be human beings, and human beings are stupid, so in consequence adherents of feminism are often just as dumb as adherents of any other ideology.

Even if someone wanted to make a more progressive feminist podcast that was grounded in reality it would likely fail because many of the main lines of thought are just taken as religious fact, and can not be questioned for fear of shaming. It's a philosophy as much as it is a lifestyle, and one of those things where it seems you're either in, or out. Believe the right things, or you're not a feminist.

Ok I'm ranting a bit, but there you are. I could go on.
Did you try iTunes U?
I've not read up on what's happened within feminism since the 80'ies. My knowledge ends with Camille Paglia. I got the bright idea to fix that today.

I like podcasts. Since there is at least one podcast on every subject where some nerd burns through important ideas and people, I thought there would be one on feminist theory. Nope. At least none that I found.

They all just seems to be some offended lady or ladies being offended and ranting about shit, they think is obvious, but spend no time explaining, and give me no information to look it up if I'm interested to learn more. A lot of these ladies use overly long words, I'm pretty sure they don't understand.

If anybody knows of a feminist podcast where they explain feminist theory, please let me know? I want something that goes into nerd depths. Perhaps gender study lectures online? I don't need help with superficial knowledge. There's no shortage of superficial lectures and podcasts.

Camille Paglia is still going strong after all these years. She's bright, seems well informed, but is not a big fan of modern third wave feminism, with its victim mentality and man blaming/hating. She doesn't do podcasts that I know of, but I've watched a few of her videos on YouTube (both new and old), so you may have to just stick with videos instead. She can be hard to listen to though, as she talks so fast. She's like the human female version of Porky Pig. I do recall having seen some older videos of hers where she talks a bit about feminist history and theory, but you'll have to dig that up.

Christina Hoff-Sommers is worth listening to. She doesn't have a podcast that I know of, but she has produced a series of videos on YouTube called "The Factual Feminist", and is pretty good about providing sources and references. She debunks a lot of the feminist myths and propaganda that just won't die (e.g. the wage gap). Like Camille Paglia, she has been around for a long time, and also pretty much rejects modern third wave feminism.

Good luck!

ETA: By the way, how's the new "mansplaining hotline" in Sweden going? Has anyone called you out on it yet?

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ETA: By the way, how's the new "mansplaining hotline" in Sweden going? Has anyone called you out on it yet?


It wasn't. It was just an advertising campaign for a union. I think it's a safe assumption that the goal was just for this news piece to go viral, which it did. I googled it. It's just an answering machine that women can call and rant a bit at. They're not doing anything with the reports of mansplaining. And after they've called, and they're not members already they'll be called by a sales rep who tries to talk them into becoming members.
I've not read up on what's happened within feminism since the 80'ies. My knowledge ends with Camille Paglia. I got the bright idea to fix that today.

I like podcasts. Since there is at least one podcast on every subject where some nerd burns through important ideas and people, I thought there would be one on feminist theory. Nope. At least none that I found.

They all just seems to be some offended lady or ladies being offended and ranting about shit, they think is obvious, but spend no time explaining, and give me no information to look it up if I'm interested to learn more. A lot of these ladies use overly long words, I'm pretty sure they don't understand.

If anybody knows of a feminist podcast where they explain feminist theory, please let me know? I want something that goes into nerd depths. Perhaps gender study lectures online? I don't need help with superficial knowledge. There's no shortage of superficial lectures and podcasts.

Camille Paglia is still going strong after all these years. She's bright, seems well informed, but is not a big fan of modern third wave feminism, with its victim mentality and man blaming/hating. She doesn't do podcasts that I know of, but I've watched a few of her videos on YouTube (both new and old), so you may have to just stick with videos instead. She can be hard to listen to though, as she talks so fast. She's like the human female version of Porky Pig. I do recall having seen some older videos of hers where she talks a bit about feminist history and theory, but you'll have to dig that up.

Christina Hoff-Sommers is worth listening to. She doesn't have a podcast that I know of, but she has produced a series of videos on YouTube called "The Factual Feminist", and is pretty good about providing sources and references. She debunks a lot of the feminist myths and propaganda that just won't die (e.g. the wage gap). Like Camille Paglia, she has been around for a long time, and also pretty much rejects modern third wave feminism.

Good luck!

ETA: By the way, how's the new "mansplaining hotline" in Sweden going? Has anyone called you out on it yet?


Yea she also came to mind for me, but I've never spent much time listening to her stuff so couldn't really comment.
Camille Paglia is still going strong after all these years. She's bright, seems well informed, but is not a big fan of modern third wave feminism, with its victim mentality and man blaming/hating. She doesn't do podcasts that I know of, but I've watched a few of her videos on YouTube (both new and old), so you may have to just stick with videos instead. She can be hard to listen to though, as she talks so fast. She's like the human female version of Porky Pig. I do recall having seen some older videos of hers where she talks a bit about feminist history and theory, but you'll have to dig that up.

Christina Hoff-Sommers is worth listening to. She doesn't have a podcast that I know of, but she has produced a series of videos on YouTube called "The Factual Feminist", and is pretty good about providing sources and references. She debunks a lot of the feminist myths and propaganda that just won't die (e.g. the wage gap). Like Camille Paglia, she has been around for a long time, and also pretty much rejects modern third wave feminism.

Good luck!

ETA: By the way, how's the new "mansplaining hotline" in Sweden going? Has anyone called you out on it yet?


Yea she also came to mind for me, but I've never spent much time listening to her stuff so couldn't really comment.

She's the feminist men always mention when they want to deny there is a wage gap. Even though government labor statistics bear its existence out.
Yea she also came to mind for me, but I've never spent much time listening to her stuff so couldn't really comment.

She's the feminist men always mention when they want to deny there is a wage gap. Even though government labor statistics bear its existence out.

Yea she also came to mind for me, but I've never spent much time listening to her stuff so couldn't really comment.

She's the feminist men always mention when they want to deny there is a wage gap. Even though government labor statistics bear its existence out.

The wage gap argument has always been stupid. If it were true market forces would see to it to hire only women then. It would be stupid not to. But they're not, so there's something else going on.
Yea she also came to mind for me, but I've never spent much time listening to her stuff so couldn't really comment.

She's the feminist men always mention when they want to deny there is a wage gap. Even though government labor statistics bear its existence out.

Yea I imagine if you wanted be really true to reality there would be elements of both sides that are accurate, and nobody willing to speak or listen to what's actually true.

I figure the 'gap' that people usually reference doesn't have much basis, but the real gap is women getting paid less than men for doing the same job, as well as being in a situation where they face systemic bias that men don't have to worry about.
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