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No, she was not. And neither was ODeh. See https://www.womenstrikeus.org/the-organizers/ for the list of actual organizers.

I quoted Sasour as being instrumental. So was Odeh ...
I realize this is difficult for you, but neither is listed as organizers of the womenstrikeus in their onwn link that I provided. Futhermore, if you bothered to actually read your own links, there are well over 40 names for the Woman's march organizing. Which makes your claim about their instrumentality for the Woman's March and the Women's' strike as false.
I quoted Sasour as being instrumental. So was Odeh ...
I realize this is difficult for you, but neither is listed as organizers of the womenstrikeus in their onwn link that I provided. Futhermore, if you bothered to actually read your own links, there are well over 40 names for the Woman's march organizing. Which makes your claim about their instrumentality for the Woman's March and the Women's' strike as false.

See her Twitter here from Linda Sasour Co Chair

I took this presidency to send a message to the American People that all we've got is each other and the time is now for visible dissent in the form of protest

See the Women's March website. You can send here an email if you like.


Linda Sarsour is an award-winning, Brooklyn-born Palestinian-American-Muslim racial justice and civil rights activist, community organizer, social media maverick, and mother of three. Linda has been at the forefront of major social justice campaigns both locally in New York City and nationally. She led the successful, progressive coalition to close New York public schools for the observance of two of Islam's most important holy days, Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha. In 2015, Linda was one of three women co-chairs of the March2Justice, an effort advised and chaired by legendary artist and activist Belafonte, leading almost 100 marchers through 5 states and 250 miles from Staten Island, NY to Washington, DC. Linda was invited to deliver an address before 700,000 people at the 20th Anniversary of the Million Man March, and gained international media coverage. Linda is the Executive Director of the Arab American Association of New York, co-founder of Muslims for Ferguson, and a member of Justice League NYC. She is most notably recognized for her focus on intersectional movement building.

Contact: Linda@womensmarch.com
As usual, your response fails to address the actual facts. In this case, that fact is that neither woman that you claim is instrumental for the Women's Strike is on the list of organizers for the womenstrikes.
WP, if you used the same investigation "procedure" you use on anything having to do the Women's March and applied to the Russia-Trump investigation, you would have already convicted Trump for standing on the Lincoln Memorial and peeing on illegal immigrant Russian prostitutes.
I realize this is difficult for you, but neither is listed as organizers of the womenstrikeus in their onwn link that I provided. Futhermore, if you bothered to actually read your own links, there are well over 40 names for the Woman's march organizing. Which makes your claim about their instrumentality for the Woman's March and the Women's' strike as false.

See her Twitter here from Linda Sasour Co Chair

I took this presidency to send a message to the American People that all we've got is each other and the time is now for visible dissent in the form of protest

See the Women's March website. You can send here an email if you like.


Linda Sarsour is an award-winning, Brooklyn-born Palestinian-American-Muslim racial justice and civil rights activist, community organizer, social media maverick, and mother of three. Linda has been at the forefront of major social justice campaigns both locally in New York City and nationally. She led the successful, progressive coalition to close New York public schools for the observance of two of Islam's most important holy days, Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha. In 2015, Linda was one of three women co-chairs of the March2Justice, an effort advised and chaired by legendary artist and activist Belafonte, leading almost 100 marchers through 5 states and 250 miles from Staten Island, NY to Washington, DC. Linda was invited to deliver an address before 700,000 people at the 20th Anniversary of the Million Man March, and gained international media coverage. Linda is the Executive Director of the Arab American Association of New York, co-founder of Muslims for Ferguson, and a member of Justice League NYC. She is most notably recognized for her focus on intersectional movement building.

Contact: Linda@womensmarch.com

The real point of this is she is one of those who attacks Muslim/Ex Muslim reform groups where I have quoted from her own tweets etc and from the Honor Diaries website.

As I mentioned they were instrumental in the Women's marches. There is enough favourable press on Rasmea.


n an Op-Ed for The Guardian, a group of feminist activists and writers — including Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, author of From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation; Angela Davis, founder of Critical Resistance, which advocates for prison reform; and Rasmea Yousef Odeh, associate director of the Arab American Action Network — issued a call for “feminism for the 99 percent.”

They argue that the impressive size of the marches worldwide signified the emergence of a “new wave of militant feminist struggle” and insist it must be harnessed to create a more inclusive and broad-reaching women’s movement. It is not enough, they say, for this new movement to focus solely on rejecting the transphobia, misogyny and racism of the Trump administration. Instead, it must seek to challenge the structural issues bound up with neoliberalism that predate Donald Trump’s presidency and discriminate against women in a multitude of ways, including through social provision and labor rights.
WP, if you used the same investigation "procedure" you use on anything having to do the Women's March, you would have already convicted Trump for peeing on child prostitutes chained to the Lincoln Memorial by now.

I've quoted a few times from the Women's March sites and also press favourable to them.
Sasour is on the womens march as an organiser per the reference I provided and her own tweets confirm this.
As usual, your response fails to address the actual facts. In this case, that fact is that neither woman that you claim is instrumental for the Women's Strike is on the list of organizers for the womenstrikes.

They are in the references I quoted, including the women's march own website. It's there for reading. Linda Sasour was also arrested at the Women's strike for obstruction. These are plain to see as I quoted.
Here's yet another reference. Yo need to actually read the references from the Women's March Websites that I quoted more than once. Their names are there.

However here are some more

This is simply a comment from a genuine Reformer, Hirsi Ali.


Some of Linda here



Are you going to say the youtube of Linda Sasour with the leader of the Women's strike and giving here drama speech are photoshopped?
WP, if you used the same investigation "procedure" you use on anything having to do the Women's March, you would have already convicted Trump for peeing on child prostitutes chained to the Lincoln Memorial by now.

I've quoted a few times from the Women's March sites and also press favourable to them.
Sasour is on the womens march as an organiser per the reference I provided and her own tweets confirm this.

Yes, you keep going beyond the evidence to make it say more than it does.
WP, if you used the same investigation "procedure" you use on anything having to do the Women's March and applied to the Russia-Trump investigation, you would have already convicted Trump for standing on the Lincoln Memorial and peeing on illegal immigrant Russian prostitutes.

If you actually read the Women's March own websites and now even the film the presence of Sasour for instance and position of influence in the Women's March is obvious to the brain dead.
Babbling about the Woman's March does not address the fact is that neither woman that you claim is instrumental for the Women's Strike is on the list of organizers for the womenstrikes. Nor does it address that there were many names on the Woman's March list of organizers.
Babbling about the Woman's March does not address the fact is that neither woman that you claim is instrumental for the Women's Strike is on the list of organizers for the womenstrikes. Nor does it address that there were many names on the Woman's March list of organizers.

There were many names on this list, so what. There were various functions.
Are you saying Sasour was not part of this? I think she would be very offended if you said she was.

The Arab American Action Network (whose associate director is Rasmea Odeh) is one of the many groups involved.

This is here again.

Anyway, back to the point. Do you think Sasour is correct in supporting boycotts on speakers from the Honor Diairies project?

What do you mean by actual facts? Do you have any? Why not use them to support your point(s)?
There were many names on this list, so what. There were various functions.
Are you saying Sasour was not part of this? I think she would be very offended if you said she was.
Babbling about the Woman's March does not address the fact is that neither woman that you claim is instrumental for the Women's Strike is on the list of organizers for the womenstrikes. Nor does it address that there were many names on the Woman's March list of organizers which suggests Sasour was not instrumental.

Anyway, back to the point. Do you think Sasour is correct in supporting boycotts on speakers from the Honor Diairies project?
I think boycotting speakers serves the purpose of giving them more publicity, not less. So, it is a tactical mistake.
Babbling about the Woman's March does not address the fact is that neither woman that you claim is instrumental for the Women's Strike is on the list of organizers for the womenstrikes. Nor does it address that there were many names on the Woman's March list of organizers which suggests Sasour was not instrumental.

Anyway, back to the point. Do you think Sasour is correct in supporting boycotts on speakers from the Honor Diairies project?
I think boycotting speakers serves the purpose of giving them more publicity, not less. So, it is a tactical mistake.

Maybe the definition is in dispute

Instrumental means serving as a means of pursuing an aim.

dictionary.com states
serving or acting as an instrument or means; useful; helpful.

Instrument: a means by which something is effected or done; agency:

There can be more than one instrument. Sasour was one of them.

Is it right to boycott the Honor Diaries film? I think you would disagree with a boycott.
Maybe the definition is in dispute

Instrumental means serving as a means of pursuing an aim.
That would include any participant, no matter how loosely or distantly connected.

'Instrumental' usually is used to mean that they were very influential, of critical importance, crucial to the success of the project. Not just one of many.
This is simply a comment from a genuine Reformer, Hirsi Ali.

AHA is not a "genuine reformer." She is a hate preacher who has allied herself with the far right.

I'm not familiar with many of the people on the list; speaking up for human rights anywhere, or against extremism, is laudable. But the American Muslim community is not radicalized. Those who do radicalize do not represent mainstream views and anybody who tries to make it sound as though that were the case is venturing into some very dangerous rhetorical waters.

Your citation of a biased and untrustworthy source like the Clarion Project, which has people on its board like Frank Gaffney, an utterly deranged conspiracy theorist (that's even how he's introduced on his wiki page) who thinks basically everyone, including Barack Obama, is a Muslim Brotherhood agent, raises some red flags as well, WP. I liked you better when you stuck to the other subforums and stayed out of politics.
Maybe the definition is in dispute

Instrumental means serving as a means of pursuing an aim.
That would include any participant, no matter how loosely or distantly connected.

'Instrumental' usually is used to mean that they were very influential, of critical importance, crucial to the success of the project. Not just one of many.

That would include any participant, no matter how loosely or distantly connected.

'Instrumental' usually is used to mean that they were very influential, of critical importance, crucial to the success of the project. Not just one of many.

If you agree, then to claim someone was 'instrumental' in organizing an event, there needs to be evidence they did more than lend their name to the website... More like, it wouldn't have happened, or would have been substantially less, if they hadn't been involved.
This is simply a comment from a genuine Reformer, Hirsi Ali.

AHA is not a "genuine reformer." She is a hate preacher who has allied herself with the far right.

I'm not familiar with many of the people on the list; speaking up for human rights anywhere, or against extremism, is laudable. But the American Muslim community is not radicalized. Those who do radicalize do not represent mainstream views and anybody who tries to make it sound as though that were the case is venturing into some very dangerous rhetorical waters.

Your citation of a biased and untrustworthy source like the Clarion Project, which has people on its board like Frank Gaffney, an utterly deranged conspiracy theorist (that's even how he's introduced on his wiki page) who thinks basically everyone, including Barack Obama, is a Muslim Brotherhood agent, raises some red flags as well, WP. I liked you better when you stuck to the other subforums and stayed out of politics.

I don't agree with all but much of what AHA says but there is nothing to suggest she is a hate preacher.

Few Muslims are radical. I've worked in the Middle East for some years and am familiar with the Muslim community.

The Film does not attack Islam, considering Muslim activists are involved but highlights unresolved issues of Honor violence plus Female Genital Mutilation(including the USS),forced marriages, acid attacks, forced dress codes.

There is nothing anti-Islamic about this.

This project contains Muslims, ex Muslims and Atheists. The focus should be on the message not the messenger. As Malcolm X once stated, "The Truth is the truth, no matter who stated it."

Frank Gaffney has said a lot of strange things, including the same about the Clintons but that does not deflect from the film highlights and where some wish to avoid this being screened or speakers turning up to events.

The film is produced by Human Rights activists most of whom are Muslims and highlighting problems in the Islamic world.

Attacking the Messenger and not the message is non constructive.

The coalition partners include:

The film website claims the following organizations have supported the promotion and distribution of Honor Diaries:

AHA Foundation (Ayan Hirsi Ali) formed for Muslim dissidents

All Afghan Women's Union

Alliance of Iranian Women against atrocities against Iranian Women

American Islamic Forum for Democracy Muslims for separation of Religion from State

Americans Overseas Domestic Violence Crisis Center - providing assistance

A Call To Men Embracing and promoting a healthy, respectful manhood prevents violence against women, sexual assault and harassment, bullying and many other social ills.

Breakthrough violence and discrimination against women and girls unacceptable.
Canadian Women for Women in Afghanistan

Canadian Women's Foundation

The Clarion Project

Congress of Racial Equality

Cooperation Center for Afghanistan

Council for Muslims Facing Tomorrow to reclaim Islam for, as the word itself means, securing Peace for all people, and to oppose extremism, fanaticism and violence in the name of religion; and

Fistula Foundation


Girls' Globe

Karma Nirvana


Men Can Stop Rape

The MILLA Project

Nika Water


Women’s Voices Now

World Pulse

You can provide your view of the trailer if you choose to do so.
How many times do we have to tell White women that we do not need to be saved by them? Is there a code language I need to get thru? Linda Sasour at 5.58

Does Sarsour really think she speaks for all muslimas? This is like a woman standing up during the suffragette movement and saying "We women don't need the vote".

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