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Irish Abortion Vote: Landslide vote to end abortion restriction

Much of the pro-abortion argument in Ireland appeared to be an argument from normality.
ie. because abortion is so common it should be legal. So Ireland will follow the rest of hedonist Europe and start chipping away at the sanctity/value of human life.
First the unborn. Then the elderly and terminally ill. Then the disabled.

And it saddens me to admit that this vote was as much a vote against the Church which flushed its moral authority down the toilet when it hid pedophiles masquerading as clergy - a gutless act of stupidity and vanity - as if the reputation of the Church depended on covering up the truth.


It'll catch up with you and yours, eventually.

I only reap what I sow. Not what others sow.
There is no glory is sowing masochism.
I only reap what I sow. Not what others sow.

How ironic. Superstitious anti-choicer wants women to reap what others sow.

I grew up listening to feminists preaching about wimmin being the boss of their own bodies.
Now, if you want to argue that these are victims and their pregnancy is not their choice, maybe then you can portray them as victims of what others sow.

Until then, the only voiceless, powerless victims in this debate are the defenceless unborn babies.

I will concede however that there are undoubtedly millions of anti-feminist MEN in Ireland cheering their own new-found liberation. Pregnant? Unmarried? Too bad. So sad.
I only reap what I sow. Not what others sow.

How ironic. Superstitious anti-choicer wants women to reap what others sow.

I grew up listening to feminists preaching about wimmin being the boss of their own bodies.
Now, if you want to argue that these are victims and their pregnancy is not their choice, maybe then you can portray them as victims of what others sow.

Until then, the only voiceless, powerless victims in this debate are the defenceless unborn babies.

I will concede however that there are undoubtedly millions of anti-feminist MEN in Ireland cheering their own new-found liberation. Pregnant? Unmarried? Too bad. So sad.

Why is it that so many people like you, seem to get angry when a woman makes the choice to end her pregnancy, but when nature, or god if you believe he controls all things, decides to end a pregnancy, it's perfectly okay? You do realize that natural abortions, aka miscarriages ( old fashioned term ) are a lot more common than abortions that are the result of a woman making a choice to end her pregnancy. I really don't see why a woman is judged so harshly but nature or god gets a free ride. It seems very hypocritical and sexist to me.
What good is religion if you can’t interfere with people’s lives?!
I only reap what I sow. Not what others sow.

How ironic. Superstitious anti-choicer wants women to reap what others sow.

I grew up listening to feminists preaching about wimmin being the boss of their own bodies.
Now, if you want to argue that these are victims and their pregnancy is not their choice, maybe then you can portray them as victims of what others sow.

Until then, the only voiceless, powerless victims in this debate are the defenceless unborn babies.

I will concede however that there are undoubtedly millions of anti-feminist MEN in Ireland cheering their own new-found liberation. Pregnant? Unmarried? Too bad. So sad.

I do want to argue that it's not their choice.

When given access to choice - in the form of access to contraception - the number of unwanted pregnancies (and hence the number of wanted abortions) plummets.

You are like the British authority in the Bengal famine, who take away most of the food, and then say "Well, if they are hungry it's their own fault for not eating enough".

Your position is morally bankrupt and utterly vile; and is made even more repugnant by your smug certainty that you cannot possibly be mistaken. Well, sorry to break this to you, but you are very much mistaken. As usual.

Being wrong is pretty much a certainty when you use faith in place of reason to reach your conclusions. You need to stop doing that (or to get used to being badly wrong, and to having the smart people point that out).

The most effective way to reduce the number of abortions (we observe) is the provision of widely available and inexpensive contraception. The next most effective is the provision of comprehensive and early sex education.

Denying people legal access to abortions might theoretically be expected to reduce abortion rates; but observation shows that the actual effect is just to make abortions more dangerous, but not significantly less common. Theory is always trumped by observation.

You are wrong. Completely, utterly, demonstrably and woefully wrong. As are the leaders of your religion who fed you this bullshit in the first place.
I grew up listening to feminists preaching about wimmin being the boss of their own bodies.
Now, if you want to argue that these are victims and their pregnancy is not their choice, maybe then you can portray them as victims of what others sow.

Until then, the only voiceless, powerless victims in this debate are the defenceless unborn babies.

I will concede however that there are undoubtedly millions of anti-feminist MEN in Ireland cheering their own new-found liberation. Pregnant? Unmarried? Too bad. So sad.

I do want to argue that it's not their choice.

When given access to choice - in the form of access to contraception - the number of unwanted pregnancies (and hence the number of wanted abortions) plummets.

You are like the British authority in the Bengal famine, who take away most of the food, and then say "Well, if they are hungry it's their own fault for not eating enough".

Your position is morally bankrupt and utterly vile; and is made even more repugnant by your smug certainty that you cannot possibly be mistaken. Well, sorry to break this to you, but you are very much mistaken. As usual.

Being wrong is pretty much a certainty when you use faith in place of reason to reach your conclusions. You need to stop doing that (or to get used to being badly wrong, and to having the smart people point that out).

The most effective way to reduce the number of abortions (we observe) is the provision of widely available and inexpensive contraception. The next most effective is the provision of comprehensive and early sex education.

Denying people legal access to abortions might theoretically be expected to reduce abortion rates; but observation shows that the actual effect is just to make abortions more dangerous, but not significantly less common. Theory is always trumped by observation.

You are wrong. Completely, utterly, demonstrably and woefully wrong. As are the leaders of your religion who fed you this bullshit in the first place.


One further point: The so-called "pro-life" movement is almost entirely made up of evangelical Christians, who are almost entirely unaware that 70% of abortions in the US are requested by Christian women. I don't know figures from other countries where Christianity is dominant, but I'd bet my last dollar the numbers are similar.

In reality, there is little to no real concern for life in the pro-life rhetoric. It's just the only thing they have to cling to to make them feel righteous about their backward, inhumane ideology.
I only reap what I sow. Not what others sow.

How ironic. Superstitious anti-choicer wants women to reap what others sow.

I grew up listening to feminists preaching about wimmin being the boss of their own bodies.
Now, if you want to argue that these are victims and their pregnancy is not their choice, maybe then you can portray them as victims of what others sow.

Until then, the only voiceless, powerless victims in this debate are the defenceless unborn babies.

I will concede however that there are undoubtedly millions of anti-feminist MEN in Ireland cheering their own new-found liberation. Pregnant? Unmarried? Too bad. So sad.

Personally I oppose late term abortions.

The problem I have with the anti abortion people who claim all life is sacred from conception is what happens when the kid is born?

If it is unwanted or born into a bad situation it is shit out of luck.

No health care, poor nutrition, poor education. and poor parenting.

Opposing abortion and not supporting universal health care are moral duplicities. But Christianity is known for selective morality.

Abortion is an easy hot button. It has little economic impact and gives Christians a moral pedestal, while ignoring other moral issues.

Abortion is a cheap political talking point for religion and conservative politicians.
I grew up listening to feminists preaching about wimmin being the boss of their own bodies.
Now, if you want to argue that these are victims and their pregnancy is not their choice, maybe then you can portray them as victims of what others sow.

Until then, the only voiceless, powerless victims in this debate are the defenceless unborn babies.

I will concede however that there are undoubtedly millions of anti-feminist MEN in Ireland cheering their own new-found liberation. Pregnant? Unmarried? Too bad. So sad.

Why is it that so many people like you, seem to get angry when a woman makes the choice to end her pregnancy, but when nature, or god if you believe he controls all things, decides to end a pregnancy, it's perfectly okay? You do realize that natural abortions, aka miscarriages ( old fashioned term ) are a lot more common than abortions that are the result of a woman making a choice to end her pregnancy. I really don't see why a woman is judged so harshly but nature or god gets a free ride. It seems very hypocritical and sexist to me.

Good luck getting an answer from the god excusers.

The actual answer is that women are inferior and therefore are not permitted to allow things that only gods should allow. The lives lost are not important and are not the issue. Obedience is the issue.
God creates human, god impregnates a married woman. Rape.
God creates human, god impregnates a married woman. Rape.

I'm not sure I follow your logic here. Is the fact that she is married relevant to rape?

Yeah, it's not rape.
It's adultery.

According to Lev 20:10, both Jehova and Mary shall surely be put to death.

And of course, this is pre-Jesus, so the OT still applies...
God is involved every time a new human life is created.
Not rape.
Not adultery.
Move on. Nothing to see here.
God is involved every time a new human life is created.
Not rape.
Not adultery.
Move on. Nothing to see here.
In nothing to see here, you mean all of the miscarriages and the even the fertilized eggs that don't manage to attach to the wall?
God is involved every time a new human life is created.
Not rape.
Not adultery.
Move on. Nothing to see here.

In other words, pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

She was married. Either God raped her (at which point God should be killed) or God committed adultery with her (at which point both God and her should be killed.)
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