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Why is there Something Instead of God?

Times are changing.
Science is discovering that the line between detectable something and invisible nothing is blurred.
An atom is no longer the smallest indivisible particle.

So, are you saying that the physical world forms itself out of nothing without the need of a Creator?
Spontaneous (uncaused/self-forming) or intentional (teleology/design)?
Which one do you think I'm proposing?
Spontaneous (uncaused/self-forming) or intentional (teleology/design)?
Which one do you think I'm proposing?

I know what you believe. But what you happened to say was - ''Science is discovering that the line between detectable something and invisible nothing is blurred'' - which is not actually compatible with Biblical Creation, nor does in come from the bible.
I think it's quite compatible with biblical creation.
Wanna argue over how the Genesis creation account should be interpreted?
You start.
I think it's quite compatible with biblical creation.
Wanna argue over how the Genesis creation account should be interpreted?
You start.

They are both obviously fiction, and contradict each other as well as being completely incompatible with reality.

I don't care to argue about it though; Your evidence free contradiction of my observation is almost as inevitable as it is boring and stupid.
Im sorry bilby
Was this the post I'm supposed to address?

If we are supposed to work out whether your posts indicate that you are an idiot; Or that you merely have the world's worst sense of humour, then that I know you are not German is going to be a significant point in your disfavour.
Im sorry bilby
Was this the post I'm supposed to address?

If we are supposed to work out whether your posts indicate that you are an idiot; Or that you merely have the world's worst sense of humour, then that I know you are not German is going to be a significant point in your disfavour.


You are free to address or ignore whatever you like.

If you imagine that I care whether you respond to my posts, then that's just another thing you are wrong about. :rolleyes:
I think it's quite compatible with biblical creation.
Wanna argue over how the Genesis creation account should be interpreted?
You start.

The entire biblical creation shtick is less than a magic trick. It's an invisible magician making a universe from nothing. Picture that on stage. Who would pay to see that?

General Relativity makes sense and makes predictions, and it doesn't need we imagine invisible magicians and nothing. It's the only show in town. Better to enshrine Einstein as some kind of prophet than hold to an invisible magician and legendary magic garden story with talking snakes.

It's okay to grow up. An intelligent magic spaceman certainly isn't going to mind that adults put aside their kindergarten and toddler impedimenta for a journey of discovery.
"...there are an infinite number of ways for there to be something and just one way for there to be nothing"

That's a pretty binary, B&W opinion.
Do you think it's in accord with quantum theory? A hard line dividing physical, detectable 'something' from that placeholder, fuzzy word 'nothing'?

I'm just talking in terms of pure logic. There are infinitely many numbers but just one zero.
Sorry, Learner. That was the wine talking. Could you lease expand on "Snap?" Is that an acronym for something? And I'm not up on my Nomina Sacra either.

It just means ; " just as I was thinking too" , expressed like saying "bingo"! (Derived from the pairing cards game "Snap").
The entire biblical creation shtick is less than a magic trick. It's an invisible magician making a universe from nothing. Picture that on stage. Who would pay to see that?

I'd watch it out of curiosity , who's in it?

General Relativity makes sense and makes predictions, and it doesn't need we imagine invisible magicians and nothing. It's the only show in town. Better to enshrine Einstein as some kind of prophet than hold to an invisible magician and legendary magic garden story with talking snakes.

Magic , magician, witches and scorcery is so ... so anti-biblical. Are you sure you have the right concept for the argument ?

It's okay to grow up. An intelligent magic spaceman certainly isn't going to mind that adults put aside their kindergarten and toddler impedimenta for a journey of discovery.

Do any theists on this forum,, really show signs of toddler impedimenta as you put it?
(ok maybe I'm an exception lol)
It's your claim. Being your claim, you should explain how quantum is compatible with biblical creation.

It'll be my claim too, I suppose.

Quantum is certainly not contradictary to the bible and besides : If quantum is defined as; the minimum amount of physical matter. Then there is a border-line between physical matter and non-physical matter or matter made from the non-physical elements /energies.
(compatible with the word "spiritual", non-physical ).
It's your claim. Being your claim, you should explain how quantum is compatible with biblical creation.

It'll be my claim too, I suppose.

Quantum is certainly not contradictary to the bible and besides : If quantum is defined as; the minimum amount of physical matter. Then there is a border-line between physical matter and non-physical matter or matter made from the non-physical elements /energies.
(compatible with the word "spiritual", non-physical ).
Worst argument ever...
First you simply states that QM is not contradictory to the bible without any argument at all ... thats pretty dishonest.
Then you blubber up somebaloney from hell..
Sorry learner but before you say anything about quantum mechanics, read up on it! Quentum mechanics states that energy, not matter, is quantized.
On the contrary: QM (QFT) has shown that gods are impossible, that miracles are impossibke etc
So you loose.
Worst argument ever...
First you simply states that QM is not contradictory to the bible without any argument at all ... thats pretty dishonest.
Then you blubber up somebaloney from hell..

Is it really the worst? How does QM contradict the bible? How does one even use the theory of QM processes to debunk anything to do with human history?

Sorry learner but before you say anything about quantum mechanics, read up on it! Quentum mechanics states that energy, not matter, is quantized.

I just mentioned the minimum matter and beyond that , the logical understanding can "only" be energy and not "total or complete nothing".

On the contrary: QM (QFT) has shown that gods are impossible, that miracles are impossibke etc
So you loose.

I wonder how one would formulate such a devisive experiment , I say this because QM or experiments like for example: Higgs field is still fairly new.
It's your claim. Being your claim, you should explain how quantum is compatible with biblical creation.

It'll be my claim too, I suppose.

Quantum is certainly not contradictary to the bible and besides : If quantum is defined as; the minimum amount of physical matter. Then there is a border-line between physical matter and non-physical matter or matter made from the non-physical elements /energies.
(compatible with the word "spiritual", non-physical ).

What exactly is the nature of this ''non physical matter?'' As the word ''matter'' means something detectable, something that interacts with something else, your term appears to be self contradictory.
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