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God Is A Psychopath


I played the divine intervention miracle card.

You're expecting atheists to accept your divine intervention miracle card? Why's that? Seems like a rather poor strategy. "Why won't those danged atheists (who accept a naturalistic worldview) automatically accept my divine intervention card? Hard times to be a theist. Hard times, indeed." You haven't nearly given us a reason to believe in divine intervention.
Hang on pal. This is the thread accusing God of genocide because of the Flood.
God is blamed for the problem of suffering precisely because He can do anything.
...are you now saying God can't separate salt and fresh water?

Hang on pal. This is the thread accusing God of genocide because of the Flood.
God is blamed for the problem of suffering precisely because He can do anything.
...are you now saying God can't separate salt and fresh water?


Hang on pal. You haven't given any evidence that God can do anything. You expect us to just automatically accept your bullshit magical explanations? One magical explanation is as good as any other magical explanation.
Which is it?
No Flood? (Atheism)
Omnipotent God can't do anything so miraculous as a global Flood?
I played the salt water / fresh water density card.
I played the divine intervention miracle card.
Now the euryhaline evolution card.
Turns out a world flooded with fresh rainwater would not prevent future gradual emergence of saltwater species.

Maybe yes on the saltwater species. The problem would be the world Noah steps off his boat and into.

All that dead wet biomass. A global breeding ground for bacteria. The stench would have been overwhelming as it all rotted. It would be a scifi apocalypse. Fouled water. Desolation.

Water soaked wood would not burn for heat and cooking. All plant life would be denuded, no leaves no photosynthesis and no oxygen for air breathing creatures. Same with disruption of ocean plankton.

Noah and company would not survive, unless of course divine intervention the theists catch all response.
Which is it?
No Flood? (Atheism)
Omnipotent God can't do anything so miraculous as a global Flood?

Wow. Still refusing to provide evidence. No use going any further here.
God is a psychopath because the story shows that the character attempts to cover his own mistakes by mass murder. Whether or not it really happened, the idea of the story shows that the morality of the lead character is somewhere between a wolverine with a toothache and a dung beetle in an outhouse.

Completely apart from that, the story does not make any sense except from the point of view of the authors, who wrote about a flat Earth floating on the Waters Below; on life being limited to those beings with nostrils; on absolutely zero knowledge of the stresses involved in a wooden boat that big; on not really knowing just how many 'kinds' of animals exist in the whole fucking world; on not knowing the actual size of the world, or just how high mountains can reach, thus how much water would be required....

Making the story historical doesn't make God any less of a psychopath. But it does make it ridiculous, what with having to throw plot-resolution-miracle-power at every problem, it becomes clear that a knowledgeable being couldn't help but think of an easier way to do ANY of this...
I played the salt water / fresh water density card.
I played the divine intervention miracle card.
Now the euryhaline evolution card.
Turns out a world flooded with fresh rainwater would not prevent future gradual emergence of saltwater species.

But who cares? These are myths. They're not intended to be literally true. Why do you treat them as if they're supposed to be?

More interesting, the Noah's flood story is just a reworking of the Utnapishtim story from the epic of Gilgamesh. That god was a Babylonian pagan god, and therefore not omnipotent. So in the original version of the story the god in question wouldn't have had the power that you assume that the God did. So I don't understand why you are wasting our time with something that we know isn't true, and isn't relevant to Christian theology.
Which is it?
No Flood? (Atheism)
Omnipotent God can't do anything so miraculous as a global Flood?

I doubt atheists reject the flood. Babylon is built on a flood plain. So floods would have been quite regular and once in a while catastrophic. You don't need to have much of an imagination to see how Babylonians could have weaved these re-occuring disasters into the idea that the whole world is the same.

As for Utnapishtim's/Noah's ability to get all the animals onto a boat. Clearly bullshit. Do you also believe that?
We atheists reject the biblical flood as the preposterous nonsense it is, but not floods in general.

LIRC fucked up, as usual, when he tried the euryhaline thing. On at least 2 fronts.

Firstly, euryhaline organisms, by genetic mapping, evolved after marine ones (which evolved from freshwater fish, which evolved from much older marine species), so if he's trying to posit that all fish evolved from those able to survive in brackish water, he's just plain wrong.
Secondly, given his claim that the babble is a correct record of history, there hasn't been time.- 6000 years isn't anywhere near enough time for those adaptations to occur.

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Jesus friggin Christ; this is like parsing the saga of Rapunzel or Rainbow Brite and expecting to find rational events. The Deluge crowd, though, is in the same position of LDS apologists who must combat everything we know -- positively -- about pre-Columbian cultures in the New World. There were civilizations in the ante- and post- diluvian period. They left artifacts and inscriptions. They didn't come to a walloping halt when 5 months of water that covered all of earth's mountains hit them (Gen. 7:19-24.) (Jesus Christ, this is dumber than talking about Trump all day. Irritating.) The Sumerian/Mesopotamian experience is a good example. China could also be figured in. And none of this matters at all if magic is invoked.
If I were God during the Flood times, I'd have
I hope to me I'd have figured out the whole thing was a wasted effort BEFORE the wasted murders and wasted destruction. Not at the wrap party...

Perhaps God is made in LIRC's image, and so never thinks through the inevitable logical consequences of any of his decisions, claims, or arguments.

He's an omnicognisant entity who simultaneously knows nothing of the future at all. But that's not a contradiction because He doesn't like the idea that it could be, and (most importantly) He hasn't thought it through. As long as God recognises that thinking things through would lead to contradictions, and so He chooses not to do so, He can avoid having to recognise that thinking things through would lead to contradictions.

For more information, please re-read this post.
Then again, if God was omniscient and wanted to figure out a way to logically get around the Problem of Evil, he'd be able to do that .. you know, with his being omniscient and all.

God has already given us the solution to evil.
What He doesn't do is force us to accept it.
I played the salt water / fresh water density card.
I played the divine intervention miracle card.
Now the euryhaline evolution card.
Turns out a world flooded with fresh rainwater would not prevent future gradual emergence of saltwater species.

There is no evidence for a planet-wide flooding extinction event a few thousand years ago, or even within the period of time humans have existed on the planet. None. There is no evidence for the Biblical flood in the geologic column, in the genomes of plants and animals, or in the fossil record. None. Therefore the flood story in the Bible is a falsehood. And you know that just as well as I do.
Then again, if God was omniscient and wanted to figure out a way to logically get around the Problem of Evil, he'd be able to do that .. you know, with his being omniscient and all.

God has already given us the solution to evil.
What He doesn't do is force us to accept it.

See? Just pretend that any questions you don't like the answer to are in fact totally different questions that use some similar words, and you can simultaneously avoid having to know the unpalatable answer to the question, while having an answer to the question.

It's brilliant.

It renders knowledge of anything impossible for everyone; Which would lead to a problem for those asserting that they know something (eg that a God exists, or what it does, wants, or is capable of), if we hadn't rejected logic, reason, and knowledge completely. But having rejected logic, reason, and knowledge, all things are equally (im)possible.

Well done Lion. You have successfully proven God's existence by showing that it is possible if only things are never able to be proven.

Our only hope is to all be too fucking stupid to work out that we are being stupid - then we will all (as far as we know) be hyper intelligent and will finally know God. Or something. Or nothing. It's all the same.
Then again, if God was omniscient and wanted to figure out a way to logically get around the Problem of Evil, he'd be able to do that .. you know, with his being omniscient and all.

God has already given us the solution to evil.
What He doesn't do is force us to accept it.

The solution God provided is not alcohol, it's stupidity and ignorance, which alcohol (and other drugs) can temporarily induce. Of course, by God I mean corrupt, rich assholes who live the good life, and don't want to give it up because.. you know what?

Being comfortable and secure, with access to good drugs and hot women who want to do good drugs in comfort, because that's the best life has to offer any of us? That's the only heaven anyone is every going to know.

The local corrupt leader is on all these drugs all the time that keep him up constantly. In a permanent state of bliss. He sold out to his own brain's fantasy long ago. Believes he is communicating with God, instead of a brain. And it's eating him up inside. Fucking moron. At least he's going out high. I hope I do. :D
Then again, if God was omniscient and wanted to figure out a way to logically get around the Problem of Evil, he'd be able to do that .. you know, with his being omniscient and all.

God has already given us the solution to evil.
What He doesn't do is force us to accept it.

An omnipotent god would not allow evil, that is what the argument is all about. It would not allow an innocent child to be raped against its will. It would not design a virus that would turn our organs to bloody goo. It would not create a worm that feeds on our brains or burrows its way out through our eyeballs. It would not allow human embryos to develop without a brain, to die as soon as they are born. Human parents, imperfect as they are, would not knowingly subject their children to such misery, but Biblegod does. All the fucking time. Biblegod, infinite though his powers may be, does nothing to stop evil.

Biblegod is not the solution to evil, it is the source of evil. And the perversion is that Christians call this sadistic behavior love. So complete is their unquestioning slavery.
Hang on pal. This is the thread accusing God of genocide because of the Flood.
God is blamed for the problem of suffering precisely because He can do anything.
...are you now saying God can't separate salt and fresh water?


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Then again, if God was omniscient and wanted to figure out a way to logically get around the Problem of Evil, he'd be able to do that .. you know, with his being omniscient and all.

God has already given us the solution to evil.
What He doesn't do is force us to accept it.

See my post #59. If God is good and God creates us, he must design us, including our moral nature. Good, indifferent or bad. That constrains our free will. Why then don't all humans have a morally good nature that they freely choose to follow? This free will defense is not viable.

If God does not create man with a good moral nature, our free will is constrained to do evil. God cannot escape blame for all moral evil.
See? Just pretend that any questions you don't like the answer to are in fact totally different questions that use some similar words, and you can simultaneously avoid having to know the unpalatable answer to the question, while having an answer to the question.

It's brilliant.

It renders knowledge of anything impossible for everyone; Which would lead to a problem for those asserting that they know something (eg that a God exists, or what it does, wants, or is capable of), if we hadn't rejected logic, reason, and knowledge completely. But having rejected logic, reason, and knowledge, all things are equally (im)possible.

Well done Lion. You have successfully proven God's existence by showing that it is possible if only things are never able to be proven.

Our only hope is to all be too fucking stupid to work out that we are being stupid - then we will all (as far as we know) be hyper intelligent and will finally know God. Or something. Or nothing. It's all the same.

He and Learner both seem intent on undermining all reasons for everything. I guess they assume God's immune, after all doubt's quelled by making reason unreasonable, since he's The Answer no matter what.
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