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If Trump is impeached, will the Republicans win the whitehouse anyway?

If Trump is impeached, I hope you lefties are armed. Lots of Trump supporters on twitter are saying they are ready to start a civil war if Trump is impeached. Even military members are saying they are prepared to die for Trump.

I hope you lefties know what you are doing when you play with fire like this.
Are you threatening us?

No, I'm merely telling you what Trump supporters are saying. If I didn't care, I wouldn't give you a fair warning. I'm not fully on board with a civil war, either. But, don't shoot the messenger. Lots of Republicans are PISSED.
If people are telling you they will get their guns out and commit acts of violence and you don’t report it to the cops, you are enabling their violence.
Again, I don't know how many markers they found. Since she is that far removed from any possible Indian admixture, it could conceivably be as few as one marker that was found.

The GOP is going to take the White House again in 2020. That's my prediction at this point judging on the mood of the country and the mentality of Joe and Jane sixpack at the polls. No aspersion intended btw. I'm just coming at you from Pennsyltucky.

Trump's impeachment, which will happen in the House, will not convince enough independents to vote for the democratic candidate simply because the GOP will have succeeded with it's peddling of conspiracy theories, something people like. It's just a brute fact. I wish it were not so but have to call it as I see it.
If Trump is impeached, I hope you lefties are armed. Lots of Trump supporters on twitter are saying they are ready to start a civil war if Trump is impeached. Even military members are saying they are prepared to die for Trump.

I hope you lefties know what you are doing when you play with fire like this.
Are you threatening us?

No, I'm merely telling you what Trump supporters are saying. If I didn't care, I wouldn't give you a fair warning. I'm not fully on board with a civil war, either. But, don't shoot the messenger. Lots of Republicans are PISSED.

So holding elected officials accountable nowadays is "playing with fire"? Republicans are pissed because they don't like being held to the same standards as everybody else?
Well, this is a first. You and I are in complete agreement. Although personally I think is fucking disgusting that right-wingers go for the gun the second facts don't coincide with their feelings.
Trump's impeachment is not his big problem. His problem is that he has lost women voters. The attacks on women's health issue. Attacks on birth control. Defunding Planned Parenthood. Plans to destroy ACA. Plans to attack Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid.
His gauche, crude behavior. When the hammer comes down in November 2020, his impeachment problems (if he is still in office) will not be his big problem.

2016 saw the younger cohorts, Generation Z, Millenials, Generation X come out in bigger numbers than Baby Boomer or Silent Generation voters. And they do not like Trump.

By November 2020, I predict America will be suffering from a very bad case of Trump fatigue and will flood to the polls to say "Enough!".


President Trump's job approval remains in the tight range that it has been in nearly his entire presidency, with 40 percent of registered voters approving of how he's handling his job, while 55 percent say they disapprove. This disapproval number is close to the percent of voters who say that they will definitely not vote for him in 2020, 54 percent, while 33 percent say that they will definitely vote for him and 10 percent say they will consider it. This 54 percent is the same percentage that did not vote for him in the 2016 election.
Trump's impeachment is not his big problem. His problem is that he has lost women voters. The attacks on women's health issue. Attacks on birth control. Defunding Planned Parenthood. Plans to destroy ACA. Plans to attack Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid.
His gauche, crude behavior. When the hammer comes down in November 2020, his impeachment problems (if he is still in office) will not be his big problem.

2016 saw the younger cohorts, Generation Z, Millenials, Generation X come out in bigger numbers than Baby Boomer or Silent Generation voters. And they do not like Trump.

By November 2020, I predict America will be suffering from a very bad case of Trump fatigue and will flood to the polls to say "Enough!".


President Trump's job approval remains in the tight range that it has been in nearly his entire presidency, with 40 percent of registered voters approving of how he's handling his job, while 55 percent say they disapprove. This disapproval number is close to the percent of voters who say that they will definitely not vote for him in 2020, 54 percent, while 33 percent say that they will definitely vote for him and 10 percent say they will consider it. This 54 percent is the same percentage that did not vote for him in the 2016 election.

But you're forgetting that he has to win the conservative swing states where electoral votes count more than in populous states like New York and California. The GOP will definitely lose the popular vote again but will retain the White House.
If Trump is impeached, I hope you lefties are armed. Lots of Trump supporters on twitter are saying they are ready to start a civil war if Trump is impeached. Even military members are saying they are prepared to die for Trump.

I hope you lefties know what you are doing when you play with fire like this.


Luky for ys, you are always wrong.

So, lots of bluster, huh?
When you say, 'impeached,' though, do you think they mean 'kicked out of office' or 'actually impeached?' There is a big difference.
If Trump is impeached, I hope you lefties are armed. Lots of Trump supporters on twitter are saying they are ready to start a civil war if Trump is impeached. Even military members are saying they are prepared to die for Trump.

I hope you lefties know what you are doing when you play with fire like this.


Luky for ys, you are always wrong.

So, lots of bluster, huh?
When you say, 'impeached,' though, do you think they mean 'kicked out of office' or 'actually impeached?' There is a big difference.

Considering how thin skinned right wingers are nowadays, I suspect that's a difference without any meaningful distinction.
If Trump is impeached, I hope you lefties are armed. Lots of Trump supporters on twitter are saying they are ready to start a civil war if Trump is impeached. Even military members are saying they are prepared to die for Trump.

I hope you lefties know what you are doing when you play with fire like this.
Are you threatening us?

No, I'm merely telling you what Trump supporters are saying. If I didn't care, I wouldn't give you a fair warning. I'm not fully on board with a civil war, either. But, don't shoot the messenger. Lots of Republicans are PISSED.

Lots of Islamists are, also. Same reason--a steady diet of fake news.
But you're forgetting that he has to win the conservative swing states where electoral votes count more than in populous states like New York and California. The GOP will definitely lose the popular vote again but will retain the White House.

There is no "definitely" about it. In the end, a lot will ride on the state of the economy.

Also, the different nominees will not fare the same in the critical states of Pennsylvania, Wisonsin, Michigan etc. Biden would definitely have an advantage here over somebody like Warren.
The GOP is going to take the White House again in 2020. That's my prediction at this point judging on the mood of the country and the mentality of Joe and Jane sixpack at the polls. No aspersion intended btw. I'm just coming at you from Pennsyltucky.
Way too early to call it. Plus, "it's the economy stupid". We seem to be heading into a recession, and the timing of it could be critical to the election outcome. As could any foreign policy events. If Iran starts more shit and US finally retaliates, it could become very unpredictable.
I am not sure what you mean. I know one can determine a time when two populations became split. Assuming they can do that on the scale of 10,000 years which I am not sure they can you still need pretty much whole genome to do so. They don't have it in the case of Warren, she supposedly have only tiny amount of NA DNA. In any case this is not what ancestry sites do.
Besides that, Warren has genealogical evidence of N.A. roots
She does?

You really don't seem to know what you're talking about. I recommend to just stop posting when you don't know.
I am not sure you know what are you talking about either.
Warren isn't Russian.
I did not say she was.
The presence of 5 segments, each containing many SNPs, means not thousands of years ago...it also means a relatively small number of generations ago...not Siberian...estimated by an expert to be 6 to 10 generations ago N.A.
OK, this is an evidence that you don't know what are you talking about.

You don't seem to comprehend that there are a lot of people in Russia that can send their samples to the same lab Warren sent and get to be 80% american indian.
You really don't seem to know what you're talking about. I recommend to just stop posting when you don't know.
I am not sure you know what are you talking about either.
Warren isn't Russian.
I did not say she was.
The presence of 5 segments, each containing many SNPs, means not thousands of years ago...it also means a relatively small number of generations ago...not Siberian...estimated by an expert to be 6 to 10 generations ago N.A.
OK, this is an evidence that you don't know what are you talking about.

You don't seem to comprehend that there are a lot of people in Russia that can send their samples to the same lab Warren sent and get to be 80% american indian.

Warren is not Russian by her genealogy.

So any thing else is moot.
I am not sure you know what are you talking about either.

I did not say she was.
The presence of 5 segments, each containing many SNPs, means not thousands of years ago...it also means a relatively small number of generations ago...not Siberian...estimated by an expert to be 6 to 10 generations ago N.A.
OK, this is an evidence that you don't know what are you talking about.

You don't seem to comprehend that there are a lot of people in Russia that can send their samples to the same lab Warren sent and get to be 80% american indian.

Warren is not Russian by her genealogy.
I did not say she was. I merely asked you about your evidence that she has NA genealogy.
It appears to me that you use term "genealogy" inconsistently. Sometimes you exclude genetic data and sometimes include it.
If your conclusion rests on genetic tests alone then you can not exclude Russian ancestry you can only declare it highly unlikely.
if you have conventional genealogy like family records then you have nothing, there is simply no records of her having russian or NA ancestry.
If Trump is impeached, I hope you lefties are armed. Lots of Trump supporters on twitter are saying they are ready to start a civil war if Trump is impeached. Even military members are saying they are prepared to die for Trump.

I hope you lefties know what you are doing when you play with fire like this.

I really don't care about your labels, but allow me to say fuck you, and fuck alla them as well. Does that make me a "lefty" shoog?

The average leftist today believes we should have open borders, abolish gender, full on socialism/communism, make whites a minority, get whites out of power, and silence anyone who doesn't agree with their view of justice.

If Trump is impeached, I hope you lefties are armed. Lots of Trump supporters on twitter are saying they are ready to start a civil war if Trump is impeached. Even military members are saying they are prepared to die for Trump.

I hope you lefties know what you are doing when you play with fire like this.

Oh no, angry Americans! Quick, lefties, prepare yourself to be on the receiving end of some snarky tweets!
RE: a civil war

Never gonna happen. There are some ardent Trump defenders out there who will do unpredictable and perhaps violent things if he is impeached, but there is no mobilized, unified movement with the resources capable of being an actual threat. Also, at the end of the day... nobody wants to die. Very few people are willing to put themselves in mortal danger for Trump. At best, a biker gang will show up in DC, hang around for a couple of hours, and go home when they cops tell them to disperse.

She lied about that. She also used her story about being native American (she isn't) to gain professionally. It's tame stuff by comparison to Trump or even Biden, but absent the atmosphere where Trump is creating new scandals for himself daily, Warren's thing would / will be a bigger deal. People have lost politically for much much less.

That's the Trump version of the story and it plays well with people who resent women and minorities. It does even better with people who resent a woman who happens to be a minority.

Among a lot of people, it's a familiar story. One of the most common bits of family lore in America is the Great Grand Father who was a Chief. The problem with family lore is it always gets better in the telling. Any Native American was likely to be known by the nickname "Chief", and most will assume he was a real officer of the tribe. By the same token, anybody named Chief is assumed to be Native American. It happens all the time.

For myself, I have a documented family tree which lists one of my great grand mothers as the daughter of Chief Blackhawk of the Carolina Cherokee (not the better known Chief of the Sauk). Cool story, Bro.

When I had one of those very fun DNA things done, the results showed me to be about 98% Northern European(I'm so white, Finlanders say I need more sun). Was my mother lying to me? Was her amateur genealogist Uncle, who wrote the family tree, a liar? That kind of talk only plays with people who are looking for justification of their prejudices.

When Bill Clinton told the story of taking the joint, but not inhaling, it got a lot of ridicule from Republicans. It got him a lot of votes from people who remembered being in the exact situation. You're at a party. You don't smoke anything, much less marijuana and someone holds out a burning joint. In a moment of extremes social insecurity, you stick it between your lips and suck a little smoke into your mouth and blow it out. Nobody notices that you didn't inhale. It's happened to millions of people and Bill Clinton was just one of them.

Elizabeth Warren is just one of millions who grew up being told she had a Native American ancestor. Whether they all do, or not, is lying the real issue here?
My wife's family are direct descendants of the last great Chief of the Sault Ste Marie Chippewa tribe. Her brother did the genealogy and it was later confirmed independently by a researcher studying the genealogy of the Chief.
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