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Exposing Atheistic Myths

You leapt from
“You can’t PROVE that things exist outside your mind,”
Straight to
“We KNOW that things are only known through minds.”

And thence to
-> therefore they don’t exist at all until a magic creature imagines them into being.

So why do atheists leap from, "You can't PROVE God exists!" straight to, "This means I know God doesn't exist!"

No atheist can answer the question, "What evidence lead you to believe there is no God?" because there is no evidence God doesn't exist.

Quantum Field Theory provides plenty of excellent evidence that nothing 'supernatural' can exist that interacts with humans. No gods, souls, spirits, ghosts, telepathic powers, prayers, telekinesis, astral projection, or anything else not mediated by one of the four fundamental forces/fields/bosons of the Standard Model.

Your ignorance of the excellent and very well tested evidence against your claims changes nothing. Almost all god concepts, and most of the associated woo about an afterlife, the power of prayer, or intervention by gods in human affairs, are provably false.

This remains true whether or not you have the ability or the diligence to learn those proofs.

You are simply wrong.
"God doesn't exist" is a statement with no evidence.

As we stand, there is no evidence to support a justified belief in the existence of God or gods. Which is why holding a belief/conviction in the existence of these things is a matter of faith.
And always will be.

There's quite frankly plenty of evidence that magic and magical creatures like gods and superheroes are not real. There's also plenty of evidence that despite this fact lots of people still cling to their magic and their magical heroes.
That which can be used to support a position and also support the opposite position supports nothing.

Half-Life states
"God doesn't exist" is a statement with no evidence.

But "God exists" is also a statement with no evidence.

Of course since nothing exists outside my mind anyway Half-Life doesn't exist either. Certainly not this "God" thing Half-Life appears to be imagining. Nor do any of the rest of you clowns for that matter. You're just there as a mental diversion, created as a delusion by my mind because otherwise it would be bored.
So, Half, do you believe that garden fairies, Santa, pixies and leprechauns exist? No? Can you prove they don't exist? I didn't think so.
half life
Where is it biblicaly derived that something exists when god looks at it. Christians seem to know the will, intent, and mind of an all powerful god. How is thjat so if it is not in the bible? Do you just know or does god speak to you?
Quantum Field Theory provides plenty of excellent evidence that nothing 'supernatural' can exist that interacts with humans. No gods, souls, spirits, ghosts, telepathic powers, prayers, telekinesis, astral projection, or anything else not mediated by one of the four fundamental forces/fields/bosons of the Standard Model.

Quantum theory doesn't tell you what "supernatural" consists of, and it doesn't tell you what kind of processes would be involved to be defined as such. Sure we have had the term supernatural for centuries but it was a discription of something "unknown, mysterious, not normal, beyond human comprehension. To say that nothing supernatural can interact with humans is to imply that we know what supernatural actually IS and how it should work (or not work), in the quantum universe (if in consideration one would know the full workings).

Are you (plural) so sure to the claims that such "notions" would require the suspension of the laws of physics or that supernatural could not alternatively mean the manipulation of forces?

I make no claim here btw that science tells you either way which corroborates with southerns post:

do you believe that garden fairies, Santa, pixies and leprechauns exist? No? Can you prove they don't exist? I didn't think so.
half life
Where is it biblicaly derived that something exists when god looks at it. Christians seem to know the will, intent, and mind of an all powerful god. How is thjat so if it is not in the bible? Do you just know or does god speak to you?

The bible expresses Gods will (the do's and don't's) which doesn't of course tell us ALL about God's mind.

(apologies Halfie for interjecting)
half life
Where is it biblicaly derived that something exists when god looks at it. Christians seem to know the will, intent, and mind of an all powerful god. How is thjat so if it is not in the bible? Do you just know or does god speak to you?

The bible expresses Gods will (the do's and don't's) which doesn't of course tell us ALL about God's mind.

(apologies Halfie for interjecting)

What someone is said to value tells us something about their character and how they think.
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half life
Where is it biblicaly derived that something exists when god looks at it. Christians seem to know the will, intent, and mind of an all powerful god. How is thjat so if it is not in the bible? Do you just know or does god speak to you?

The bible expresses Gods will (the do's and don't's) which doesn't of course tell us ALL about God's mind.

(apologies Halfie for interjecting)

What someone is said to value tells us something about their character and how they think.

If I'm getting this right, you disagree with steve_banks previous post.
Quantum Field Theory provides plenty of excellent evidence that nothing 'supernatural' can exist that interacts with humans. No gods, souls, spirits, ghosts, telepathic powers, prayers, telekinesis, astral projection, or anything else not mediated by one of the four fundamental forces/fields/bosons of the Standard Model.

Quantum theory doesn't tell you what "supernatural" consists of, and it doesn't tell you what kind of processes would be involved to be defined as such. Sure we have had the term supernatural for centuries but it was a discription of something "unknown, mysterious, not normal, beyond human comprehension. To say that nothing supernatural can interact with humans is to imply that we know what supernatural actually IS and how it should work (or not work), in the quantum universe (if in consideration one would know the full workings).

Are you (plural) so sure to the claims that such "notions" would require the suspension of the laws of physics or that supernatural could not alternatively mean the manipulation of forces?

I make no claim here btw that science tells you either way which corroborates with southerns post:

do you believe that garden fairies, Santa, pixies and leprechauns exist? No? Can you prove they don't exist? I didn't think so.

I think the best way to describe "supernatural" is "fake." Maybe "pretend, fantasy, not real, etc."
Quantum theory doesn't tell you what "supernatural" consists of, and it doesn't tell you what kind of processes would be involved to be defined as such. Sure we have had the term supernatural for centuries but it was a discription of something "unknown, mysterious, not normal, beyond human comprehension. To say that nothing supernatural can interact with humans is to imply that we know what supernatural actually IS and how it should work (or not work), in the quantum universe (if in consideration one would know the full workings).

Are you (plural) so sure to the claims that such "notions" would require the suspension of the laws of physics or that supernatural could not alternatively mean the manipulation of forces?

I make no claim here btw that science tells you either way which corroborates with southerns post:

I think the best way to describe "supernatural" is "fake." Maybe "pretend, fantasy, not real, etc."
"Supernatural" = "Can't explain how it was naturally occurring... yet"
I think the best way to describe "supernatural" is "fake." Maybe "pretend, fantasy, not real, etc."

Well it seems we're getting somewhere.....

Now prove it. ;)

I think the bread I make is supernatural because I can't explain the action of it rising, starting to bubble, changing the flour into bread. And when I put it to fire it expands and grows. It can only be the action of supernatural spirits. (Pardon the anachronism here, the word "supernatural" has not been invented yet.)

I'm living in the 4th century of course, so I'm very scientifically ignorant and don't even know there exist such things as microbes.

And on top of that the night before I was gang raped by succubi while I slept.

It's all supernatural, don't you agree?
I think the bread I make is supernatural because I can't explain the action of it rising, starting to bubble, changing the flour into bread. And when I put it to fire it expands and grows. It can only be the action of supernatural spirits. (Pardon the anachronism here, the word "supernatural" has not been invented yet.)

Yes I have heard of certain superstitions similar to your discription, but that belief is not biblical, the bible warns of these things. People of those times understood nature e.g. growing crops, raisng livestock and making bread etc. which they may give thanks of course.

2 Samuel 23:4
Is as the light of the morning when the sun rises, A morning without clouds, When the tender grass springs out of the earth, Through sunshine after rain.'

Hebrews 6:7
For ground that drinks the rain which often falls on it and brings forth vegetation useful to those for whose sake it is also tilled, receives a blessing from God;

Matthew 7:24-27
"Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts on them, may be compared to a wise man who built his house on the rock. "And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and yet it did not fall, for it had been founded on the rock. "Everyone who hears these words of Mine and does not act on them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand.

I'm living in the 4th century of course, so I'm very scientifically ignorant and don't even know there exist such things as microbes.

Microbes, would be accepted as part of nature and wouldn't be an issue.

And on top of that the night before I was gang raped by succubi while I slept.

It's all supernatural, don't you agree?

Well yes I suppose so. All unknown phenomena claimed, real or not would fall under that catergory. I would include sci-fi-like theories to some extent (multi-dimensions, multi-universes).
Quantum Field Theory provides plenty of excellent evidence that nothing 'supernatural' can exist that interacts with humans. No gods, souls, spirits, ghosts, telepathic powers, prayers, telekinesis, astral projection, or anything else not mediated by one of the four fundamental forces/fields/bosons of the Standard Model.

Quantum theory doesn't tell you what "supernatural" consists of, and it doesn't tell you what kind of processes would be involved to be defined as such. Sure we have had the term supernatural for centuries but it was a discription of something "unknown, mysterious, not normal, beyond human comprehension. To say that nothing supernatural can interact with humans is to imply that we know what supernatural actually IS and how it should work (or not work), in the quantum universe (if in consideration one would know the full workings).
You might be excused for guessing that that would be the case. But it turns out that it's not.

In fact, we only need to know ALL of the possible interactions that natural substances can have with anything, to be sure that there are no 'unknown' interactions.

And we now DO know. Because mass and energy are interchangeable, every force is associated with a particle, and concentrating sufficient energy in one place will cause any particles below the mass limit (set by the amount of energy used) to be formed.

Big particle accelerators can concentrate collossal amounts of energy into very small volumes, and as a result these must produce all of the force-carrying particles (bosons) that can exist at that energy. So we can be certain that the only forces which interact with real matter are those we know about, or those that only apply at extreme energies, which we cannot yet reach even in our largest particle accelerators.

As those extreme energies are incompatible with life unless spread over a vast volume of space, they cannot mediate an interaction with an individual human being (or human brain); Either they would have to affect every person on the planet in the exact same way at any moment in time (as, for example, the gravity of the galactic core does); Or they would have to be sufficiently concentrated as to vapourise the person involved, along with a sizeable fraction of his home town.

So it turns out that we need not know anything about the supernatural. We can know enough about the natural to be completely certain that it ONLY interacts with the four known forces, under conditions compatible with human life.

There may well be other forces as yet unknown; In fact, we know that there must be. But these can only exist under extreme conditions, or at truly galactic scales. They cannot interact differentially on humans sharing a single planet, any more than you could pick up just one atom from a dropped coin. You can pick up the coin, but you simply don't have the ability to discriminate between individual atoms. Likewise, any hypothetical gods couldn't discriminate between the planets of our solar system, much less between individual humans, other than via the known forces - all of which we could easily detect if it were happening.
Are you (plural) so sure to the claims that such "notions" would require the suspension of the laws of physics or that supernatural could not alternatively mean the manipulation of forces?
I make no claim here btw that science tells you either way which corroborates with southerns post:

do you believe that garden fairies, Santa, pixies and leprechauns exist? No? Can you prove they don't exist? I didn't think so.

I DO make a claim that science tells us. That you haven't learned the science doesn't change that fact.
Well yes I suppose so. All unknown phenomena claimed, real or not would fall under that catergory. I would include sci-fi-like theories to some extent (multi-dimensions, multi-universes).
The list of unknown phenomena continues to shift its explanation from supernatural to natural.
Microbes, would be accepted as part of nature and wouldn't be an issue.
You wouldn't know that in the 4th century so it would be supernatural. But it isn't of course, because nothing is.

T.G.G. Moogly said:
And on top of that the night before I was gang raped by succubi while I slept.

It's all supernatural, don't you agree?

Learner said:
All unknown phenomena claimed, real or not would fall under that catergory.

Then why wouldn't microbes be supernatural in the 4th century?

And could you provide me with a list of ten things that have no supernatural connection.
"God doesn't exist" is a statement with no evidence.

As we stand, there is no evidence to support a justified belief in the existence of God or gods. Which is why holding a belief/conviction in the existence of these things is a matter of faith.
The word, faith, seems to be specially created to describe fantasy fans that have become so obsessed with the fantasy that they have lost touch with rationality... but only for those lost in one particular fantasy, religion. We generally describe fans of Star Wars that that become sufficiently obsessed with the story line that includes Jedi knights and "the force" to form a Jedi Church as something other than having faith. But give it another few hundred years and maybe they will be described as having faith... It didn't take the Mormons that long.
"God doesn't exist" is a statement with no evidence.

As we stand, there is no evidence to support a justified belief in the existence of God or gods. Which is why holding a belief/conviction in the existence of these things is a matter of faith.
The word, faith, seems to be specially created to describe fantasy fans that have become so obsessed with the fantasy that they have lost touch with rationality... but only for those lost in one particular fantasy, religion. We generally describe fans of Star Wars that that become sufficiently obsessed with the story line that includes Jedi knights and "the force" to form a Jedi Church as something other than having faith. But give it another few hundred years and maybe they will be described as having faith... It didn't take the Mormons that long.
Took Scientology even less time!
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