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Evangelicals' bad reputation


Jul 27, 2000
Eugene, OR
Basic Beliefs
Evangelicals Have an Awful Reputation with Non-Christians. They Earned It. | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos notes U.S. Adults See Evangelicals Through a Political Lens - Barna Group
Hemant Mehta:
Here’s what they found: Most evangelicals describe their people as “caring,” “hopeful,” “friendly,” “encouraging,” and “generous.” No surprises there.

But the words that non-Christians used to describe evangelicals (at least moreso than any other group) include “narrow-minded,” “homophobic,” “puritanical,” “uptight,” and “invasive.”
Non-evangelical Christians were in between - Catholics and mainline Protestants.
Barna concludes that, while the reputation of Jesus ultimately matters more than the reputation of evangelicals, Christians who want to convert others will have a hard time doing so if everyone hates them. (No kidding.)
From the Barna report,
… will the public witness of evangelicals be a bridge or a barrier to the very thing they hold most dear: persuading others to put their faith in Christ? The findings strongly suggest that the perceptions of evangelicals are more barrier than bridge on the road to gaining a hearing for the gospel. As such, the results of this research require much soul searching among Christians to discern a way forward with the current ‘evangelical brand.’
As if their problem is a public-relations one. But it isn't. HM again:
We think they’re homophobic because they are homophobic. We think they’re narrow-minded because they prove it every damn day. “Puritanical”? Just look at the way they handle sex education, purity culture, and women’s rights.
For a bunch of conservatives, they are very reluctant to take responsibility for their actions.
dictionary said:
noun: evangelism

the spreading of the Christian gospel by public preaching or personal witness.
zealous advocacy of a cause.

Evangelism is bad. At least the public part. I don't like Jehovas witlesses showing up uninvited, and don't like anyone trying to cram their superstitions down other people's throats. Those are the activities of bad people. I don't mind private, one on one efforts to convince because 1) you don't have to tolerate it if you don't want, and 2) it is possible in those situations to actually have an exchange. But garden variety evangelicals have no interest in that, as they feel they are earning a pass to eternal bliss (IOW working on their own behalf) by berating people about shit they actually know nothing about.
Evangelicals Have an Awful Reputation with Non-Christians. They Earned It. | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos notes U.S. Adults See Evangelicals Through a Political Lens - Barna Group
Hemant Mehta:

Non-evangelical Christians were in between - Catholics and mainline Protestants.

From the Barna report,
… will the public witness of evangelicals be a bridge or a barrier to the very thing they hold most dear: persuading others to put their faith in Christ? The findings strongly suggest that the perceptions of evangelicals are more barrier than bridge on the road to gaining a hearing for the gospel. As such, the results of this research require much soul searching among Christians to discern a way forward with the current ‘evangelical brand.’
As if their problem is a public-relations one. But it isn't. HM again:
We think they’re homophobic because they are homophobic. We think they’re narrow-minded because they prove it every damn day. “Puritanical”? Just look at the way they handle sex education, purity culture, and women’s rights.
For a bunch of conservatives, they are very reluctant to take responsibility for their actions.

It's not just non-Christians... they are incompetent at building with bridges with anyone. Though their ideas have caught on in many wings of the church, alas. It's actually quite confusing to figure out just how many Evangelicals there are, as not everyone who is called an Evangelical calls themselves by that label, and not everyone who is called Evangelical is associated with the younger movement.
And they're TRUMPANZEES with the utmost respect and support for the most salacious man to ever sit in the O.O. I know a born-again who once landed a mild criticism of the DVD I gave to her family (Eye of the Needle with Donald Sutherland) by telling me, "I didn't appreciate the steamy scenes." (There's one shot of a bare breast in the film.) She now hews to the Trump line, ranting about 'fake' trials and 'Communists' trying to bring down the government. Most of all, her hero routinely calls his opponents scum of the earth, low IQ, dumb as a rock, sleepy-eyed son of a bitch, shit (or Schitt, in his 7th grade fashion.) And let's throw in the detention compounds for children. And the payoffs to porn stars. So, yeah, I never thought her religious views were true in any particular, but now her stance as a sanctified, saved human with a changed heart means, exactly what?
I've worked with and am friends with a couple evangelical types and they're decent folks with families and all that. Maybe the key to not demonizing anyone is to have contact with them and do things together, like being employed or enjoying public venues.
I've worked with and am friends with a couple evangelical types and they're decent folks with families and all that. Maybe the key to not demonizing anyone is to have contact with them and do things together, like being employed or enjoying public venues.

Evangelism is bad. I try not to demonize evangelicals, but do not restrain myself from criticizing their behavior. I hate Jehovah's Witnesses showing up uninvited, but am still friends with the excellent contractor who built my house 23 years ago.
There's a line from Mary Poppins...

"Although we adore them individually,
As a whole we think they're rather stupid."
James old chum, you may have stumbled upon a secret weapon for atheists. How can theists challenge atheists now, with the likes of Mary Poppins?

Give up Christians... while you can!!
“Most evangelicals describe their people as “caring,” “hopeful,” “friendly,” “encouraging,” and “generous.” No surprises there.”

They may be those things, but only to each other. They’d be happy if the rest of us were eaten by rats.
It does not look like we are really going to deal with global warming seriously enough to avoid a rather seriously troubling future. The real problems will not hit us for another 30 - 50 years. When it does, it is going to destroy the anti-intellectuals, conservatives, big business that has been feeding climate denial, and yes, Christians who have managed to buy into all of this big time, many of them.

Serious problems caused by global warming are going to make these pariahs. Christianity is not going to be popular with many when the stupidity of all of this is undeniable. This is all going to make the embarrassment of the Galileo affair pale by comparison.
Can I assume that we are speaking about white evangelicals here. Black evangelicals rarely support Trump, and while they may believe the same basic Christian message as white evangelicals, they tend to be very different and much less judgmental.

Dear White Evangelicals,

I need to tell you something: People have had it with you.

They’re done.

They want nothing to do with you any longer, and here’s why:

They see your hypocrisy, your inconsistency, your incredibly selective mercy, and your thinly veiled supremacy.

For eight years they watched you relentlessly demonize a black President; a man faithfully married for 26 years; a doting father and husband without a hint of moral scandal or the slightest whiff of infidelity.

They watched you deny his personal faith convictions, argue his birthplace, and assail his character—all without cause or evidence. They saw you brandish Scriptures to malign him and use the laziest of racial stereotypes in criticizing him.

And through it all, White Evangelicals—you never once suggested that God placed him where he was,
you never publicly offered prayers for him and his family,
you never welcomed him to your Christian Universities,
you never gave him the benefit of the doubt in any instance,
you never spoke of offering him forgiveness or mercy,
your evangelists never publicly thanked God for his leadership,
your pastors never took to the pulpit to offer solidarity with him,
you never made any effort to affirm his humanity or show the love of Jesus to him in any quantifiable measure.

That's what I'm talking about. There is a world of difference between black and white evangelicals, when it comes to how they treat others. Racism seems to have a lot to do with the attitudes of a large percentage of white evangelicals. They hated the black president but worship the horrible, corrupt white president who has manipulated them into thinking that he's been sent by their god.
Romans 13:1
Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.

This is the verse the Xians rely on to tout Trump's anointment as leader as coming from God. If Trump loses to a Democrat in 2020, we will have to rub their snouts in this verse.
Romans 13:1
Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.

This is the verse the Xians rely on to tout Trump's anointment as leader as coming from God. If Trump loses to a Democrat in 2020, we will have to rub their snouts in this verse.

Trumpers are immune to logic.
And since they believe Satan has agency in this world (the JWs who come to my door insist that Satan rules this world), they can say Satan rigs some elections. No matter that it's a willy-nilly way to categorize our election history. They always have their story.
Romans 13:1
Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.

This is the verse the Xians rely on to tout Trump's anointment as leader as coming from God. If Trump loses to a Democrat in 2020, we will have to rub their snouts in this verse.

But why Trump and not any of the other presidents? If God controls everything and anoints our presidents, why not Obama?

But, yeah. They have no common sense, never mind logic.
Evangelicals Have an Awful Reputation with Non-Christians. They Earned It. | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos notes U.S. Adults See Evangelicals Through a Political Lens - Barna Group
Hemant Mehta:

Here’s what they found: Most evangelicals describe their people as “caring,” “hopeful,” “friendly,” “encouraging,” and “generous.” No surprises there.

But the words that non-Christians used to describe evangelicals (at least moreso than any other group) include “narrow-minded,” “homophobic,” “puritanical,” “uptight,” and “invasive.”

What a surprise.
Hemant Mehta using subjective terms to contradict someone else's subjective terms.

Non-evangelical Christians were in between - Catholics and mainline Protestants.

Barna concludes that, while the reputation of Jesus ultimately matters more than the reputation of evangelicals, Christians who want to convert others will have a hard time doing so if everyone hates them. (No kidding.)

No kidding indeed.
"If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first" (John 15:18

From the Barna report,
… will the public witness of evangelicals be a bridge or a barrier to the very thing they hold most dear: persuading others to put their faith in Christ? The findings strongly suggest that the perceptions of evangelicals are more barrier than bridge on the road to gaining a hearing for the gospel. As such, the results of this research require much soul searching among Christians to discern a way forward with the current ‘evangelical brand.’
As if their problem is a public-relations one. But it isn't.

Well duh...!
Evangelicals know this already.
They know they don't need a different advertising agency to become popular with oh, so friendly and tolerant woke atheists like Hemant Mehta.

You can't reduce this to a simple trope like shoot the messenger.

HM again:
We think they’re homophobic because they are homophobic. We think they’re narrow-minded because they prove it every damn day. “Puritanical”? Just look at the way they handle sex education, purity culture, and women’s rights.

For a bunch of conservatives, they are very reluctant to take responsibility for their actions.

That's the money shot.
We think you're homophobic because you are.
We think you are narrow minded because you are.

What a circuitous argument from folks who would never let an evangelical get away with...
"we believe the bible because the bible says the bible is true"

Evangelicals are puritanical because they don't approve of... [insert sexual proclivities here]
Evangelicals are misogynists because they don't agree with the people who call them misogynists.

Oh if only you evangelicals would stop thinking the bible is true, then you would be so much more popular with atheists.
...yeah, because that's what's stopping Hemant Mehta from going to church on Sunday.
You can't reduce this to a simple trope like shoot the messenger.

HM again:
We think they’re homophobic because they are homophobic. We think they’re narrow-minded because they prove it every damn day. “Puritanical”? Just look at the way they handle sex education, purity culture, and women’s rights.

For a bunch of conservatives, they are very reluctant to take responsibility for their actions.

That's the money shot.
We think you're homophobic because you are.
We think you are narrow minded because you are.

What a circuitous argument from folks who would never let an evangelical get away with...
"we believe the bible because the bible says the bible is true"

Evangelicals are puritanical because they don't approve of... [insert sexual proclivities here]
Evangelicals are misogynists because they don't agree with the people who call them misogynists.

Oh if only you evangelicals would stop thinking the bible is true, then you would be so much more popular with atheists.
...yeah, because that's what's stopping Hemant Mehta from going to church on Sunday.

wait. Did you think that made sense what you wote?

“We believe the bible is true because we believe it is true”
Is equivalent to
“We think they are homophobic because they support and woork to enact laws to jail and punish gays”

You think those two statements are using the the same types of evidence?
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