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Obama wants "Cousin Pookie" to vote


Aug 19, 2002
Atlanta, GA
Basic Beliefs
Cousin Pookie is back! And yes, he is still sitting on the couch.

Pookie apparently was the crack-addict Chris Rock character from a 1991 Wesley Snipes movie "New Jack City".

Quite ridiculous. Kind of like if a white politician telling whites they need to increase white turnout by getting "Cousin Badger" or "Cousin Skinny Pete" to the polls. :rolleyes: Except of course that it would be a much more timely reference. :)
What was Obama thinking? Yeah, there is definitely something wrong with any politician trying to get more people to exercise their right to vote.
Actually the reference is much wider, if you read the entire article.

I'm just glad he wasn't trying to get people to get pigs to vote.

What was Obama thinking? Yeah, there is definitely something wrong with any politician trying to get more people to exercise their right to vote.
Who said that a politician trying to get out the vote was wrong?
No, I was commenting on the way he was doing it, using stereotypes of crack-addicted, lazy blacks and using very dated pop culture references.
What was Obama thinking? Yeah, there is definitely something wrong with any politician trying to get more people to exercise their right to vote.
Who said that a politician trying to get out the vote was wrong?
No, I was commenting on the way he was doing it, using stereotypes of crack-addicted, lazy blacks and using very dated pop culture references.
Do you get a lot of buyers for the Brooklyn bridge? Because I'm not buying it.
What I hate the most about Obama is the way that everything he does is evil. :mad:
I suppose this means the Ebola epidemic which took 0 American lives stateside isn't going to get any worse, if this is the shit people are posting now.
Actually the reference is much wider, if you read the entire article.
The article says that Chris Rock is the most well known version. Just like Hamlet is older than Shakespeare's play but everybody knows him from there.
Actually, he was talking to a specific crowd when he used the reference. They got it. And it wasn't because of New Jack City.
I had no idea who "Cousin Pookie" is... But when I heard Obama's exhortation to voting, I envisioned Pookie was a character of some sort who reflects the traits of being invested in TV watching sports, sitcoms etc..., couch potatoe-ing to the max, who would be deterred from voting because it is raining or too hot, or who would think that one vote does not make a difference.... etc.

Anyhow, what would be wrong about encouraging the cousins Pookie to get out and vote? Is voting to be a right and responsibility to be exercised only by conformed to the "norm" Americans? Meaning middle class, white-picket fence home owners, in neighborhoods not affected by socio economical depression? Is not the US supposed to be a pluralistic democratic Republic where all citizens are to be encouraged to vote regardless of their gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religious beliefs/lack of etc... and certainly socio economical status?

I also noticed how the OP seems to have missed Obama's sense of irony. Escorted by his sense of humour.

I suppose some folks have nothing better to do than polarize their negative attention on Obama at the drop of a hat.
And this OMG-The-President-Is-Wearing-A-Brown-Suit-Moment has been brought to you by

Gallmark Greetings

"When you care enough to hate the very best way you can for flimsiest reasons that exist"
Anyhow, what would be wrong about encouraging the cousins Pookie to get out and vote?
Because people like Pookie are almost certainly not informed to know anything about the elections you want them to participate in. You can be poor and still informed, so it's not about socioeconomic status, but if you have to be dragged to the polls what are the chances you even know who or what's on the ballot and have formed an opinion about either?
I do not want Pookies to vote, just like I don't want Badgers or Skinny Petes to vote either.
Actually the reference is much wider, if you read the entire article.
The article says that Chris Rock is the most well known version. Just like Hamlet is older than Shakespeare's play but everybody knows him from there.

All this is meaningful because the responsible republicans are concentrating on legitimate measures to get out the vote Republicans are using patriotic stuff like fear of ISIS at our southern border, the the great african satan president, being infected with Ebola - he's from Kenya yano - is spreading it around? FY!!
Anyhow, what would be wrong about encouraging the cousins Pookie to get out and vote?
Because people like Pookie are almost certainly not informed to know anything about the elections you want them to participate in. You can be poor and still informed, so it's not about socioeconomic status, but if you have to be dragged to the polls what are the chances you even know who or what's on the ballot and have formed an opinion about either?
I do not want Pookies to vote, just like I don't want Badgers or Skinny Petes to vote either.

Well, there's your problem. You seem to want to pick and choose who gets to vote. I want everyone to vote. At the very least I think Cousin Pookie, which simply refers to a lazy but endearing relative (not a crack addict), can be counted on to know the general difference between R and D, as well as which party would benefit him more if elected.
Anyhow, what would be wrong about encouraging the cousins Pookie to get out and vote?
Because people like Pookie are almost certainly not informed to know anything about the elections you want them to participate in. You can be poor and still informed, so it's not about socioeconomic status, but if you have to be dragged to the polls what are the chances you even know who or what's on the ballot and have formed an opinion about either?
I do not want Pookies to vote, just like I don't want Badgers or Skinny Petes to vote either.
What a democratic view.
Anyhow, what would be wrong about encouraging the cousins Pookie to get out and vote?
Because people like Pookie are almost certainly not informed to know anything about the elections you want them to participate in. You can be poor and still informed, so it's not about socioeconomic status, but if you have to be dragged to the polls what are the chances you even know who or what's on the ballot and have formed an opinion about either?
I do not want Pookies to vote, just like I don't want Badgers or Skinny Petes to vote either.

My guess is Cousin Pookie stays home because he is smart enough to know his vote won't mean shit.
Because people like Pookie are almost certainly not informed to know anything about the elections you want them to participate in. You can be poor and still informed, so it's not about socioeconomic status, but if you have to be dragged to the polls what are the chances you even know who or what's on the ballot and have formed an opinion about either?
I do not want Pookies to vote, just like I don't want Badgers or Skinny Petes to vote either.

My guess is Cousin Pookie stays home because he is smart enough to know his vote won't mean shit.

Why? Is the fix in already?

So no one's vote matters? Your math only works if no one votes. Everybody who votes is stupid for doing so?

I think your position is more of this.: "I don’t want everybody to vote…our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down." - Paul Weyrich, Republican strategist

ETA: Apparently he thinks every vote matters.
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