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If You Are Certain God Exists Why Prove It?


Diabetic retinopathy and poor eyesight. Typos ...
Nov 9, 2017
Basic Beliefs
If you truly believe why do you need a proof?
I think it's the atheists who are asking for proof etc.

I cant find any scriptural invocation that compels me to prove God exists to the satisfaction of empiricists, presuppositional atheists and methodological skeptics.
I think it's the atheists who are asking for proof etc.

I cant find any scriptural invocation that compels me to prove God exists to the satisfaction of empiricists, presuppositional atheists and methodological skeptics.

Then why are you even responding?

I can't speak for all atheist's. I think atheists are generally reacting to not the Christian belief in god, but what Christians presume they should and can do in the name of the belief.

Abortion and homosexuality. Labeling non believers as fundamentally evil. Enacting beliefs into law.

I have never met an evangelical proselytizing Jew or Muslim in this country. They are generally content to dwell withing their faith.
The nature of faith means that you don't need evidence to support your conviction, that don't need to prove your belief. You just believe.
If you truly believe why do you need a proof?

The Protestant faith is based on the idea that having belief is in-and-of-itself the proof. They believe that faith comes from God alone. Seeking proof is sacrilege. Unfortunately this notion is easily transferred to the realm of politics.
I think it's the atheists who are asking for proof etc.

I cant find any scriptural invocation that compels me to prove God exists to the satisfaction of empiricists, presuppositional atheists and methodological skeptics.

Then why are you even responding?...

You just proved my point.

Feels good to be on the righteous side of a god putting done those non believing atheists, does it not?

As usual the theist ignores the obvious point. Christianity for thousands of years has sought to impose itself on the world. Carbolics invented a logically consistent theology none bible based.

Back to the OP. Years back there was a steady stream of Christians out to debunk science and evolution, and put forth proofs god exists.

It feels good to do righteous bustle for a god.

'Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the lord...he is wiping out evil with a great shining sword..' or something like that. The Battle Hymn Of The Republic.

You try to turn the table back on atheists to avoid the questions, par for the course.
Needing or voicing a proof implies doubt.
You - Hey, Lion IRC Why do you think God is real?
Me - because.....
You - AHA! gotcha. You must have doubts otherwise you wouldnt [answer my question]
You - Hey, Lion IRC Why do you think God is real?
Me - because.....
You - AHA! gotcha. You must have doubts otherwise you wouldnt [answer my question]

Now you are staring to get it. You are indeed 'got'.
Needing or voicing a proof implies doubt.
Since you can't provide any reason why that is true then we can dismiss you.

And as you post nothing but subjective feelings about faith based on ancient disjointed writings of unknome authorship I remain atheist.

You paint yourself into a corner.

If god exists why mu

Keep in my us atheists have northing to prove. We do not need to disprove god, what we do is respond to claims of the supernatural.You are arguing an imaginary thing, it is all in your head. What you believe means absolutely nothing to me.

Imagine an adult with his hand on the head of a little kid who is swinging wildly trying to hit the adult.
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If you truly believe why do you need a proof?

If the believer's position is that she believes for no reason, irrationally, and that anyone who agrees with her is equally irrational, then she doesn't need proof.
If you truly believe why do you need a proof?

If the believer's position is that she believes for no reason, irrationally, and that anyone who agrees with her is equally irrational, then she doesn't need proof.

Yes, well said I listened to an NPR show on the placebo effect. The scope was staggering. Some people given a placebo feel better. Even when they are told it was a placebo they still need the pill to feel god.

It goes back to Mesmer.
Some people given a placebo feel better.

Read a book; title was something like Thirteen Things That Don't Make Sense.

The chapter on placebos had a story something like this:

We divide our subjects into two groups. Group A gets Acetaminophen, and it helps their headaches. Group D gets a Different drug, and it helps their headaches just as much.

Time passes, and, at some point, placebos are substituted for the acetaminophen and the different drug. The placebos work just as well as the real drugs.

More time passes, and a new switch is made. Both groups get a drug which would prevent Acetaminophen from working, if they were taking acetaminophen. This new drug continues to work as an effective placebo for the people in group D, but the people in group A get their headaches back full force.
Needing or voicing a proof implies doubt.
Since you can't provide any reason why that is true then we can dismiss you as a fool.

People can be wrong. Being wrong doesn't make someone a fool. Religion is a powerful presence/meme. Its not something that can just be dropped.

People like labels. Labels give them control. I think "god" is a label that works like that for lots of people. They apply it to their experiences so that they can claim to understand what doesn't make any sense otherwise. They don't know what's really in the bottle but if they put "god" on the bottle maybe it makes them feel like whatever is inside is something they understand.

Most of the people who use this label in my experience don't really care about proof because the proof is in how they feel, not what they know. It's all about being in communion with the great woo, and there will never be any proof for the woo because the woo is beyond proof.
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