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Banning groups with confederate affiliations

This is a substantive response to the OP:

What are all the groups this applies to?

Sons of the Confederacy?
Daughters of the Confederacy?
United States govt?

The state of Georgia?
The state of Louisiana?

Or does it only apply to the Democratic Party?

The article does say:
"...resolution that would ban the Democratic Party and any other groups that have historically supported the Confederacy or slavery in the United States."

Emphasis added.

Do you support banning the United Daughters of the Confederacy? What about the League of the South? And how does banning the Democratic Party not trample First Amendment Rights of free speech and assembly?

So if the Daughters of the Confederacy and the League of the South cannot enter congress, that means they don't have freedom of speech or assembly? They are forcibly silenced from making any statements about any issues?

I think it would be very interesting were states banned. For a while some states were, but then they were allowed to represent themselves in congress again later. Even then the people of those states didn't have much say in who represented them.
One Confederate state that would be banned is Texas. That's where the author of this idea is from.

This is a substantive response to the OP:

What are all the groups this applies to?

Sons of the Confederacy?
Daughters of the Confederacy?
United States govt?

The state of Georgia?
The state of Louisiana?

Or does it only apply to the Democratic Party?

The article does say:
"...resolution that would ban the Democratic Party and any other groups that have historically supported the Confederacy or slavery in the United States."

Emphasis added.

Do you support banning the United Daughters of the Confederacy? What about the League of the South? And how does banning the Democratic Party not trample First Amendment Rights of free speech and assembly?

So if the Daughters of the Confederacy and the League of the South cannot enter congress, that means they don't have freedom of speech or assembly? They are forcibly silenced from making any statements about any issues?

If they can't call themselves members of the United Daughters of the Confederacy or the League of the South while serving in Congress, or present their views on an equal footing with every other group in the US, then yes, their Rights of free speech and assembly are being constrained.

Did you read Gohmert's resolution?

"Whereas, The Democratic Party Platform of 1840, 1844, 1848, 1852, and 1856 states “That
Congress has no power under the Constitution, to interfere with or control the domestic
institutions of the several States, and that such States are the sole and proper judges of everything
appertaining to their own affairs, not prohibited by the Constitution..."

...therefore, ban the Democratic Party? For supporting States Rights? And you, a Libertarian, think that's funny?

That is funny.
If I find something funny, you think I support it. Got it.

Not necessarily.

But since you aren't making fun of Gohmert or mocking his resolution but instead appear to be amused by his targeting Democrats, it follows that you aren't criticizing his proposal, you're relishing his making it.
If I find something funny, you think I support it. Got it.

I see the bill as satire, pointing out the irony of the current 'cancel culture' supported by many of our congress critters. I love irony so see the bill as funny as hell. The shame is that those in the extreme left seem to not understand satire, have no sense of irony, and have no sense of humor. For them, everything is dead serious and only their particular political position has merit.
If I find something funny, you think I support it. Got it.

I see the bill as satire, pointing out the irony of the current 'cancel culture' supported by many of our congress critters. I love irony so see the bill as funny as hell. The shame is that those in the extreme left seem to not understand satire, have no sense of irony, and have no sense of humor. For them, everything is dead serious and only their particular political position has merit.

So you think using government funds and processes to make a joke is funny. Got it.
If I find something funny, you think I support it. Got it.

I see the bill as satire, pointing out the irony of the current 'cancel culture' supported by many of our congress critters. I love irony so see the bill as funny as hell. The shame is that those in the extreme left seem to not understand satire, have no sense of irony, and have no sense of humor. For them, everything is dead serious and only their particular political position has merit.

So you think using government funds and processes to make a joke is funny. Got it.
If you can't laugh at the idiocy in Washington then there is no hope for you.

But apparently you are incapable of understanding that the "joke" was pointing out the irony of the Democrat's 'council culture'.
So you think using government funds and processes to make a joke is funny. Got it.
If you can't laugh at the idiocy in Washington then there is no hope for you.

Gohmert is the idiocy in Washington, and I am sure Zipr can laugh at him just fine. I know I can.

But apparently you are incapable of understanding that the "joke" was pointing out the irony of the Democrat's 'council culture'.

Hearing Republicans bitch about "cancel culture" is the ultimate irony. It is the exact thing they have been doing for decades.
If I find something funny, you think I support it. Got it.

I see the bill as satire, pointing out the irony of the current 'cancel culture' supported by many of our congress critters. I love irony so see the bill as funny as hell. The shame is that those in the extreme left seem to not understand satire, have no sense of irony, and have no sense of humor. For them, everything is dead serious and only their particular political position has merit.
I think it is adorable there are some people who feel Mr. Gohmert is clever enough to engage in satire.
If I find something funny, you think I support it. Got it.

I see the bill as satire, pointing out the irony of the current 'cancel culture' supported by many of our congress critters. I love irony so see the bill as funny as hell. The shame is that those in the extreme left seem to not understand satire, have no sense of irony, and have no sense of humor. For them, everything is dead serious and only their particular political position has merit.

People who are ignorant, not realizing the Reich wing is even more of a cancel culture, think it's funny or pretend to. In Gohmert's case, it's probably fake. Politicians like Gohmert are fake. That's why it's important to point out the hypocritical projectionism. Let's review. Democrats of old are now Republicans. It's Gohmert himself whose family were Confederates to his personal benefit, a representative from Texas, a conservative state who screams about not tearing down statues because he's supporting neo-confederacism and racism, now screaming about Democrats, just because of a label. Police protocols, racism, revisionist history on statues are all real tangible things, not artifacts of labels, yet Gohmert supports the wrong side because his DEMOCRAT ancestors whose purpose and inheritances he received supported those things. Gohmert owns the history of the racism of the Democratic Party because they are his ideological forbears.
If I find something funny, you think I support it. Got it.

I see the bill as satire, pointing out the irony of the current 'cancel culture' supported by many of our congress critters. I love irony so see the bill as funny as hell. The shame is that those in the extreme left seem to not understand satire, have no sense of irony, and have no sense of humor. For them, everything is dead serious and only their particular political position has merit.
I think it is adorable there are some people who feel Mr. Gohmert is clever enough to engage in satire.

I think it's adorable that you think you can recognize satire.
If I find something funny, you think I support it. Got it.

I see the bill as satire, pointing out the irony of the current 'cancel culture' supported by many of our congress critters. I love irony so see the bill as funny as hell. The shame is that those in the extreme left seem to not understand satire, have no sense of irony, and have no sense of humor. For them, everything is dead serious and only their particular political position has merit.
I think it is adorable there are some people who feel Mr. Gohmert is clever enough to engage in satire.
The fact that he wrote such a beautifully satirical bill and you are incapable of recognizing it as such pretty much demonstrates what I said above about the extreme left wing was spot on... Thanks for the confirmation.
I think it is adorable there are some people who feel Mr. Gohmert is clever enough to engage in satire.
The fact that he wrote such a beautifully satirical bill and you failed to recognize it as such pretty much demonstrates what I said above about the extreme left wing was spot on... Thanks for the confirmation.

If you think his Ban the Democratic Party bill is beautifully satirical, you're gonna love his witty response to a NOAA report on global warming:

Gohmert—who does not believe that human activity contributes to global warming—admitted that he hadn’t actually read the report, which he described as “way too full of science mumbo-jumbo to make sense of.” “But I had one of my interns summarize its conclusions, and they’re obviously malarkey,” Gohmert said. “Rising sea levels? Melting ice caps? Well now, if that were true, how come the water in my pool isn’t any higher than it was last year?”...

...But Gohmert is arguing that Americans shouldn’t trust the word of “liberal scientists” like Arndt. “You shouldn’t believe anything is real unless you’ve witnessed it first hand,” Gohmert recently told a group of fifth graders visiting the Capitol. “Unless you read it in The Bible, of course.”

Gohmert says that heeding the report’s warnings and enacting government policies to reverse, or even slow, the course of global warming would be “like wasting toilet paper on a clean rear-end.”

“If money was toilet paper, the federal government would be down to only one or two squares,” Gohmert explained. “And we can’t risk using them until we know there’s a problem. Come see me when my living room is under water—maybe then we’ll discuss this issue.”


What a crack-up!
If you think his Ban the Democratic Party bill is beautifully satirical, you're gonna love
WTF? The fact that the guy can write good satire doesn't mean I think he is a genius or even that I agree with his politics.

This is a good example of the problem I have with partisan politics and the fools who get sucked into it. They assume that anything done or said by anyone in their party is 'gods truth'. Anything done or said by anyone in the opposing party is idiotic, if not outright evil. No thinking involved, just knee-jerk reaction.
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