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    • bilby
      bilby reacted to T.G.G. Moogly's post in the thread Do Gods Exist? with Like Like.
      Political ideology is an abstraction. Gods are abstractions. We're simply describing and categorizing human behavior is all. As claims...
    • bilby
      bilby replied to the thread Do Gods Exist?.
      Well it remains true whether you buy it or not. That's a defining feature of reality. The only thing atheists have in common is a lack...
    • bilby
      bilby replied to the thread Do Gods Exist?.
      Essentially, gods are a way to take one step back from claiming magical powers. People who claimed such powers would come unstuck when...
    • bilby
      bilby replied to the thread Do Gods Exist?.
      You are very quick to make declarations that are utterly false. You should probably work on that. I was literally typing out the...
    • bilby
      bilby replied to the thread Do Gods Exist?.
      Atheism isn't a bloc; Atheists don't have a single definition of anything, nor are there any rules of atheism we all follow. I can give...
    • bilby
      bilby replied to the thread Do Gods Exist?.
      It's about storytelling. Humans love them some storytelling.
    • bilby
      bilby replied to the thread Do Gods Exist?.
      —Douglas Adams, Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency
    • bilby
      bilby reacted to Ford's post in the thread Do Gods Exist? with Like Like.
      You are asserting that god(s) exist. As such, it is upon you to not only provide the definition of a "god" (which you have pulled from...
    • bilby
      bilby replied to the thread Do Gods Exist?.
      It's your thread; Why don't you have a shot at providing a watertight and unequivocal definition of what a god is to you? As with all...
    • bilby
      bilby reacted to Ford's post in the thread Do Gods Exist? with Like Like.
      Serious question: Are you trolling us? As far as your first questions go, it is pretty clear that thunder is not in fact caused by...
    • bilby
      bilby reacted to Ford's post in the thread Do Gods Exist? with Like Like.
      No, it's not really clever at all. It's just garden variety sarcasm. Low effort, I'll admit, but if you're going to come to a forum...
    • bilby
      bilby replied to the thread Do Gods Exist?.
      Oh, yes, the great and unassailable "argument by dictionary". :rolleyes: "Kim Jong Un has never been a gallery in a theatre, therefore...
    • bilby
      bilby replied to the thread Do Gods Exist?.
      Insofar as Kim Jong Un exists, he is not a god. Insofar as Kim Jong Un is a god, he does not exist. The person who exists is an...
    • bilby
      bilby reacted to pood's post in the thread Do Gods Exist? with Like Like.
      :rofl: Whatever, dude. Are we all done here with this nonsense?
    • bilby
      bilby replied to the thread Do Gods Exist?.
      Gods exist as fiction. Does Gandalf the Grey exist? Yes. Most people in the English speaking world know who he is; Many can describe him...
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