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    • J
      Jokodo replied to the thread Gender Roles.
      Interesting, had I found your example, I'd probably have explained it as the product of filing a template text, I.e "<plaintiff> hereby...
    • J
      Jokodo reacted to Bomb#20's post in the thread Gender Roles with Like Like.
      Excellent point. Heh. I take your point; but the billion+ Englishes are mostly mutually intelligible only because there's a high...
    • J
      Jokodo replied to the thread Gender Roles.
      Back in the good old days when weirdos knew their place and didn't make unreasonable demands - like, I don't know, expecting to be...
    • J
      Jokodo replied to the thread Gender Roles.
      By both my dictum of "go where you cause the least fuss" and @Jarhyn 's "pregnancy theoretic" considerations, Rose should probably be in...
    • J
      Toy just earned yourself detention, both of you! Let that be a lesson to stay civil in class. Your parents have already been informed.
    • J
      Jokodo replied to the thread Gender Roles.
      This is still ethnic discrimination, especially when somehow, that doesn't seem to be much of an obstacle for the Johns, Garies, and...
    • J
      Jokodo replied to the thread Gender Roles.
      I'm honestly kind of at loss what that refers to in the particular post I linked. The only word that arguably constitutes jargon is...
    • J
      Jokodo replied to the thread Gender Roles.
      I once knew a guy named Usama <Arabic_sounding_surname> who, when he was on the job market, got more than one rejection letter along the...
    • J
      Jokodo reacted to Loren Pechtel's post in the thread Gender Roles with Like Like.
      1) You're substituting "sex" for "gender". 2) You think you know. Doesn't mean you're right. People frequently misgender me, both...
    • J
      Jokodo replied to the thread Gender Roles.
      I think I need to hawk back to this misunderstanding here. I didn't say an infertile male isn't male. I said that an infertile male -...
    • J
      Jokodo replied to the thread Gender Roles.
      I actually missed this line in my earlier response. An analogy needs a certain level of parallelism to work. This is just not the case...
    • J
      Jokodo replied to the thread Gender Roles.
      What concensus? There are literally billions of Englishes, one for each register a speaker employs in one situation or other. Shaming...
    • J
      Jokodo replied to the thread Gender Roles.
      Except that the ways objects reflect light and how light interacts with different kinds of receptor molecules are static facts about our...
    • J
      Jokodo replied to the thread Gender Roles.
      That's not entirely true. People have been saying all along that "anyone who suspects they are pregnant should see their doctor...
    • J
      Jokodo replied to the thread Gender Roles.
      Just for reference, in a population of 8 billion, if "99.9998% of humans on the planet are unambiguously either male or female", that's...
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