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    • WAB
      WAB reacted to SLD's post in the thread Joke gallery with Like Like.
    • WAB
      WAB reacted to Elixir's post in the thread Joke gallery with Like Like.
      THAT must have been embarrassing!
    • WAB
      WAB reacted to Wiploc's post in the thread Joke gallery with Like Like.
      My wife asked why I was putting on my tux to go get a vasectomy. "Hey, if I'm going to be impotent, I'm going to look impotent."
    • WAB
      WAB reacted to DBT's post in the thread So who was Yahweh, anyway? with Like Like.
      God and Satan rolled into one package, it seems; 2 Samuel 24 1 Chronicles 21
    • WAB
      WAB reacted to ZiprHead's post in the thread Joke gallery with Like Like.
      An old, blind Marine wanders into an all-girl biker bar by mistake. He finds his way to a bar stool and orders a shot of Jack Daniels...
    • WAB
      WAB replied to the thread Joke gallery.
      Have you heard what the wife said who divorced her husband because he was impotent? (I may have made this up, it came to me at work...)
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