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The promise of Christian Nationalism


Veteran Member
Mar 27, 2008
always on the move
Basic Beliefs
Atheist, skeptic, nerd
In case there was any doubt, a Christian Nationalist discusses one change he wants made

(Warning to any ladies with high blood pressure, take your meds before watching)

Thanks for letting me see this internal clip of the coming Gilead.

The point is, I don't want to be represented by anyone but the person I name to represent me. Sometimes that's my husband, sometimes that's Ilhan Omar. But when someone can essentially VETO my vote with their personal choice and power EVERY time, that's me being powerless right there. That's me being someone's pet.

That's no good.

One ought not conform to the ways of this world "because I see no other choice" but "because I can see the benefit for it".

These are not the same thing.

There is always another choice.

And if I am unable to represent myself to the extent I feel I must, I think the proper choice is to cry "Havok!"

This man wants people randomly selected at birth by some circumstance subjected to a fixed caste beneath him, and in so believing this belief, I feel that we ought ought subject him, and only him*, to some fixed caste decided only by those who he would fix in caste below him; though fixed only notwithstanding his continued rejection of such enforcement of caste.
"He's hoing to vote, so you'd bettter too" would be a good ad campaign slogan. Not in the sense of being effective, but in the sense of summarizing how voters feel about this thrice-damned election. Somehow, both camps fedl like it's ballot or bullet time, when all of us would rather just stay home.
Don’t feel like starting a new thread for this, so comments on a meme trying to equate democrats to Nazis

Don’t feel like starting a new thread for this, so comments on a meme trying to equate democrats to Nazis

On the wall of the holocaust museum, a quote from an imprisoned Lutheran pastor...

"First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out — because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out — because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out — because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me — and there was no one left to speak for me."
If this was going on in another country with liberal democratic values and the religious radicals were in a realistic position to take power and create a Gilead or force the Law of Moses on everyone then that countries intelligence agencies would step in and start eliminating the leadership of those religious fanatics. After a few leaders met untimely deaths and that didn't take care of it then family members of leaders would start having horrible deaths by burning home or car wreck. Once is a coincidence, two is bad luck, but after the third, fourth, ect these people would get the hint conniving with people in power and knownig how it works.

I wonder how ending debts after the seventh year is going to go.

Also, you get slavery back. And slavery was ordered by God if a person was convicted of theft and could not pay back the value of what they stole plus three times. All this stuff about God just tolerating it was bullshit. He actually ordered it as a punishment.

Christian preachers, modern equivalent of priests, if their daughter gets knocked up before marriage are to be burned to death. If you screw your aunt you die by burning too.

I don't think the capitalists would like landed going back to original owners after 50 years if its in an unwalled city. And by goodness imagine having to build walls around cities today to keep from having to enforce such a rule.

If the agencies mentioned above didn't end the threat then that means they are behind it and pushing it and may have had a part originating it.

I wonder if the early Soviet leaders had to do what they did in the USSR to the religious folks because they faced similar attitudes and beliefs like we find in these fanatics. It was the only way to keep them at bay and under the thumb of society at large.
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Don’t feel like starting a new thread for this, so comments on a meme trying to equate democrats to Nazis

On the wall of the holocaust museum, a quote from an imprisoned Lutheran pastor...

"First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out — because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out — because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out — because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me — and there was no one left to speak for me."

I think a lot of it is spite. These people believe life has passed them by in a lot of ways and their attitude is that if they can't have what they want or the world doesn't work the way they want then let it burn.
I think a lot of it is spite. These people believe life has passed them by in a lot of ways and their attitude is that if they can't have what they want or the world doesn't work the way they want then let it burn.
Does that explain Faux News watchers?
On the wall of the holocaust museum, a quote from an imprisoned Lutheran pastor...

"First they came for the socialists..."
Martin Niemöller. A good man who made mistakes, learned from them, and in the end gave up everything he had to become a better man.
Don’t feel like starting a new thread for this, so comments on a meme trying to equate democrats to Nazis

Off course the stupidity of this is that neither the Nazis or Democrats ever were or are socialist. If they knew any actual history then they would know that there were street battles between the Nazis and socialists in Germany in 1920s and 1930s. The Democrats are a centre-right party.
The Democrats want sensible gun control laws, they are not anti-gun.
The Democrats want sensible gun control laws, they are not anti-gun.
For those disinclined to watch the video, the Nazis weren't uniformly anti-gun either - for Party members, gun laws loosened. For Jews, they tightened. The Republican Party employs a similar double standard vis a vis suburban white men and women open carrying as opposed to urban blacks, for whom bearing arms is often interpreted as proof of criminal intent.
Don’t feel like starting a new thread for this, so comments on a meme trying to equate democrats to Nazis

Off course the stupidity of this is that neither the Nazis or Democrats ever were or are socialist. If they knew any actual history then they would know that there were street battles between the Nazis and socialists in Germany in 1920s and 1930s. The Democrats are a centre-right party.
The Democrats want sensible gun control laws, they are not anti-gun.

The Nazi regime handed out guns to Nazi apparatchiks such as leaders of the Gestapo, Hitler Youth and SA and SS. Hardly anti-gun.
Don’t feel like starting a new thread for this, so comments on a meme trying to equate democrats to Nazis

Off course the stupidity of this is that neither the Nazis or Democrats ever were or are socialist. If they knew any actual history then they would know that there were street battles between the Nazis and socialists in Germany in 1920s and 1930s. The Democrats are a centre-right party.
The Democrats want sensible gun control laws, they are not anti-gun.

The Nazi regime handed out guns to Nazi apparatchiks such as leaders of the Gestapo, Hitler Youth and SA and SS. Hardly anti-gun.

To be fair, this is a common "both sides" talking point that is delivered to the ignorant or the not-yet-bad-faith proto Nazis to make them not realize they are Nazis until they have already "gone too far".

Some may even be too dumb to ever need to transition to bad faith.

To actually understand "who the Nazis are" in any given conflict, look for who the people with the actual Nazi tattoos are voting for.

I find the tacit approval of all the conservatives and libertarians that do not identify as Christianist to be telling. They say they are for liberty but then they are dead silent when overt authoritarian Christianism is being pushed in the GOP.

Whether it is the material in the opening post of this thread or things like this post in the RvW thread:
True Texas Project shows what the GOP is all about

You don't see the freedom loving right wingers opposing it, ever.
Those who brave the Trump rallies to shoot and post videos have no trouble finding MAGAts who cheerfully say they think we need a strongman to run the show -- and they also stress that they want Christianity to rule triumphant. There's a deep strain of this in the Trump base, and its irrationality inspires their talk about taking back the country and stockpiling weaponry.
I think a lot of it is spite. These people believe life has passed them by in a lot of ways and their attitude is that if they can't have what they want or the world doesn't work the way they want then let it burn.
You are being too kind. Some people love violence and love to make violence on other people. That's human history and this is what we are seeing.
I think a lot of it is spite. These people believe life has passed them by in a lot of ways and their attitude is that if they can't have what they want or the world doesn't work the way they want then let it burn.
You are being too kind. Some people love violence and love to make violence on other people. That's human history and this is what we are seeing.
Especially when Christian Authorities, like Trump, encourage it.
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