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  1. S

    Merged Gaza just launched an unprovoked attack on Israel

    Pressure has to be brought on both sides. Israel has long been given a pass by the US on seizing intestinal land for Israeli expansion.
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    Turing Machines

    Jumping over from the transcendental numbers thread and the last posts. I hd a calss in Theory Of Computation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ There were paper tape devices far back like the orginal Telertype machnes, so the physcal representation of TM is undestandable. Hilbet posed a...
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    Merged Gaza just launched an unprovoked attack on Israel

    Look at the region. Lebanon is occupied by a large Iran funded militia and can f do nothing about it. The Syrian civil war. Iran and Saudi Arabia out to cut each other's throats. Saudi Arabia with weapons supplied by us clobbered Sudan, now a wasteland. Ethiopia. Yemen. After toppling...
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    White People Think Black People Are Magical

    Just when I was thinking threads of the forum could not get any more credulous, along comes this one. Yet another ridiculous study and cconlusion by academics with nothing better to do and in need of something to bullish. Social science is a contradiction in terms. These kinds of studies and...
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    Who lies more --- the Left or the Right?

    Both sides use the same methods. Look at Biden doing the political two step on immigration and Gaza.
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    The Programming Thread

    ...yiou have to do is have an object that creates a Gnuplt text file based on parmeters, and executing it. A simple XY plot. int save(int n,double *x,double *y,string fname){ int i; ofstream ofile; ofile.open(fname); if(!ofile) return 1; ofile<<setprecision(10)...
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    Russian scientists created cure for cancer (all types/kinds of it)

    Particle radiation can break bonds, high enough EM wavelengths can also. I look at it software getting corrupted or a precession getting damged.
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    Moved Another step towards answering the question of life's origins - religion

    The older I get the more Christianity sounds like a delusional illness.
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    Moved Another step towards answering the question of life's origins - religion

    Creationism, 2 steps forward 10 steps backwards.
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    Testing Philosophy

    Evading the question. How would you design a test to determine if free will is true or false such that test could be repeated and the results not subject to interpretation? You can argue that silence is philosophy, but that does not answer the basic question. Someone on the forum in the past...
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    Humans are "very inclined" towards mistakes, delusions, lies, self-harm, ignorance, stupidity.

    We are human with traits as do dogs, cats, and elephants. We do not tend to anything we act IAW what we are. Screeching violent feces throwing chimps with nuclear weapons.
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    A scientific definition of the term 'free will'

    I do not think a scientific definition of free will that is comming anytime soon. It would require a complete working physical model of how the brain works.
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    Moved Another step towards answering the question of life's origins - religion

    Huh? Poking at Learner. We are the result of 'inanimate' chemical reactions.
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    What should/can we all agree on?

    Lumpy, May I suggest you start a thread, The Truth By Lumpenproletariat? There you can preach and proclaim truth as you see fit without derailing other threads.
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    What should/can we all agree on?

    Popular sentiment determines what is truth? I think we cam all agree Lumpy is grasping at straws trying to prove the gspel Jesus and the bible is true.
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    What should/can we all agree on?

    Colloquial versus factual. in daily communications we could not communicate if all communication were in detailed facts. Metaphors and analogies are important. as are simplified terms and images. A round Earth is fine in routine speech, I would hinh nothing of it. Whne says that Earth s rond...
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    Russian scientists created cure for cancer (all types/kinds of it)

    take it as a given all governments are corrupt shading truth and using propaganda. That being said there is no meningfull boundary between govt, science, and the economy in China and Russia. There is no independence and transparency as we have in the west. Puyin in Russia and the CCP in China...
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    Moved Another step towards answering the question of life's origins - religion

    Inanimate and animate are subjective terms at best when it comes to debate. Natural 'inanimate' chemical reactions occur all the time.
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    Moved Another step towards answering the question of life's origins - religion

    As an atheist who rejects any intent or purpose to reality, reality is what it is. There is no better or worse or best possible. That is pre 20th century religion and philosophy. Whether we can take conscious actions that will create a more desirable future is an open question. Looking at...
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    Russian scientists created cure for cancer (all types/kinds of it)

    Russia was never been able to make a decent car or commercial jet. Don;t think I would rely on any Russian drug or vaccine, at least not until it was tested and manufactured outside Russia. How did the efficacy of Russian and Chinese COVID vaccines compare to European and North American...
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