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  1. R

    Which movie did you watch today and how would you rate it?

    Ferrari 7/10 Adam Driver really looks like he really got into this film. a good period piece movie.
  2. R

    What will be the October Surprise?

  3. R

    What will be Trump's conditions of probation?

    I heard he has not turned in one of his guns.
  4. R

    Alito and the Xian Nation

    https://www.findlaw.com/injury/torts-and-personal-injuries/what-is-the--reasonable-expectation-of-privacy--.html Don't get me wrong I think he/she are scum. But, it could backfire.
  5. R

    Police Misconduct Catch All Thread

    Seems like someone here watches a lot of action movies!
  6. R

    Alito and the Xian Nation

    How legal is that tape? Seems kinda dirty.
  7. R

    The Race For 2024

    Hope no one dies at the tRump rally today!
  8. R

    Which movie did you watch today and how would you rate it?

    Has anyone heard about the Rama movie? All I can find is a release this summer.
  9. R

    Eisenhower, JFK, RFK and CIA.

    I should not have gone down that rabbit hole. I just had never heard of the Lumumba case. Just more shitty shit in our past.
  10. R

    Eisenhower, JFK, RFK and CIA.

    I was trying (poorly it seems) to show that JFK did not trust the CIA. It was known he wanted to destroy it.
  11. R

    Eisenhower, JFK, RFK and CIA.

    You may be right, but I just can not accept that LHO acted alone. I never will.
  12. R

    Eisenhower, JFK, RFK and CIA.

    JFK was furious when he found out what had happened to the president of Congo.
  13. R

    Eisenhower, JFK, RFK and CIA.

    https://history.state.gov/historicaldocuments/frus1964-68v23/d11 JFK and RFK did not trust the CIA. It is well known that they wanted to destroy it. It was also known that they did not want to be in Vietnam. Dulles hated JFK. He was on the Warren commission. Conspiracy theory?
  14. R

    2020 Election Results

    https://www.abc10.com/article/news/nation-world/wisconsin-2020-election-fake-electors-scheme-felony-charges-filed/507-ac3d50cf-1b13-4fc4-9f42-e65dd6fe6c3a Cheesy Bro & friends!
  15. R

    Consequence of $20 minimum wage for fast food workers?

    When I was in food service, years ago, labor was about 25% of cost. So from $16 to $20 increase would be what % increase in cost? Food service is a really tough business. Supply chain issues like the price of (pizza)cheese was a bigger problem. Maybe there is too much fast food.
  16. R

    What Are You Eating Today?

    Sweet potato muffins. Didn't have any pecans, so I used chopped peanuts.
  17. R

    Breakdown In Civil Order

    Until they solve more of the problems with batteries EVs will never replace ICE.
  18. R

    What will happen Nov-Jan?

    It appears that there are people on line calling for the doxing of jurors already. The new normal?
  19. R

    MLB 2023

    https://www.mlb.com/news/faq-negro-leagues-stats-major-league-record The right thing to do? Some may call it pandering or white guilt.
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