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  1. TV and credit cards

    Saudi ends petrodollar treaty

    Except it's all horsepucky. Stories about the collapse of a longstanding ‘petrodollar’ agreement between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia spread like wildfire on social media. But the agreement never existed.
  2. TV and credit cards

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    So Armenia is attending the Ukraine peace summit in Switzerland. Well ain't that about a poke in eye, Vlad? Pet Medvedev says Armenia will get some of what Ukraine is getting. This only after finishing up a pack of lies aimed at Moldova. In other news, on Thursday the G7 agreed to give Ukraine...
  3. TV and credit cards

    January 6 Hearings Live

    He didn’t fare very well afterwards in a meeting with CEOs who desperately want to prop this POS up because money. CEOs at Trump meeting: Ex-president ‘meandering’ and ‘doesn’t know what he’s talking about’ Yeah. It took them until now to figure this out.
  4. TV and credit cards

    What will be the October Surprise?

    Hiding from Ukrainian missiles and drones.
  5. TV and credit cards

    Police Misconduct Catch All Thread

    US finds Phoenix Police Dept violates civil rights of city residents Trumpworld.
  6. TV and credit cards

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    Seems Ukraine is hitting Russian S-300 and S-400 surface to air missile systems with wanton abandon. So much so Russia is reshuffling these systems around leaving Crimea exposed. Recently Ukraine reported Russia has brought in a S-500 system into Crimea to protect the Kerch bridge. There are...
  7. TV and credit cards

    What will be Trump's conditions of probation?

    And lasted less than half an hour. They ran through the standard questions and that's it. The Probation Office commissioner was present to make sure it was a quick, simple process that would bring no attention to her office or threaten her job. Nothing to see here. Move along. Fuck you Juanita...
  8. TV and credit cards

    Breakdown In Civil Order

    Daily Mail Not
  9. TV and credit cards

    Bought and paid for

    Gift to federal employees is based on value. Regardless of what it cost the person giving it, the value is the cost at the door. This is where things like receiving a plaque get a pass. It may have cost the giver three hundred dollars to have made but it has no monetary value. It's gifts you...
  10. TV and credit cards

    Caption Contest

    Don't scratch your ass, lady.
  11. TV and credit cards

    Police Misconduct Catch All Thread

    Scared ones do. And there is no set point at which we all panic and run. In other news: There is also no set training for all cops in the United States. They are not all taught to crack heads and ask questions later. It varies by state. It even varies by municipality. I checked, comparing a...
  12. TV and credit cards

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    Does one world cop bring about greater stability? Many nations have been fine with this. It is an expensive endeavor for any nation to take up. Money that would have been spent on building their own military and defense industry has been available to be spent elsewhere. By and large, it's been a...
  13. TV and credit cards

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    India has been pushing away from purchasing weapons from Russia for awhile now. They are buying from the US and relying on their own manufacturing. They're not likely to go back to Russia as training is costly and time consuming.
  14. TV and credit cards

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    Falling oil prices during the late eighties, early nineties and trying to move the Soviet economy from defense production to a market one didn't help their situation. Sadly, Putin is creating a similar scenario. The Russian economy is holding up due to defense production. One day this will all...
  15. TV and credit cards

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    True. The US closed hundreds of military installations at the end of the Cold War under BRAC. "Show off our military might"? We were happy to stop the arms race and reduce nuclear stockpiles.
  16. TV and credit cards

    Caption Contest

  17. TV and credit cards

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    As a matter of fact, looking at this morning's ISW report When Putin says you have "aspirations", you have aspirations, or else.
  18. TV and credit cards

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    I'll tell you what aupmanyav, while your opinions are so far off the mark as to be complete nonsense, you're a hell of a lot better at this than barbos ever was. But reality is still reality. No country near or far from Russia is beholden to them to act in any particular manner. Sweden and...
  19. TV and credit cards

    Bought and paid for

    Oh yeah. And a little Raytheon swag. But that's it. NFETP
  20. TV and credit cards

    Bought and paid for

    As I recall from my training, government employees for all intents and purposes accept no gifts, it's like $10 value or something very low. It gets a bit convoluted between gifts, company sponsored events (receiving a plaque), and (eating at) social gatherings but I do not remember anything...
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