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  1. Politesse

    What will be the October Surprise?

    Seriously, "empty-headed"? If duty or election should ever advance her to the White House, Kamala Harris would be one of the most academically qualified presidents in American history, and her statements on public policy are characteristically deliberate, precise, and well-informed. Perhaps a...
  2. Politesse

    What will be the October Surprise?

    "Of course I don't dislike her because she's black, female and in power, I'm just mad because the only thing I really know about her is that she is black, female, and in power."
  3. Politesse

    What will be the October Surprise?

    Then you're forgetting some very important things about Obama's first term. Just because someone speaks well does not mean they are always well-intentioned. I despise the Patriot Act and everything it has done to our country and society. I despise American interventionism abroad, and how quick...
  4. Politesse

    What will be the October Surprise?

    Yes. So I'm not going to vote for someone whose agenda I do not support. It's really not that complicated.
  5. Politesse

    What will be the October Surprise?

    As a justification for voting, "because they are popular" is not much different than "because they are winning", and no more convincing. It's funny that you're lecturing me on maturity, while instructing me to turn off my brain and vote for whoever happens to be top dog today. It's also...
  6. Politesse

    What will be the October Surprise?

    Incidentally, Obama did not by any stretch of the imagination "save California". In many ways, his policies were injurious to the state. Well, a mixed bag. But hardly our "salvation", especially if you were unfortunate enough to be born Mexican. I look back fondly on those years, but I honestly...
  7. Politesse

    What will be the October Surprise?

    Sure. I mean, maybe. But I've never voted in a close presidential race, so that is a bit irrelevant to my situation. And I would still want to know the particulars of the situation before making my mind up about a particular election.
  8. Politesse

    What will be the October Surprise?

    Stakes were higher. Obama was running uncontested, so I saw no reason to request a Democratic ballot. I voted in the Republican race because I saw the likes of Rick Perry and Santorum as more of an existential threat than their competition. Romney is not a great human being either, but I trusted...
  9. Politesse

    Split Biden or Trump too old?

    Yes. We've had presidents die in office, but it's been a while since it happened last. Walter Reed knows their business.
  10. Politesse

    What will be the October Surprise?

    Because it's my vote. And "because they're winning" is not the only reason to vote (or not vote) for a candidate.
  11. Politesse

    What will be the October Surprise?

    No other reasonable case can be made, as far as Romney is concerned. Are you going to look me dead in the eye and tell me that you think his principal competitor at that point, Rick Santorum, would have built a better America in which to live?
  12. Politesse

    What will be the October Surprise?

    As I said, you're struggling with the math part here. No, there is no realistic possibility of California's electoral vote going to Trump this time. You could run the experiment 10,000 times and the result would be the same each time. What you are describing is a scenario so implausible that...
  13. Politesse

    Split Biden or Trump too old?

    Indeed! If we lose that, we lose the country. My apologies for misinterpreting your point.
  14. Politesse

    Split Biden or Trump too old?

    Which is why, especially if there is no electoral college advantage or disadvantage, one's vote should reflect one's key values as best as possible, rather than supporting a politics you oppose. A vote for Biden or Trump is taken as a sign of uncritical support for all of their policies. For the...
  15. Politesse

    Split Biden or Trump too old?

    What else do you suppose I'm doing? Joining antifa?
  16. Politesse

    What will be the October Surprise?

    One of the few! You do too, even if you voluntarily choose to give that agency away to whomever the news agencies picked for people on your half of the national moiety that year. For me, yes, the (digital, highly theoretical) voting booth is a sacred thing. It's not much, but it is mine. I spend...
  17. Politesse

    What will be the October Surprise?

    But you want me to vote against my own conscience for no reason, in a similar situation where the principal meaning of the act is to myself? In situations where my vote cannot possibly effect the outcome of the election in any meaningful way? Why should an informed loyalty to a Party that...
  18. Politesse

    Split Biden or Trump too old?

    Whoever wins will be the oldest US president ever (re)elected, and they are both showing obvious signs of succumbing to the severe mental and physical strain associated with the role. Neither will outlive their term in office for very long, I think. But if you don't want to elect either of them...
  19. Politesse

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    I was referring to the borrowed European of plenary rights over territories bounded by national borders, that continues to set the baseline for Russia's treatment of indigenous peoples within its claimed territories. Although the Soviet construction of indigenous idenitity was much more...
  20. Politesse

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    That is the most absurd lie I've seen in print this week, and not for lack of competition. The US has gone to war with all of its neighboring nations several times over, seizing what are now some of its wealthiest and most populated territories in a brutal war of conquest against the then newly...
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