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What will be the October Surprise?

As a justification for voting, "because they are popular" is not much different than "because they are winning", and no more convincing. It's funny that you're lecturing me on maturity, while instructing me to turn off my brain and vote for whoever happens to be top dog today.

It's also funny because both candidates in this race had approval ratings in the gutter for their entire tenure in the role. Popularity is not what's driving people to vote for them.

I agree that fracking should be allowed to continue in the US - otherwise the US would have to rely on imports of oil. O&G is not going away any time soon no matter how many windfarms and solar panels we make.
Indeed. Even if fossil fuels were to be unnecessary for electricity production, decarbonizing the transport sector will take decades. Electric cars are still <10% of new car sales, and cars can easily last >15 years. California wants to ban ICE cars in 2035, which means that even that state will have significant ICE vehicles on the roads as late as 2050, at which time it might be opportune to institute a "cash for clunkers" type program to remove the survivors. But that is a quarter century from now.
Similarly with gas-fired furnaces for heating. Those units can last 15-20 years. It would be cost-prohibitive to remove relatively new gas furnaces and replace them with electric heat pumps.
So, fossil fuels will be with us for a while, no matter how many GND resolutions AOC et al introduce on the floor of the House.
Your criticism of Kamala Harris do not seem related to her actual job performance but rather to sexist opinions of her sex life and success.
Bullshit. It is entirely related to her performance and the positions she staked out during her 2020 run.
I think that no one is ever exempt from criticism, especially when they chose to run for and hold public office.
Unless they are women "of color", apparently ...
I just respect it more when the discussion is centered on what they actually say and do that is relevant to the office they hold.
How is me posting a clip of what she said during her run for president in 2020 not something she actually said or not relevant to the office she was seeking?
And yeah, I believed the women who accused Clinton of rape.
Based on what evidence? Or is it the general sexist "believe all women, no evidence needed" type of thing?
I found that disqualifying and I did not vote for Clinton either time he ran because I think he is an unethical person.
Did you vote in 1992 and 1996? For whom?
Clinton was never criminally charged with rape but probably should have been,
Again, based on what evidence?
Yes but US producers would be hurt. Given Biden’s America first economic policy, VP Harris’s views are not terribly meaningful while Mr Biden is alive.
But given his age, she has a much higher than usual probability of having to take over in the next 4 years.
You made no mention of oil exporters. I therefore assume you are moving the goalposts.
I did. Read post #26 more carefully. I was also directly responding to Swammerdami who made the claim that oil exporters would engineer high oil prices to help Trump.
How is me posting a clip of what she said during her run for president in 2020 not something she actually said or not relevant to the office she was seeking?
Wow. One clip of what she said compared to numerous posts calling her "heels up" and claiming she slept her way to the top. :rolleyes:
Why vote for someone who cannot possibly win? Why does that make you feel better or more true to yourself?
Because it's my vote.

And "because they're winning" is not the only reason to vote (or not vote) for a candidate.
I agree. But my point was that everyone’s vote does count and it does say something. In close elections, voting for candidates who cannot possibly win usually or in my experience, has always resulted in the worst candidate being elected.

Which is why I don’t do that any more.
So did you vote for the winner in every election since that one time you were traumatized by voting third party many years ago?

Bush in 2000 and 2004
Obama in 2008 and 2012
Trump in 2016
Biden in 2020
Never said I was traumatized. What an emotional leap you made!

I said that I learned my lesson voting third party and don’t do that any more. But I know a bunch who did vote third party in 2016. Which is probably what has made me so cognizant of the damage that can result, and what has re-driven home the hard lesson I learned years earlier.

Of those last four POTUS elected, I voted for two good choices who won.
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I will also say that my belief is that he was constrained to a more middle of the road presidency simply by the fact that he was the first black president.
I disagree. He was far younger and thus less susceptible to getting dragged to the Left, like Biden was King Theoden-style. The far left was not yet as strong during his presidency. And more middle of the road is what we need, not extremes to the left or right.

That said, Obama did move to the left toward the end of his presidency, by for example blocking DAPL to appease the far leftists in his party.
How does age make one susceptible to being dragged to the left? Biden is not some doddering old fool nor is he some vainglorious idiot.

Trump’s age has not made him susceptible to being influenced by far right wingers and foreign dictators. His lack of character, fear of being rightfully prosecuted for his many crimes, and his love of adulation, however artificial. Oh, and he’s developed a love of power.

The thing is, the US has shifted right since the Reagan era so that Biden’s middle of the road seems far left to you.
Why vote for someone who cannot possibly win? Why does that make you feel better or more true to yourself?
Because it's my vote.

And "because they're winning" is not the only reason to vote (or not vote) for a candidate.
I agree. But my point was that everyone’s vote does count and it does say something. In close elections, voting for candidates who cannot possibly win usually or in my experience, has always resulted in the worst candidate being elected.

Which is why I don’t do that any more.
So did you vote for the winner in every election since that one time you were traumatized by voting third party many years ago?

Bush in 2000 and 2004
Obama in 2008 and 2012
Trump in 2016
Biden in 2020
Never said I was traumatized. What an emotional leap you made!

I said that I learned my lesson voting third party and don’t do that any more. But I know a bunch who dud vote third party in 2016. Which is probably what has made me so cognizant of the damage that can result, and what has re-driven home the hard lesson I learned years earlier.

Of those last four POTUS elected, I voted for two good choices who won.

For the record I didn't vote for Obama, but that was because I wasn't old enough to in his first term and still not informed enough about politics for the second term, when I was around 18 or 19. Plus I was going through some personal traumatic shit (unrelated to politics) at the time.
How is me posting a clip of what she said during her run for president in 2020 not something she actually said or not relevant to the office she was seeking?
Wow. One clip of what she said compared to numerous posts calling her "heels up" and claiming she slept her way to the top. :rolleyes:
Can I see the official IIDB list of who can be made fun of and who can't, and the reasons why? You have created a whole thread in the Humor section about "Derogatory Names for Trump", yet you're complaining if someone makes up a derogatory name for a public figure of their choice? I get that its Trump and he is worthy of a lot of the shit and hate that comes his way, but I find the double standards to be pretty annoying. If someone wanted to create a thread in the humor section called "Derogatory Names for Kamala" would that be OK?
Can I see the official IIDB list of who can be made fun of and who can't, and the reasons why? You have created a whole thread in the Humor section about "Derogatory Names for Trump", yet you're complaining if someone makes up a derogatory name for a public figure of their choice? I get that its Trump and he is worthy of a lot of the shit and hate that comes his way, but I find the double standards to be pretty annoying. If someone wanted to create a thread in the humor section called "Derogatory Names for Kamala" would that be OK?

It's not really equivalent if hate comes Trump's way, is it? You just pointed out why the two situations are not equivalent.
How is me posting a clip of what she said during her run for president in 2020 not something she actually said or not relevant to the office she was seeking?
Wow. One clip of what she said compared to numerous posts calling her "heels up" and claiming she slept her way to the top. :rolleyes:
Can I see the official IIDB list of who can be made fun of and who can't, and the reasons why? You have created a whole thread in the Humor section about "Derogatory Names for Trump", yet you're complaining if someone makes up a derogatory name for a public figure of their choice? I get that it’s Trump and he is worthy of a lot of the shit and hate that comes his way, but I find the double standards to be pretty annoying. If someone wanted to create a thread in the humor section called "Derogatory Names for Kamala" would that be OK?
My objections to Derec’s ‘criticisms’ of Harris are only that they are centered on her color and sex and not on her words or actions or actual job performance.

This is an unfortunate pattern in many of Derec’s posts regarding anyone who is female or not white or horror of horrors: neither male nor white. It’s a shame. I often disagree with Derec’s positions but where he backs them up with relevant observations of a person’s actions or words, they are worth reading, whether I agree or not. I respect even where I disagree but I can find no respect for racism or sexism.
My objections to Derec’s ‘criticisms’ of Harris are only that they are centered on her color and sex and not on her words or actions or actual job performance.
Christ, what utter nonsense.

Harris gets criticized because she’s an empty headed moron and an abject failure. Even her own party dislikes her.She was only picked as VP because she’s black and female.
Harris gets criticized because she’s an empty headed moron
Has she gone off about sharks lately? ;)
and an abject failure.
Yeah, Vice President. Fucking second place moron.
Even her own party dislikes her.
... which is how she got picked; to show Sleepy Joe's strength, having to carry the weight of the Black Female symbol.
She was only picked as VP because she’s black and female.
... which raised the bar!
Joe had to overcome the burden of a thoroughly disliked black female second place moron, and HE DID IT!!!

My objections to Derec’s ‘criticisms’ of Harris are only that they are centered on her color and sex and not on her words or actions or actual job performance.
Christ, what utter nonsense.

Harris gets criticized because she’s an empty headed moron and an abject failure. Even her own party dislikes her.She was only picked as VP because she’s black and female.
Why do you think she’s an empty headed moron?

Is it because she’s black and female?

In fact, Harris is highly educated and has an impressive resume of positions she’s held and succeeded at. I am certain that Biden did include her sex and race when choosing her, just as previous choices for VP have almost always been chosen because of their white race and male gender. And family wealth, etc.
My objections to Derec’s ‘criticisms’ of Harris are only that they are centered on her color and sex and not on her words or actions or actual job performance.
Christ, what utter nonsense.

Harris gets criticized because she’s an empty headed moron and an abject failure. Even her own party dislikes her.She was only picked as VP because she’s black and female.
"Of course I don't dislike her because she's black, female and in power, I'm just mad because the only thing I really know about her is that she is black, female, and in power."
No, you are relying on the supposition that enough voters will save California
Incidentally, Obama did not by any stretch of the imagination "save California". In many ways, his policies were injurious to the state. Well, a mixed bag. But hardly our "salvation", especially if you were unfortunate enough to be born Mexican. I look back fondly on those years, but I honestly think that had more to do with his speeches than his policies. He had a way of inspiring people to be either the best or the worst versions of themselves. I was fortunate enough to be surrounded by a lot of good people.

People expect too much from the White House. No superman is going to whoosh in and rescue us from all the dilemmas we're too lazy or disengaged to solve for ourselves.
I am not in California but I absolutely believe your take. And I agree with your assessment of Obama in general. I will also say that my belief is that he was constrained to a more middle of the road presidency simply by the fact that he was the first black president.

If you remember, even before Obama was sworn in as president, the GOP Senate and House leaders met and agreed to never cooperate with Obama on any legislation Obama wanted to pass. Do not forget this.
My objections to Derec’s ‘criticisms’ of Harris are only that they are centered on her color and sex and not on her words or actions or actual job performance.
Christ, what utter nonsense.

Harris gets criticized because she’s an empty headed moron and an abject failure. Even her own party dislikes her.She was only picked as VP because she’s black and female.
Why do you think she’s an empty headed moron?

Because I have listened to her. She’s an idiot.

Is it because she’s black and female?
lol, you are as predictable as you are boring.
My objections to Derec’s ‘criticisms’ of Harris are only that they are centered on her color and sex and not on her words or actions or actual job performance.
Christ, what utter nonsense.

Harris gets criticized because she’s an empty headed moron and an abject failure. Even her own party dislikes her.She was only picked as VP because she’s black and female.
"Of course I don't dislike her because she's black, female and in power, I'm just mad because the only thing I really know about her is that she is black, female, and in power."
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