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    Part A of My New 3-Part Essay on Jesus Has Been Published on The Secular Web!

    I talk about the Q source in part two of my book review.
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    Part A of My New 3-Part Essay on Jesus Has Been Published on The Secular Web!

    Title: Gospels, Classics, and the Erasure of the Community: A Critical Review Testing the Hypothesis of Robyn Faith Walsh’s The Origins of Early Christian Literature, Part A (2024) Part A: Jesus in the Light of Greco-Roman Philosophy and Highly Sophisticated Engagement with the Old Testament...
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    New Ideas on Heidegger's use of Hegel

    Hi everyone! If you or someone you know are interested in German philosophy since Kant (Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche, Heidegger), I just did 2 blog posts on Heidegger's use of Hegel's method. Check them out and leave a comment! Heidegger’s Hegelian Phenomenological Method (Part 1/2) by John...
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    The Christ Myth Theory

    I posted my reflections on my Carrier interview here: https://secularfrontier.infidels.org/2024/02/the-christ-myth-theory-in-question-part-4-my-second-richard-carrier-interview/
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    The Christ Myth Theory

    Richard Carrier has suggested me doing a friendly written exchange with him on the Christ Myth, so my initial post contra mythicism went up today on Secular Frontier: https://secularfrontier.infidels.org/2024/01/the-christ-myth-theory-in-question/ . From what I understand the next post will be...
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    The Christ Myth Theory

    I hope everyone had a good Turkey day. I just did a blog post which might be of interest: Does Christ Mythicism Deserve A Seat At The Table? See: https://secularfrontier.infidels.org/2023/11/does-christ-mythicism-deserve-a-seat-at-the-table/
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    The Christ Myth Theory

    One thing I've tried to bring out in my Christ Myth Critique essay and Penal Substitution is contrasting penal substitution theology with moral influence theology. This might be of interest: A major new book critiquing penal substitution theology:
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    The Christ Myth Theory

    Our social media manager Ed has a new interview out with mythicist Robert M Price. Check it out:
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    The Christ Myth Theory

    Hi everyone, A little while ago Richard Carrier posted the most simple summary I've seen of his mythicism argument and why he thinks it's not getting traction among mainstream scholars. Today, Dr. James McGrath and Dr. Kipp Davis posted a rebuttal video to Carrier's blog post that is a clear...
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    Trump's swamp

    I've found the Trump Religious Propaganda art interesting. I've been posting about that on Secular Frontier.
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    Professor Bart Ehrman's New Course On The Divide Between Jesus And Paul

    Hi everyone! I just finished Ehrman's new course on the great divide between historical Jesus and Paul, and there was some great and thoughtful material there. It was really cool all around. He comes across as very friendly when he's teaching. The mythicism connection was interesting too...
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    The Christ Myth Theory

    Jesus redefines Jewish love of God, widows, orphans, and strangers to include enemies, specifically Socratic/Platonic forgiving enemies and dying for enemies as more important than yourself. I really get into this in the Scriptures Study posts on the Infidels blog, the index of which is HERE
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    Maybe The Universe Isn't Expanding?

    See: https://www.livescience.com/physics-mathematics/dark-energy/the-expansion-of-the-universe-could-be-a-mirage-new-theoretical-study-suggests
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    Does The Soul Survive After Death?

    Keith has posted his 3rd and final entry in this series. Check it out!
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    The Christ Myth Theory

    I was asked about the reception of the Christ Myth Theory in the academy, so let’s back track a little. What we now Call the Christ Myth Theory had the inception of its contemporary iteration with GA Wells, but even more so with Earl Doherty’s Jesus Puzzle book/website. It is Doherty who...
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    Does The Soul Survive After Death?

    The second of 3 guest posts by Keith Augustine on the II/SW blog on the question of survival after death is up. Check it out and leave a question or comment for Keith: Survival Researcher or Christian Apologist? Could You Tell the Difference? (Part 2 of 3)
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    The Christ Myth Theory

    I finally finished my Christian Origins Web Project! Check out my super cool title page here:
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    The Christ Myth Theory

    I did a short blog post Psychologizing Jesus today, check it out!
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    The Christ Myth Theory

    I'm not going to provide a fuller response to Carrier's article about me as there is little reason in doing so. I think my arguments stand well on their merits, so I invite the reader to decide for themself. As Ehrman says, when you reply to Carrier all you accomplish is an endless cycle of...
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    The Christ Myth Theory

    I've posted a short reply to Carrier here. It's unclear what else I can do. The Christ Myth Theory fails from so many angles and on so many levels it's unclear what else can be said?
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