An expanding universe is a way of explaining observation, observation limited by our ability to detect photons. Phenomena we can not detecT we can not know.
Someone argued with me the BB is absolute truth and if we wrere at the bounds of observation we would see what cosmology predicts.
It would appear some who consider themselves grounded in science can have a faith similar to religion. Faith in an unprofitable scientific hypothesis.
I am a skeptic. From Popper that which can be called objective science is that which can be experimentally demonstrated and tested. Cosmology is not testable. Newton's Laws and asects of QM can be tested.
After a long period of debate on the forum I came to believe science, religion, and philosophy converge on cosmology.
Science shows have differnt spins on what expanding universe means.
One spin is the universe is not expanding into something, the space between points is expanding.
The BB was not a centralized event, it was everywhere.
Some take science as reality as theists take supernatural religion as reality.
From an obscure group General Semantics i picked up 'The map is not he countryside.' I see science as a map, not realiy.