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  1. Politesse

    What will be the October Surprise?

    Because it is my right, my privilege, and my responsibility to do so. And because voting is extremely important. Single-handedly deciding the next president just isn't the reason why it is important. I was fortunate enough to visit the Lincoln Memorial today, as it happens, among my favorite of...
  2. Politesse

    What will be the October Surprise?

    Ha! Yes. Silent Cal was no doctor, sorry about the typo.
  3. Politesse

    Who lies more --- the Left or the Right?

    That is a better argument, yes.
  4. Politesse

    Who lies more --- the Left or the Right?

    I wouldn't even mind it so much if the reason given for trying to keep someone out of office were more tangible. But half the time it's just "I think we can all agree that the other guy is Evil and must be stopped at all costs" Like, an undecided voter probably wouldn't be undecided in the first...
  5. Politesse

    Mohammad The Pederast?

    Then may he freeze in Hel.
  6. Politesse

    Mohammad The Pederast?

    There is considerably more clarity on the facts of Epstein's life, long may he writhe in Náströnd.
  7. Politesse

    Split Biden or Trump too old?

    The original Dr Walter Reed, whom I assume bilby's "joke" refers to, died of a ruptured appendix. Still a pretty dangerous condition today, but usually fatal then. Reed's most famous research work was on bacteriology and epidemiology. Died pretty young, even for the time.
  8. Politesse

    Who lies more --- the Left or the Right?

    Entirely hopeless. Though incumbents who face a hefty primary challenger tend to lose their re-election. Probably why few Democrats even tried this time, fear of Trump and his neo-Nazi goons outweighed whatever mild disatisfaction they might have been feeling about Biden. Democrats are scared...
  9. Politesse

    The Race For 2024

    Reminds me of the old joke about Putin and Medvedev...
  10. Politesse

    Mohammad The Pederast?

    I mean, if you read the thread you know the customary counter-arguments. I guess you're just getting it off your chest?
  11. Politesse

    What will be the October Surprise?

    The number of presidents with a J.D. or roughly equivalent but defunct LL.B. is short: Taft, Hayes, the Roosevelts, Nixon, Ford, Clinton, Obama, Biden. Note the recent partisan trend. Three had Master's Degrees in less relevant fields. Coolidge alone a PhD. But I'm considering timeframe as well...
  12. Politesse

    What will be the October Surprise?

    She was not Progressive's first choice, because she... isn't a Progressive. Fucking duh, of course she wasn't their first choice. They did, however, campaign for her and vote for Biden and Harris once it was clear that she was the choice.
  13. Politesse

    What will be the October Surprise?

    Seriously, "empty-headed"? If duty or election should ever advance her to the White House, Kamala Harris would be one of the most academically qualified presidents in American history, and her statements on public policy are characteristically deliberate, precise, and well-informed. Perhaps a...
  14. Politesse

    What will be the October Surprise?

    "Of course I don't dislike her because she's black, female and in power, I'm just mad because the only thing I really know about her is that she is black, female, and in power."
  15. Politesse

    What will be the October Surprise?

    Then you're forgetting some very important things about Obama's first term. Just because someone speaks well does not mean they are always well-intentioned. I despise the Patriot Act and everything it has done to our country and society. I despise American interventionism abroad, and how quick...
  16. Politesse

    What will be the October Surprise?

    Yes. So I'm not going to vote for someone whose agenda I do not support. It's really not that complicated.
  17. Politesse

    What will be the October Surprise?

    As a justification for voting, "because they are popular" is not much different than "because they are winning", and no more convincing. It's funny that you're lecturing me on maturity, while instructing me to turn off my brain and vote for whoever happens to be top dog today. It's also...
  18. Politesse

    What will be the October Surprise?

    Incidentally, Obama did not by any stretch of the imagination "save California". In many ways, his policies were injurious to the state. Well, a mixed bag. But hardly our "salvation", especially if you were unfortunate enough to be born Mexican. I look back fondly on those years, but I honestly...
  19. Politesse

    What will be the October Surprise?

    Sure. I mean, maybe. But I've never voted in a close presidential race, so that is a bit irrelevant to my situation. And I would still want to know the particulars of the situation before making my mind up about a particular election.
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