The Dindu Religion
As Jussie Smollett might have said, "Why am I being singled out when my whole race has been faking victimization for the past 60 years?"
Whoever Controls Language Controls Thought. Also Orwellian Today Is the Fact That It's Not Even Noticed.
Using "they" with a singular antecedent is Orwellian, yet both the Left and Right use that collectivist structure. The media even go out of their way to do so. The Illiterate Language...
Psychology Without Experience Is Babbling Quackery
I cried twice after deadly combat in Vietnam. Neither time had anything to do with that, so it was long-delayed and suppressed. It was triggered by unrelated stress fractures.
The University's Cloistered Clusterfuck
Both the Left and the Right use that empty word against everybody they don't understand They share the same ignorant sphere of mental ineptitude.
One Riot, One Ranger
It's the natural law, which had protected civilization for millennia until the thughuggers took over. Your "rule of law" is the law of your rulers. Patriots must take the law back into our own hands.
We Don't Need More Prisons; We Need More Morgues
That's exactly what patriots should do to our anti-American enemies. That would send the only effective message to the ruling class that empowered these ferals and feralphiles.
Thughuggers Commit Capital Treason
A riot is a state of war. Every citizen has an obligation to use his gun to kill the rioters. They are the enemy; merely arresting them would just encourage more riots. Also, during wartime regulations about illegal possession of weapons are waived.
True Doughnut
Howdy Trudy got conceived and his name at the same time. Daddy Pierre told his friends about it, "Margaret got me so hot that I came when I was just in."
Whites Who Are Born Rich Hate and Fear All Other White People. No One Else Matters.
His whole race has been struck by tragedy ever since our vicious ruling class turned loose its pet savages on us.
Prometheus Shrugged
Another myth is that necessity is the mother of invention. No, inventors are. If creative, independent, and un-determined minds are discouraged by nerd-bashing, unpaid education and corporate-patent grand larceny, then things that are needed won't be invented. All this...
Gurus Gobble Up Individualism
You need to understand that I did connect it, instead of having your mind go blank as soon as you hear something that you've never heard before, as if all viewpoints have been covered and the debate now becomes quibbling among partisans.
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