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  1. R


    https://mnch.uoregon.edu/collections-galleries/great-basin-basketry Some stuff from Western US.
  2. R

    Bought and paid for

    You give him too much credit, he doesn't plan, he just reacts to threats to his ego. He is mentally ill.
  3. R

    Split Biden or Trump too old?

    Jes, nothing is going to happen until all the appeals are exhausted. SCOTUS will drag it out till after November. Delay, delay , delay.
  4. R

    Bought and paid for

    https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/other/what-scotus-just-did-to-broadband-the-right-to-repair-the-environment-and-more/ar-BB1p5i4w?ocid=msedgntp&pc=LCTS&cvid=e9a10fa3ec5f44e1825bc7c51406033c&ei=10 Another horrible decision from SCOTUS! Basically, takes away the ability for Fed agencies to...
  5. R

    6/27/24 presidential debate

    Yes, he had a cold.
  6. R

    Bought and paid for

    https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/supreme-court-reverses-grants-pass-homelessness-case-finds-city-s-public-camping-laws-aren-t-cruel-and-unusual/ar-BB1p4dJj?ocid=BingNewsSerp Could not find a SCOTUS thread. And, I hate starting them. So, this could have a big effect on the way cities deal with...
  7. R

    6/27/24 presidential debate

    I recall Obama doing poorly in the first debate. There is still time to fix this. Biden needs to hammer tRump on the lies.
  8. R

    Alex Jones did WHAaaAAAaattT????

    https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/parents-bid-to-collect-money-alex-jones-owes-for-sandy-hook-hoax-claim-halted/ar-BB1p0PFw?ocid=msedgntp&pc=LCTS&cvid=e6123412672048409f94548c8585b738&ei=45 Jones gets a break from Texass Fed judge! Asshole!
  9. R

    Climate Change(d)?

    My alma mater. https://www.thinkgeoenergy.com/oit-klamath-fall-recognized-for-its-geothermal-power-plant/#:~:text=Partially%20through%20Energy%20Department%20support%2C%20the%20Klamath%20Falls,generate%20most%E2%80%94if%20not%20all%E2%80%94electrical%20power%20from%20renewable%20sources. They...
  10. R

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    Ok. It's about how Ukraine has had some success against the Russians.
  11. R

    What music are you listening to right now? (Warning: Lotsa videos)

    Rick Beato has some great videos on music. A bit long but I think it is worth watching. He has one on why most music sucks now.
  12. R

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/russia-s-losses-in-ukraine-as-of-june-26-1-220-troops-and-40-artillery-systems/ar-BB1oUSmY?ocid=msedgntp&pc=LCTS&cvid=6f418cff01654d119d961aacf7d24e37&ei=22 I don't know how reliable this is, but looks a little better for Ukraine.
  13. R

    Louisiana mandates 10 Commandments In Schools

    The mass was changed to English in the mid 60's. Is it still true that Catholics don't reads the bible?
  14. R

    Local Weather

    88 F today in NW Oregun. high 70s rest of week. Last rain was on Sunday. Very nice in my last home in Alaska this week.
  15. R

    Louisiana mandates 10 Commandments In Schools

    The RCC was never much about reading the bable. I think they knew if they did the average person would get a clue.
  16. R

    Louisiana mandates 10 Commandments In Schools

    My sister said she does not remember seeing the 10c posted in school. We went to RCC schools through high school. James Carville said this is a Baptist thing.
  17. R

    Yet another shooting thread

    I still think the mythos created by Hollywood has a lot to do with it. OK coral shootouts were not that common. Most towns had no carry laws by the 1880's. Every guy thinks they are John Wayne or Klint Eastwood come to clean up the town.
  18. R

    Who lies more --- the Left or the Right?

    https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/julian-assange-wikileaks-founder-to-plead-guilty-to-violating-the-espionage-act/ar-BB1oOJWB?ocid=BingNewsSerp I posted here because this is where the search sent me. Time served! Assange could be free to go home soon.
  19. R

    Climate Change(d)?

    https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/22-workers-killed-after-single-malfunctioning-lithium-battery-sets-off-disastrous-chain-reaction/ar-BB1oNeqi?ocid=msedgntp&pc=LCTS&cvid=441ef2dafde94218b2766518c0be156b&ei=198 More lithium battery problems? Fire in South Korean factory.
  20. R

    Climate Change(d)?

    https://www.marketplace.org/2024/06/20/bill-gates-nuclear-project-breaks-ground-marking-a-new-chapter-for-a-struggling-wyoming-coal-town/ Sodium cooled! Could this be the way to go. Let's see how fast the regulators move.
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