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  1. Z

    What music are you listening to right now? (Warning: Lotsa videos)

    amazing what you can find rambling around on youtube
  2. Z

    Christians versus Cosmos and Neil deGrasse Tyson

    I clicked on the link in the article to go to the Discovery Institute, which as I remember is funded in part by Bill Gates Foundation, and instead went to http://www.waronscience.com/excerpt.php?p=2 The Discovery Institute is linked to the Heritage Foundation through Edwin Meese III.
  3. Z

    Just seems wrong to me

    Having had to deal with lots of dead people's shit and related family dramas, I say unto thee, make thy decisions now, especially for the stuff that will be contested. Make a fucking will. Decide which charity gets all your old clothes, dishes, and household items. Pick one that will come...
  4. Z

    What is Quality of Life?

    Some simple quality of life things that affect your health. 1. Sleeping when you are tired. 2. Pissing when you need to piss. 3. Eating when you are hungry. 4. Having a secure place to sleep. 5. Private alone time.
  5. Z

    America’s Pot Farmers Are Putting Mexican Cartels Out of Business

    Like Limes? But thank god they are going to opium. With the DEA and FDA fucking with America's pain medication, we are going to be needing all the illegal pain meds we can get :)
  6. Z

    The Highest Valued Work

    Good point. And a fairly recent phenomena.
  7. Z

    Seal Sleep

    Reading up on sleep. Ocean going mammals such as dolphins and whales practice unihemispheric sleep. One side of their brain sleeps at a time, never both at once. Seals sleep this way when they sleep in the water. On land, they sleep like we do. Do reptiles sleep? There is debate. Most...
  8. Z

    The Highest Valued Work

    Sorry, but its a fact. Leaders throughout history and in any situation, from tribal to team, get more perks and pay than any other worker in the group.
  9. Z

    Poll: Is the world overpopulated?

    The reason I asked this was because while you are right about technology, in some ways technological improvements have in the past created poverty by replacing workers or more importantly, populations that live at subsistence level, and done nothing FOR them while the future rolled Over them...
  10. Z

    Capitalism's Achilles Heel

    Tangential post. Theory of mine #1456 Our over anti-bacterial lifestyle has unbalanced our microflora. This has lead to an increase in heart disease, cancer, and obesity. This is why every week which food is bad for you changes, because we are fucking clueless about how our body actually...
  11. Z

    Poll: Is the world overpopulated?

    bilby, just curious. But where do you stand on the rights of indigenous peoples? Amazonia, Africa, Australia, North America, Mongolia, areas of China. These people live tribal subsistence level lives. Much of the time their land is taken to be "improved", their culture and life style...
  12. Z

    Speaking of Religious Texts....

    http://vaticaninsider.lastampa.it/en/world-news/detail/articolo/bibbia-bible-biblia-13182/ The vatican has already said "Ni"
  13. Z

    Comcast is destroying the principle that makes a competitive internet possible

    http://bgr.com/2014/05/06/comcast-internet-service-criticism-twc-cablevision-level-3/ And from Level 3
  14. Z

    WTF... Bob's your uncle...

    I am not so sure you can. Which is why I asked the OP question. I only know English and a bit of Spanish and Farsi. To my knowledge, they have nothing like this, but I know very little. Language is something we learn very young, and there are theories out there that the language you learn...
  15. Z

    Poll: Is the world overpopulated?

    anyone else find it ironic the poster that took the handle dystopian is arguing for a more populated future?
  16. Z

    WTF... Bob's your uncle...

    Yes, no one story is any better than any other, and I am sure people make it up as they go along. But is English the only language you can do that and get away with it because somehow, the brain translates that crap?
  17. Z

    WTF... Bob's your uncle...

    Bob's your uncle. Take the piss. Cockney rhyming slang. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhyming_slang Where did this shit come from? And why is it still around? Faking brits. Does any other language besides english engage in these shenanigans?
  18. Z

    US History Cycles - Liberal vs. Conservative

    The Clinton and Obama presidencies I think swung just far enough progressive to keep a full progressive backlash from forming. I think things have to reach a "tipping point" in order for a full swing to take place, and we have been balancing on the point for decades. In my conspiracy theory...
  19. Z

    Was there ever an anti-Christian persecution on the level of an inquisition, pogrom or holocaust?

    Damn google and wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persecution_of_Christians
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