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  • Users: Elixir
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  1. Elixir

    Bipartisan Group Wants Law Against Foreign Meddling

    So reads the perpetual "Breaking News" banner on MSNBC. Why, I asked myself, would Republicans want that? It took all of four milliseconds for me to answer that question for myself. Because Democrats have to at least make it look like they are obeying the law, whereas Republicans will do...
  2. Elixir

    Rick Perry Made Me Do It

    Oh snap. They warned me not to try satire against that guy... Sorry.
  3. Elixir


    IRAN ACCEPTS INVITATION TO JOIN HACKING and RIGGING CONTEST OF 2019 Sept 5 2019 Tehran [UPI] Iran has eagerly agreed to join American Democrats, Denmark, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, El Salvador, South Korea and several shithole countries yet to be named, in a team effort to sway the 2020 contest...
  4. Elixir


    ...but Cheato? A whole other story. If we can, we must recruit and unite the UK, France, American Democrats, Canada and a few other European Countries* to the cause of deposing Cheato. If we can get them to open their coffers, we have a shot at getting China and even Iran on our side to...
  5. Elixir

    What Trump Gets Wrong About Antifa

    What Trump Gets Wrong About Antifa Antifa aren't the best and the brightest and their actions are often detrimental to their purpose, but they're a far cry from the white supremacists they nominally oppose. Get rid of antifa and white supremacists will still be there. Get rid of white...
  6. Elixir

    Plump Trump Mocks Supporter for being Fat

    Trump Mocks ‘Serious Weight Problem’ of Supporter And the guy loves him for it. What could possibly be more trumptastic?
  7. Elixir

    Dogwhistling a la Teleprompter

    Trump's "denouncement" of hate, racism, white supremacy etc. was one of the creepiest things I've ever seen. In any other universe, that would be a captive with a gun to his head reading a propaganda script. In this universe, you could almost see the subtitles: "Listen up you good 'ol boys -...
  8. Elixir

    Moscow Mitch Fakes Broken Shoulder

    Moscow Mitch Fakes Broken Shoulder to distract from alt-white terrorists. "McConnell's injury comes as Democrats demand he reconvenes the Senate to pass gun control legislation after a pair of mass shootings in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio this weekend left 29 people dead.
  9. Elixir

    Mueller Testimony: Orange Man Good, FBI Bad

    Orange Man Good, FBI Bad is the narrative that Republicans are going to try to foist off on the public tomorrow when Mueller appears before the House. No surprise there, since that's been their only defense of Cheato's ongoing criminal activities since his election. But I'm beginning to wonder...
  10. Elixir

    Lock Her Up V2.0 - Trump Premature Ejaculation?

    aka Send Her Back, has been a huge hit for this whole last week. Nobody at all is talking about the kids and families still being tortured by Trump's goons on the southern border, his horribly bungled creation and mis-handling of this manufactured Iran Crisis, or least of all, all those stark...
  11. Elixir

    Census Citizenship Question

    President Dickweed has "lost" his fight to include a citizenship question intended to intimidate immigrants to keep them from responding to the 2020 census. At least that's the story line being pushed by left wing media. In fact, they are being played; the more they talk about it, them more...
  12. Elixir

    Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg

    This guy has been on my mind lately... If/when Trump loses the 2020 election and refuses to leave the Whitehouse, we're going to need someone like Claus (but more effective). Thoughts?
  13. Elixir

    An Urgent Matter re Religious LeadershipU

    Posted elsewhere: Should Trump, widely worshiped as the Son of God by pockets of southern white evangelicals, be considered God, like his at-least-half-brother Jesus is? Many of Trump's detractors assert that Trump is an atheist, and verily, it is hard to impute a lot of religious devotion to...
  14. Elixir

    Left Wing Conspiracy Theorists, Terrorists and Murderers

    Nobody seems to comment on it, so it's probably just a misperception on my part. But it seems to me that most if not all wackazoid conspiracy theories as well as a most if not all violent domestic terrorist mass murderers are right wingers. Assuming that this is just my own misperception, what...
  15. Elixir

    Trickle-Up Economics?

    But seriously - this seems to me like a win-win, at least as far as a political platform. And it certainly lends some scale to the size of Trump's tax giveaway. But just hypothetically - what would the effects be? Assume that the payout would be around $100k/yr over ten years. Seems to me that...
  16. Elixir

    Mike Pence = Bhagdad Bob

    Not to make light of the losses suffered in today's suicide bombing in Syria, but I couldn't help recalling this from 2016: Trump Nominates GOP’s Own ‘Baghdad Bob’ For VP Then today: Pence declares 'ISIS has been defeated' on the same day as deadly Syria attack
  17. Elixir

    Trump will never leave office

    "The Mistake Was Made By Letting Him Become President" Not that I consider Maher's view to be gospel, but this is consistent with everything I know about El Cheato...
  18. Elixir

    The Wall

    I figured that The Wall, being the biggest, most beautiful structure ever constructed by humans in the history of the world, deserved its own thread here. If for no other reason than to give members the chance to give their own estimations of what is going to ultimately happen with The Wall, the...
  19. Elixir

    Trump says there was a stock market 'glitch'

    Trump says there was a stock market 'glitch' in December, but it will rise when trade deals fixed ... which looks to be around the 12th of NEVER. The glitch continues: Question: How low can it go before it hurts his donors enough for them to turn on him? Or do all the gifties he bestoweth...
  20. Elixir

    First House Subpoenas

    In the PresPol forum, Keith&Co posted this: Got me wondering - does anyone want to venture a prediction regarding the first subpoena or set of subpoenas that will come out of the Democrat-led House in 2019? If the possibilities were graphed out and each possibility represented by a dot, it...
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