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  1. Politesse

    The Only Way To Defeat Trump

    I don't suppose you're actually curious about what has happened to the Oakland NAACP in recent years, and why they are now in lockstep with the Republican machine on most issues, not just this one. But if you are, you can learn more here. I'm sure there are some people out there who...
  2. Politesse

    The Only Way To Defeat Trump

    If you read that, you also read where I wrote that I understood where it was coming from. Anacostia was a vicious case of white flight taking all city services, most jobs, and all the food along with. I do wish we lived in a post-segregation society, but we don't. And pretending that we do...
  3. Politesse

    The Only Way To Defeat Trump

    You're a special kind of gullible if you believe that.
  4. Politesse

    Can You Pass A US Citizenship Test?

    Yukon, actually.
  5. Politesse

    Can You Pass A US Citizenship Test?

    You can just find the whole list of questions here, though they publish a new one from time to time. Some are easy, others would escape the memory of most citizens. I note that unlike the WaPo version, the real test is an oral examination sans hints, not multiple choice. That said, I think most...
  6. Politesse

    The Only Way To Defeat Trump

    That's who has been leading this charge, bunch of boomer white guys from upscale neighborhoods in the 925. Indeed, the bulk of the money came from realtor agencies out that way. 2.2 million dollars to unseat a county DA. All out of urgent concern for small business owners on Oakland, I am sure...
  7. Politesse

    Breakdown In Civil Order

    And who is trying to expand access to mental health services? As near as I can tell, both of our political parties have abandoned the very concept of caring for adults with mental health challenges. So what do you expect is going to happen? If no services are available, it becomes the common...
  8. Politesse

    The Only Way To Defeat Trump

    I lived in Hayward, on the flats, for two years. If you don't know what that means, I'll be happy to enighten you. And no, being effectively without a DA for two years wouldn't have helped a thing. A recall isn't just "another election"; it's an expensive, time-consuming process that throws a...
  9. Politesse

    Breakdown In Civil Order

    You're arguing that the assailants were all camping on a sidewalk at the time, and that this was the motivation for their crimes? Or are you seriously misdiagnosong the problem and thus advocating for "solutions" that would make the problem worse rather than better?
  10. Politesse

    Will Biden drop out? Who replaces him?

    As we say in the West, "gold attracts fleas". Poverty may inspire desperation, but prosperity invites avarice. Which is more motivating?
  11. Politesse

    Will Biden drop out? Who replaces him?

    It'd be hard to make the case that she is a senile, frail old man. Both candidates ambled on stage in a manner that made it look as though a walker would be adviseable for stability, just in case. I feel like Kamala would manage the mount with nary a wobble. Will play well in the second debate.
  12. Politesse

    Gender Roles

    No. But I do think that no one has the right to tell you what your gender identity must be, nor that it is ever legal to discriminate on the basis of sex. You're inventing the most sympathetic hypothetical you possibly can, so that you don't have to look at thousands of much more likely...
  13. Politesse

    Climate Change(d)?

    I'm fucking melting. I have A/C, but it was clearly not designed for a challenge of this magnitude. Seriously considering hopping on the BART and going to one of those colder neighborhoods for the rest of the morning, only everyone else is also going to be doing that...
  14. Politesse

    Breakdown In Civil Order

    I did. As plainly as I can. Either all of our rights are guaranteed, or we are being picked off demographic by demographic. There is no one I am willing to exclude from consideration, because every exclusion is a wound to civil society that is harder to fix than to inflict.
  15. Politesse

    Breakdown In Civil Order

    What are you trying to catch me out, or something? I meant what I wrote. Yes, you are also a citizen, deserving of all the rights and responsibilities of your other countrymen. And if you understood what all of them are -- and aren't --you'd be better off.
  16. Politesse

    Breakdown In Civil Order

    All citizens rights matter, and we will stand and fall together on the strength of our willingness to defend the rights of all of our neighbors. Those you consider neighbors, and also those you talk about as though they were just so much human trash. Believe me, if the shoe were on the other...
  17. Politesse

    The Only Way To Defeat Trump

    Good to hear.
  18. Politesse

    Louisiana mandates 10 Commandments In Schools

    Let's not pretend Trump was talking about consensual acts. He was careful to clarify that he was not. The quote was: "You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait... ...And when you’re a star they let you do...
  19. Politesse

    Breakdown In Civil Order

    Easily. That's one of the several major reasons why I don't think your "solution" is workable at scale. I absolutely do recognize that there's a problem, a massive problem, and support any honest efforts to sove that problem that do not involve the selective degradation of the rights of...
  20. Politesse

    Gender Roles

    Support? Yes. You have my support. I earnestly hope you feel better soon. You can even ask someone to leave a given space, that is your right as long as it isn't your business or organization. What we cannot have legal discrimination on the basis of sex in this country. Even if it were...
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