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  1. S

    Gallup poll on the Bible

    My observation and experience has been that those you see intently 'studying' their Bible focus almost exclusively upon NT texts. And supplement that with Fundie apologetic reading materials that misrepresent and make hash out of those 'OT' verses they plagiarize, all the while carefully...
  2. S

    When did "faith" first become a hot topic for religion/philosophy/theology?

    And 'THE Believers' in 'THE WAY' (or 'that 'Way') who eventually came to be called 'christians' also wrote with an agenda. One determined to undermine, call into question, modify, overthrow, and replace the teachers and teachings of the so called OT. We, the world, have seen, and inherited the...
  3. S

    Gallup poll on the Bible

    Among my church going Bible 'quotin n'toting BibleBelt kinfolk, its damn few. The book serving as little more than a 'Sunday dress' accessory. Most never open their Bible's at home, a good many of them are actually functionally illiterate, and couldn't (and/or won't) read a page if their very...
  4. S

    Problems with the Heaven Concept

    Thus far you have avoided or failed to identify any such "definite point in the timeline". That 'point' in the timeline' was some time after the death, the miraculous resurrection, magical appearing in locked rooms, and levitating up into a cloud by zombie Jesus I presume? You imply multiple...
  5. S

    Problems with the Heaven Concept

    I don't seem to be the one that is having that problem. Reality to me encompasses the things I experience, and the facts of Physics that can be demonstrated _ not wild ass religious theories and imaginations lacking in any evidence, contrary to the sciences, and incapable of any demonstration.
  6. S

    Problems with the Heaven Concept

    There is? Do tell, when was that "definite point in the timeline"? Year, Month, and Date please.
  7. S

    Problems with the Heaven Concept

    Crazy speculation on the non-existence of natural laws that do exist, and cannot be demonstrated to not have existed from the beginning of time, isn't an example of linear (or rational) thought. It's an example of denial about the nature of reality- it's crazy speculation, and it isn't even...
  8. S

    Problems with the Heaven Concept

    Like, for example, so 'shaped' just 'Last Tuesday'? That therefore, nothing can be trusted to be an accurate account of actual historical events, or application/finding of presently observed laws of Physics, or any history __because 'history', and the presently observed known laws of Physics...
  9. S

    Pope Francis: Have Children, Not Pets

    Hmmm. It is interesting that Jesus, the great Torah teacher, as a man, did not himself obey and keep that very first injunction given to mankind within the Bible; "Be fruitful, and multiply" (Gen 1:22) allegedly preferring to remain a bachelor.('Do as I say, not as I do' .....riiight) I'll agree...
  10. S

    When did "faith" first become a hot topic for religion/philosophy/theology?

    Lumpenproletariat I think the key to that difference or distinction of emphasis that you are detecting and arguing for lies in those many NT verses that are translated as "THE Faith". The earliest 'christian' > 'Redeeming Christ believing' form of the Jewish religion adopted the specific term...
  11. S

    "God cannot create a square circle"

    To foil this interconnected conspiracy of coordination and manipulation, and any undetected brain implants, I suggest fabricating a lead lined tinfoil hat. Wear it at all times. By the by, according to old Jake, an expert on these matters, the entire world-wide conspiracy is being 'run by...
  12. S

    When did "faith" first become a hot topic for religion/philosophy/theology?

    Yes. Abram 'amened' = believed- -accepted- -had faith in- the performance of those future blessings Yahweh his Elohim had promised. Yes. Abram 'amen'ed' = believed- -accepted- -had faith in- -and verbally affirmed- the future blessings which Yahweh his Elohim had promised. For the purposes of...
  13. S

    Problems with the Heaven Concept

    One might figure out that the Israelites never were slaves in Egypt, and that Abrahamic religion really didn't know much of jack-shit about Egyptian religious beliefs, or of any heaven or hell until many centuries after the OT was compiled, when they finally cobbed their 'heaven' and 'hell' and...
  14. S

    When did "faith" first become a hot topic for religion/philosophy/theology?

    The translation you are using provides the word "faith" in this verse, whereas most other commonly available English translations consistently render this particular Hebrew word as "believed" "And he believed (Yahweh); and He counted it to him for righteousness." more accurately follows the...
  15. S

    Nadab and Abihu

    Any cult/preacher can cite this text as a basis of their right of exclusive authorization to performing the cults abracadabra ritual religious rigmarole. The trick, in any dispute of authority is to be the source educated to invoke it first, which automatically places opponent practitioners in...
  16. S

    Problems with the Heaven Concept

    Yes, we can understand its stated premise very well. Biblegod has chosen whom he will hate and will burn in hellfire forever and ever, before they are even born or did either good or evil, and there is absolutely nothing that they can ever do about it. In fact according to the Bible, this...
  17. S

    "God cannot create a square circle"

    Geological scientists have asked, investigated, and long since thoroughly answered that question at length, providing innumerable proofs of the facts of Continental Drift and the dynamics of the Plate Tectonics that thrust mountain ranges up from ancient sea beds, even being able to provide...
  18. S

    Tear those pages from your bible!

    Did the Google search suggested, the best part was the lame, and often evasive, right down to being dishonest, apologetics being offered up by bible thumpers in response. As an example (slightly rephrasing an apologetic suggested by many of these sites) "God didn't kill very many (or any)...
  19. S

    Problems with the Heaven Concept

    Back about 1965 my cousin was stung by a wasp. In retaliation he caught that wasp and with pinchers held it in the flames of our gas range. Kind of weird revenge. If he was still holding that wasp in the flames today, fifty years latter, I could conclude nothing other than that he was fucking...
  20. S

    Nadab and Abihu

    A textual dangler. Like many such texts, it provides bible thumpers of all stripes, those pretending to direct access to the thoughts, 'will' and 'mind of god' both the opportunity and excuse to make up their own totally unverifiable shit, and thus by their claimed exclusive divine...
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