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  • Users: repoman
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  1. repoman

    Can covid-19 like viruses be beaten without antibodies produced?

    What non antibody immune system responses would kill it? How often would this happen? Also since antibodies are all tailor made by definition, how can a test be sure that a negative antibody test just did not test for the one YOU produced? There has to be a somewhat narrow design tolerance of...
  2. repoman

    How can Covid-19 testing effectively and in mass production differentiate between live virus carriers and cleared patients?

    And what are implications of the two being confused? Sorry, for the drive by topic drop, but I have get this out in busy day.
  3. repoman

    Are the Feds confiscating masks so Trump cronies can sell them at war profiteering markups?

    These two stories side by side... https://www.rawstory.com/2020/04/trump-administration-hijacked-5-million-masks-from-veterans-hospitals-chief-physician/ https://www.rawstory.com/2020/04/trump-admin-awards-n95-contract-far-above-normal-price-to-bankrupt-company-with-no-employees-report/ There...
  4. repoman

    Collusion between Netanyahu and Trump more important than Russian?

    This is an epic multi-tweet with lots of links and documentation: https://twitter.com/SethAbramson/status/1255371824784965632
  5. repoman

    Question about salt intake

    Trying to make this bare bones. Let's say use this for an average moderately healthy middle aged person who much of the time eats a fairly low amount of salt (by current oversalted standards) and then binges on salty popcorn and nachos a couple days a week. Now, when the salt level is pissed...
  6. repoman

    Can the genome of covid-19 rule in or out it being made iartificially?

    I know almost nothing about viruses, but there are lots of professionals that do. By artificial I mean a whole range from low level having different viruses in a lab that can cross genes in a slow and random way all up to pinpoint insertion of code. Are we at the point of even being able to...
  7. repoman

    This guy has relaxing history of astronomy videos

    Right now listening helps to ground my anxiety a bit.
  8. repoman

    Questions about vaccines

    I am being a bit lazy by not searching on my own, but there are a lot of people much more learned about this topic than me here. Also, I think these are useful questions. First is the class of virus that Covid-19 belongs to poorly or very amenable for making vaccines to it? Second, let's say...
  9. repoman

    Detecting a neutron star quake with LIGO

    Or other GW detector in the future. What is the feasibility of this? Also, would we be able to tell the direction of the spin pole from the signal? A NS quake by one not pointed at us and not visible normally still send out x-rays in all direction, I think. How far away can a NS quake be for...
  10. repoman

    Sweet Potatoes rafted over to Polynesia and were not gathered on a "shopping trip"?

    This is no slight to the Polynesians, it is staggering the ocean that they did cross. But the sweet potato linkcmay be out of play. https://arstechnica.com/science/2018/04/polynesians-may-not-have-gone-grocery-shopping-in-south-america/ But maybe they brought a now extinct strain similar to...
  11. repoman

    Why do many atheists throw bible passages at Christians

    Or whatever texts are applicable to various religions... Especially highly condensed ideas like "judge not" which is not always true. The bible allows lots of judging. Does it make us look like hypocrites to someone who is locked into the theism paradigm?
  12. repoman

    If all plant life stopped how long would it take for oxygen in air to drop to zero?

    Including ocean algae of course. This is a silly academic question, but also sort of fun to think about. There would be organic respiration making carbon dioxide and also rusting and so on... One thing is that in the far future as the sun warms and the geochemical cycle restricts carbon...
  13. repoman

    Shape carved out by all 12 pentagonal pyramids in an icosahedron?

    Similar to making another internal regular hexagon by connecting all non adjacent and non opposite corners. Talking about internal pyramids which are taller than the 12 pyramids on the surface. For the 12 pentagon bases I think the all of the together will make a regular dodecahedron. But what...
  14. repoman

    Volume of neutron stars compared to living space of cities

    Was watching a random video and there was the old neutron star is about 1.4 solar masses crunched into the size of a city. But say there is only an average of 50-100 meters of average height of buildings, wouldn't that mean that a neutron star could hold hundreds of cities? Is this analogy off...
  15. repoman

    Why do the Catalan solids only have one dihedral angle listed on wikipedia?

    Also, can they be slightly altered to roll better (discounting rounding of edges) yet still be face transitive and fair dice? Basically get all of the dihedral angles as close to the same will still having all faces the same As an example this is a picture of the d48 which is a disdyakis...
  16. repoman

    Is it time for us to start eating insects?

    Food for thought... https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/26/science/eating-insects-entomophagy.html
  17. repoman

    Question about the CNO fusion cycle

    At the end of the cycle when N-15 absorbs a proton. To become O-16, why does it emit an alpha particle? Is the O-16 excited? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CNO_cycle
  18. repoman

    Can dark matter density be inferred by black hole mass growth?

    Dark matter passes though everytging, but I assume it can't pass through a black hole. So is dark matter just too sparse around black holes to make any observations of mass anomalies from models because of DM hoovering? One thing is that DM won't be caught up in accretion disks via friction...
  19. repoman

    Trump says that American Jews who vote for Democrats are being disloyal ---- to Israel?!?

    How much money does he and his cronies have tied up with Israel? Because there is no way he cares about Israel (or ANYBODY) from a compassionate place, heartless bastard he is. This is beyond parody and really overdoing it.
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