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  • Users: repoman
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  1. repoman

    Frogger Raider

    A long time ago I was playing Hasbro's Frogger 97 with I think a Voodoo 2 or 3 card and then switched to play Tomb Raider 2 or 3. Well somehow all the textures of Frogger were being used for Tomb Raider. Any ideas on how this happened?
  2. repoman

    Music matching of older "standard" songs just by different instrument played melody?

    I was watching some old episodes of Name That Tune, which I was a smidge too young to have watched when new, and I am impressed with the ability of the best contestants. It is not played on the same instrument normally, granted these standard songs were highly melody driven and hummable. In...
  3. repoman

    Pastor talks about God's wrath on Sarah Silverman regarding her 2005 standup act.

    Will someone rid me of this meddlesome priest? https://twitter.com/SarahKSilverman/status/1159562522036281344 The act:
  4. repoman

    Can a mathematical reason why song made me "Joe Cocker" be found?

    From about 9:00 to 10:40 of this song had me play "air one man band" like how Joe Cocker sings and almost break a few glasses in the kitchen. It almost seems like the parts have in some ways a lot of distance from each other and are also wrapping into each other. I only heard this song a...
  5. repoman

    Maybe they should vote through a sheet

  6. repoman

    Question about Archimedean solids

    The definition I am using from Wikipedia is: But looking at the picture of a truncated icosidodecahedron there are light and dark gray vertices that if I use a right hand rule are (4,6,10) for dark and (4,10,6) for light. Same for the truncated cuboctahedron, which is listed as have...
  7. repoman

    Are there people who can solve Rubik's cubes totally "instinctively"?

    Basically, I guess I am asking if there are combination puzzle savants around. What brain centers have to work together to make this happen? I can understand how the solving algorithms work and can respect the skill, accuracy and labor put into making them, but natural solvers are a lot more...
  8. repoman

    Any opinions on the Maza Crowder storm on Youtube?

    This is really getting intense. Maza's twitter account is a good read now. https://twitter.com/gaywonk Something has to give.
  9. repoman

    WINEP psycopath describes pretexts to start war in Iran like previous wars

    go to 4 minutes in. This is really chilling stuff. Take a look at the ethnic makeup of this organization as well. Anything strike you? https://www.washingtoninstitute.org/experts If they were vastly overrepresented with Russians... Getting back to the video, I need to find out what he is...
  10. repoman

    Dangerously powerful trebuchet

    At the end of the video you will see why I have seen a lot of trebuchet clips and this is by far the fastest one, you can even hear it slicing the air.
  11. repoman

    Meghan Markle is a robot

    This is rock solid proof
  12. repoman

    The Talmud mentions Yeshu boiling in excrement in hell, is this Jesus? What does it mean?

    It is cited a lot, anyone have a handle on this. Done some reading and can't understand so well. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tzoah_Rotachat I do know the Talmud is a massive commentary and if this is the best they have against, whatever.
  13. repoman

    Galaxies with nearly no dark matter?

    I like the "proof" here https://www.wired.com/story/astronomers-have-found-two-galaxies-with-no-dark-matter/
  14. repoman

    Not having to deal with the consequences of what you want, when you don't have it - logical fallacy

    What is this called on a technical level? For example, taking immigration in the USA. Currently it is fairly high, especially on a rolling decadal basis. But if in the past 30 years it (all of it) had been clamped downed a to mere trickle that would have had major ramifications for almost all...
  15. repoman

    Kate Smith's legacy smeared for singing a song Paul Robeson also sang?

    Haha, keep it up. I love it. Context does not matter. https://deadline.com/2019/04/kate-smith-racism-philadelphia-flyers-new-york-yankees-god-bless-america-1202598809/
  16. repoman

    Funny video about Christian pastor upset about Christians donating to Jews.

    But seriously, will Jews be dumb enough to donate as much money to Christians as Christians donate to Jews?
  17. repoman

    If a solid, brittle object were near the 2015 black hole merger would it shatter?

    Just a random question I have. Also, how close would it have to be if so? This is assuming the object was in the plane of maximum intensity. Also a cool article: https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1608/1608.01940.pdf
  18. repoman

    Excellent video on black hole imaging

    I would say that this is as precise as a layman level video can ever be. This guy is amazing. Also at 5:55 in the video and further explained in the following 30 seconds is that related to this Escher print?
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