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  1. Elixir

    Don't curse me

    "Science works, ergo it's not wrong."
  2. Elixir

    6/27/24 presidential debate

    It’s not even the continuous gaffes by Trump that are so worrisome. It’s the lies. The continuous, dangerous, self-serving LIES.
  3. Elixir


    +1 Some "official actions" are definitely called for, Biden's obliviousness notwithstanding.
  4. Elixir

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    … unless they’re Russians invading Ukraine! Hypocrisy is your friend if you are a Putinista propagandist.
  5. Elixir

    Will Biden drop out? Who replaces him?

    I’m sure that will get him out of most of it but not all of it. Only winning the election will do that.
  6. Elixir

    Deism, an intellectually serious position in previous centuries, now must reject scientific explanations

    Oh. I thought you were saying we’re done as a species, because we blithely go along with destructive superstitions despite still working effectively at stuff like creating weapons of self destruction. My bad!
  7. Elixir

    Will Biden drop out? Who replaces him?

    He thinks, probably correctly, that more attention hevgets, the better his chance of getting the get out of jail free card that is his primary driver. Most people who know, say he is petrified of prison. (They might cut his hair?)
  8. Elixir

    Will Biden drop out? Who replaces him?

    That used to be the case. Now he supports anything that might keep his sorry criminal ass out of jail. 😠
  9. Elixir

    The Race For 2024

    Well, it’s an easy way to hide abject ignorance and bottomless stupidity.
  10. Elixir

    The Only Way To Defeat Trump

    Dokter Swizzle knows all! Well, almost - I don’t know how he missed whatever happened to Trump.
  11. Elixir

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    Same thing. If his power falters, he's dead meat. Kinda like Trump or Xi or Kim or Duterte or Netanyahu - it's not all that easy or safe to be a dictator.
  12. Elixir

    The Only Way To Defeat Trump

    No evidence of that, just blather and lots of noise from Russian ignoramuses and Republican morons.
  13. Elixir

    The Only Way To Defeat Trump

    I don't see anyone here mentioning 2nd amendment solutions... surprising.
  14. Elixir

    Will Biden drop out? Who replaces him?

    The avarice inspired by riches features enthusiasm that desperation can only match when it becomes existential.
  15. Elixir

    Will Biden drop out? Who replaces him?

    I am deeply sad about what it says about the electorate.
  16. Elixir

    The Only Way To Defeat Trump

    Breezy, mid 80s … perfectly comfortable as long as there’s shade available. And it only lasts a few hours before it starts dropping and the wind stops. It will be good working weather this evening, as it was this morning. Also, Santa Monica?
  17. Elixir

    The Only Way To Defeat Trump

    San Francisco climate sucks. It’s always wet, usually cold and largely caused by homeless people shitting on the street. Which they definitely would NOT be doing if they were in Santa Monica.
  18. Elixir

    PA Republican faces 10 years for death threats against other PA Republicans

    You’re so cynical! Ever hear of The Rifleman? One weapon. ONE. Then there’s ME. Living here among the lions and tigers and bears (ok, no tigers) with a slingshot and a pellet gun, which you can pry from my cold dead hands!!
  19. Elixir

    The Only Way To Defeat Trump

    So, Swiz, I assume that if Biden wins you will join Trumpers in claiming he cheated? Will it be another genius undetectable cheat, just like 2020? Hey, the dumbass Republitards still can’t figure out how Joe did it last time; what are the chances that they’re going to figure it out this time...
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