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  1. I

    Will Biden drop out? Who replaces him?

    But it's more than one fucking debate. I'm a Dem, now and forever; would never vote for any candidate who belongs to the venomous, antidemocratic Republican Party with its mentally ill leader. But the fact is, appearances matter, and Biden looked and sounded played out in his inauguration...
  2. I

    Will Biden drop out? Who replaces him?

    Yeah. No. In 122 days, that video message will be not just irrelevant but sickening. I can taste the ashes now.
  3. I

    Joke gallery

    Guy walks into a bar and sees three men and a dog playing poker. "This has to be some prank," he thinks, so he goes over to watch the game. The dog is really playing, though. It shuffles the deck, deals cards by pushing with his nose, antes up, and barks in his bets. Finally the guy says, "I...
  4. I

    Joke gallery

    What is BMW's biggest headache with workers who quit? They never give any indication that they're leaving. Difference between a porcupine and a BMW? On a porcupine, the pricks are outside. Cheapest part of a BMW? The owner. If life seems pointless, remember that somewhere, a person spends his...
  5. I

    Joke gallery

    Why are so many West Virginia homicides cold cases? What did the West Virginia gal say a moment after losing her virginity?
  6. I

    Deism, an intellectually serious position in previous centuries, now must reject scientific explanations

    Touching the Void (2003) is a documentary feature that tells the story of Joe Simpson, a British mountain climber who suffered through a terrible ordeal in the Andes, first breaking his leg, then falling down the side of the mountain (actually, how he came to fall is the most controversial issue...
  7. I

    Will Biden drop out? Who replaces him?

    Holy frig. That's what I get for boycotting the news starting on debate night last week.
  8. I

    Will Biden drop out? Who replaces him?

    Thursday...6 days away...Trump at last gets sentenced on the 34 felonies, some of which put Michael Cohen behind bars. I want the MAGA nutcases to go absolutely crazy on Thursday.
  9. I

    Don't curse me

    At least in a cave you can back into a dark, damp corner and be pretty sure there's no one behind ya. (Better look anyway.)
  10. I

    Don't curse me

    He's too far down the rabbit hole for me. How do you even converse with someone who "thinks" this way? There's a paranoia here that levels everything in its path. Also, he's inventing scenarios of Satanic endeavors, which is pretty much like writing his own Bible out of nothing. And if Satan...
  11. I

    Joke gallery

    Define West Virginia foreplay.
  12. I

    Will Biden drop out? Who replaces him?

    Open convention, like the good old days. It would bring more publicity and suspense to the thing than we've seen in half a century. Drawback: the idiot legislature in my state would be able to keep the nominee off our ballot. But Ohio is Trump-friendly anyway. Will this happen? Nothing I...
  13. I

    Can You Pass A US Citizenship Test?

    Did Trump take it? He's awful good at mental assessments, ya know. Man, woman, TV...
  14. I

    Joke gallery

    If you rearrange the letters of MAILMEN....
  15. I

    Joke gallery

    Three cowboys are eatin' beans around the campfire. Suddenly, from out on the lone prairie, a drumbeat starts. They sit up straight and lock eyes. One of them says, "I don't like the sound o' them drums, pardners." A shrill Indian voice calls out from the darkness: "He's not our regular drummer!"
  16. I

    SCOTUS Justices Gone Wild

    Nothing to Crow about.
  17. I


    You who have read the decision...how do they claim it is found in the Constitution?
  18. I

    SCOTUS Justices Gone Wild

    While Clarence and his buddies were elected by...oh, right, they weren't.
  19. I


    And what timing this court has...just in time for a convicted criminal to gain control of the DOJ.
  20. I

    SCOTUS Justices Gone Wild

    I can't get past the thread title. My mind is just too nasty. NOW ON SALE ON THIS SPECIAL TV OFFER -- ACT NOW -- YOU GET NOT ONE BUT TWO DVDS FOR THE LOW LOW PRICE OF $49.95 PLUS SHIPPING BUT YOU MUST ACT NOW!! You've seen them at St. Barts...you saw them in Maui...now see SCOTUS GONE WILD AT...
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