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  1. L

    Will Biden drop out? Who replaces him?

    Maybe it’s just me being a Democrat —who tend to not only think the glass is half empty but that the glass is broken on the floor (and it was our fault)— but… I think Biden’s Stephanopoulos interview might’ve almost been a worst-case scenario. I’ll explain: IF he’d repeated his mumbly...
  2. L


    But we’re talking about Biden (hypothetically) doing it. Of COURSE Trump would be Trump.
  3. L

    Will Biden drop out? Who replaces him?

    Welp, it looks like the Blue team is down to one cat. Biden told George Stephanopoulos only “the Lord Almighty” could persuade him to drop out. Great—someone who’s not all there is dependant on someone who’s not there at all.
  4. L


    Now that they Supremes have spoken, one little detail seems neglected: in the giddiness the Right is expressing on their victory lap, they may be overlooking the fact that…wait for it…Joe Biden has just been granted kingly powers. There is literally no end to the fuckery he could commit…were he...
  5. L

    6/27/24 presidential debate

    The part that concerns me is that Biden apparently practiced dutifully for the debate for a full week prior, including mock debates with someone playing Trump, coaches drilling him on body language and non-verbal cues, and well-rehearsed and crafted answers to obvious questions he’d be...
  6. L

    Fauci Should Be In Prison - Senator Rand Paul

    The idiocy of that whole mindset of “duhhhh, scientists are wrong sometimes” completely misses the central point that the process of continually testing, evaluating, refining—and if necessary, discarding—scientific knowledge is a feature, not a bug. Compare that with the permanence of, say...
  7. L

    Fauci Should Be In Prison - Senator Rand Paul

    Rvonse said: “Or is it more comforting to trust the so called scientists who know everything? To drink the government narrative. Easier just to believe a bat in a food market caused this worldwide pandemic.” I hope someone like Rvonse has the courage of his convictions if, godz forbid, he ever...
  8. L

    Mar-a-Largo raided by FBI?

    I’d prefer for Trump Employee 5 to enjoy a big mug of Shut Up, since anything he says now publicly can be compared to his future testimony*, and if it doesn’t exactly match his answers in cross, he could do real harm to the prosecution’s case. * This, of course, presumes that corrupt Judge...
  9. L

    The Right Wing noise machine

    You guys act like there’s only this small recurring cadre of pea-brained, Fox-drunk dipshits out there; when we get one, it must be an old one. Spoiler alert: They’re making new ones all the time (unfortunately).
  10. L

    Is the Bible a magic book?

    [snip] No. Because they NEVER “explain,” in any sense that does justice to that word, ANYTHING about the made-up bullshit that serves as the core tenets of their chosen religion. All you ever get, or ever will get, is word-salad mumbo jumbo. You may as well be asking a golden retriever to...
  11. L

    Tucker Carlson visits home base

    I hope Tucker falls out a window in Moscow, as so many clumsy oafs do. I’d further wish he’d grab a tight hold on Putin’s tie on the way out, but, realistically, Putin would be shirtless in this scenario, well-oiled, and magnificently ripped.
  12. L

    Merged So what's next for Trump?

    He said, “See you next Tuesday,” which endlessly amuses 12-year-old boys, since if one squints, it sounds like you’re spelling out “C-U-N-T.” See (C) You (U) Next (starts with N) Tuesday (starts with T). How very…Presidential. Edit to add: Just for context, the next time they were scheduled to...
  13. L

    To Give You a Size of the Immense and Growing Size of Illegal Immigration

    Trying to “both-sides” this all the way to the election is how you end up ending the American experiment. Of COURSE one side is not 100% pure and good, in every waking thought and deed, while the other is unremitting evil across the board, each day, every day. But you’d have to be willfully...
  14. L

    Merged So what's next for Trump?

    A conviction is not and never was part of the rule. Disqualification is triggered all on its own merely by having “engaged in” insurrection after having taken an oath to support and defend the Constitution. Check, and check, for Donald J. Trump. To rule otherwise, regardless of premise, is to...
  15. L

    Merged So what's next for Trump?

    Apparently, most of the expectation that the Supremes will bail Trump out and restore him to Colorado’s ballot spring from wrangling over the context of “officer” of the United States and whether it applies to a President. (With a healthy side dose, obviously, of “the hopelessly corrupt SCOTUS...
  16. L

    McCarthey out as Speaker of the House - Bozo the clown on deck

    I don’t think he cares in the slightest about dramatically blowing up his House career—every premeditated, performative act in his career there has had nothing to do with governance and everything to do with establishing his bonifides to be the next whack-a-doodle governor of Florida. He’s...
  17. L

    The southern US border is insane right now.

    If everyone in the world comes to America, then by definition we will have the absolute BEST national sports teams. In every sport. Always. Hell, there won’t even BE anyone in the other countries. It’s ONE way the men’s team can win the World Cup…
  18. L

    LeeAnn Tweeden Al Franken Controversy

    I remember Democratic Senator Al Franken losing his seat after PRETENDING to honk a sleeping girl’s boobs, so yeah, it appears that the bar has been moved.
  19. L

    Driving around Chiang Mai

    I tried driving around Chiang Mai, but after about an hour of, “turn left here,” “take this exit, no this one,” “couldn’t you find a route with MORE traffic?,” I was like, bitch, just walk, or get an Uber.
  20. L

    Special Counsel investigation of Trump part 2

    So…he was a particularly Petty Officer.
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