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  1. DrZoidberg

    A dumb question

    You can say the same thing way simpler. Without gravity acting upon the Earth, then slowing down, would be doing work. Yes, if left alone the Earth will be perpetually spinning. All in accordance with the laws of physics.
  2. DrZoidberg

    The Oven of Akhnai and the Talmud

    Thanks for finding a demonstration for this. No we don't. You don't need to be an asshole sometimes to also be a good person. The universe doesn't have to have assholery to balance out the goodness. This is exactly what I am talking about. It's a game of logic that can only make sense to the...
  3. DrZoidberg

    The Oven of Akhnai and the Talmud

    Yes, the Montaigne solution. Not a particularly good one. The logic of, unless someone at your dinner party is an asshole the rest of you aren't able to be pleasant to eachother. It exploits the fact that we have a strong tendency to think in dichotomies. But just because we have a habit of...
  4. DrZoidberg

    The Oven of Akhnai and the Talmud

    Yes. But then you need to solve the theodicy problem. Which monists always have had to struggle with. Not to point out the obvious but the Old Testament is not monist. The old testament is henotheist. Jehova is just a standard storm god, (Zeus, Jupiter, Baal, Thor etc). The monotheism has been...
  5. DrZoidberg

    The Oven of Akhnai and the Talmud

    Word sallad. None of that made any sense IMHO. I think you have tried to reformulate big words in your own words and it didn't work out. Edit: What's interesting about the Kabbalah isn't the model of it or the original idea. Any moron can make a schematic of our inner life. And many have. (for...
  6. DrZoidberg

    The Oven of Akhnai and the Talmud

    Both of them are missing the point. There's no one correct interpretation. The Talmud contains a variety of interpretations. Judaism is not Christianity. Christians keep going on about the one correct interpretation, ad fontes and all that. That's not Judaism. Fun fact. Orthodox Judaism is a...
  7. DrZoidberg

    The Oven of Akhnai and the Talmud

    Ha ha. Yes. Exactly. There's more to than that they were non mystics. What had happened within Judaism was that the Gnostic mystics had started to posit that Jehova was a false God and the real God was hidden. It's all the talk of Demiurge and Yaldabaoth. It was getting really really weird...
  8. DrZoidberg

    The Oven of Akhnai and the Talmud

    My source is in the first sentence of the first post Yeah, who would have thought Jews could complicate matters? Fun Jewish saying, "two Jews, three opinions" Yes, once the Kabbalah was created non-Jewish mystics had to respond. The nature of Judaism is that it's open to dissent. Judaism...
  9. DrZoidberg

    The Oven of Akhnai and the Talmud

    Listening to the Litterature and history podcast and the episode on the Talmud there's a section which I really like. It's an episode regarding the oven of Akhnai. The debate is whether or not the oven is kosher. Rabbi Eliezer ben Hyrcanus claimed it was. The other rabbis claimed it wasn't. To...
  10. DrZoidberg

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    When the USSR fell apart Russians were among the best educated people on the planet. The average worker was more educated than the average western worker. Not just on practical industrial stuff. But every branch of academia. Any random Russian construction worker can quote Kafka or Proust...
  11. DrZoidberg

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    But Russians don't believe what Putin says. They just believe that it's best for them if they say they believe it. That's something different Barbos doesn't live in Russia. His is a western perspective. An alternative facts perspective
  12. DrZoidberg

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    He's already posted his sources. It's not Russian propaganda sites. Barbos sources are just standard, completely retarded, conspiracy YouTube channels. Clueless morons with bad haircuts rambling authoritatively about stuff they know nothing about I used to think Barbos was giving us the...
  13. DrZoidberg

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    The conflict only has one problem. Putin. Any solution that doesn't make Russia hurt will only be enabling Russian future aggression. What possible solution for long term peace could there be other than to hit Russia hard until they withdraw? Do you have any ideas?
  14. DrZoidberg

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    You're missing a whole dimension here. Ideology. In the west, at least, nominally, the people have power. As they do in India. China is not democratic. The Chinese government does not represent the Chinese people. The Chinese government represents the communist nobility. The Russian government...
  15. DrZoidberg

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    I don't know of anyone who is pro-Putin who believes anything Putin says. The people I know who are pro Putin just thinks all countries are cunts and everyone is just trying to get what they can Its essentially a hyper cynical might makes right argument It took me a while to figure it out...
  16. DrZoidberg

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    I'm still waiting for Aupanyav managing to justify Russias attack. I get the impression he accidentally said something foolish and now is just sticking to his guns, for no reason
  17. DrZoidberg

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    I don't think you understand what NATO is. It's just a defens He put his most elite units to take Kiev as well as most of his tanks. Of course he wanted to take Kiev. Russia just faced one of the worst military disasters in modern history. Basically all of Russias elite troops got wiped out...
  18. DrZoidberg

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    Here's my theory. I think Aupunyav is explaining why Russia attacked. Not justifying it. If that's what he is doing then I agree with him. Upp until the Maidan revolution Ukraine was under Russian control and thanks to western meddling, now it isn't.
  19. DrZoidberg

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    How's it anyone's business who Ukraine/the wife sides with? If your partner prefers the company of other men over you, then you are the problem. Not other men. Why does it matter why Russia attacked? What possible justification could there be? So you are now against Putin? I'm so confused
  20. DrZoidberg

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    That's an absolutely insane reading of the conflict imho Here’s your logic, if a woman is beaten by her husband and tries to get external help then she's to blame for the abuse
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