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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

What I'm saying is that if you have adequate second-strike capability there is no need for launch on warning. The only reason to launch on warning is if you think you won't have enough left to shoot back after riding out the incoming strike. We do not need a launch on warning policy so there's no reason to think we would take the risk of having such a policy.
India subscribes to 'no first-strike' policy.
Which is irrelevant. Launch on warning is not a first strike. It's getting your weapons off before they're destroyed on the ground by the strike that is already incoming.
WTF does this even mean???
It means every country is concerned about safety of its borders. That is why we have armies and bombs as deterrents. So too is Russia.
Launch on warning is not a first strike. It's getting your weapons off before they're destroyed on the ground by the strike that is already incoming.
We will prefer to get a hit before we launch ours. India is big and populous. One hit would not matter much. How many will it kill - a million? We have 1,442+ m.
A million is a little less than 0.07% of that. (Worldometer, Population - India)
Nobody will say we started a war. We all have our different views. Preemptive strike means a war for certain. At the moment, we have some 170.
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A strike at the President's Palace in New Delhi will not affect us much, perhaps break the window glasses. We are 13 kms away.

A strike at the President's Palace in New Delhi will not affect us much, perhaps break the window glasses. We are 13 kms away.

100kT is a tiddler by thermonuclear standards.

A B83 warhead (1200kT) airburst would cause 3rd degree burns out to 13.4km, and according to NUKEMAP, would kill about 1.5 million people.

And anyone who was actually targetting New Delhi (probably Pakistan - they have about 170 warheads each yielding around 40kT) would likely cover the city with several MIRVed hits.

A number of smaller warheads is far more destructive than a single large one; 30 x 40kT targeting large Indian cities (including three or four on New Delhi) would be able to instantly kill ten million people easily, and Pakistan would still have 140 left.

A full scale strike by Pakistan could kill 600 million people by blast, burns and other immediate trauma, before we even consider the effects of fallout and long term consequences due to the collapse of infrastructure and the destruction of food and water systems and supply chains.

Having a few hundred thousand corpses on your doorstep would affect you a great deal more than a few broken windows.
What I'm saying is that if you have adequate second-strike capability there is no need for launch on warning. The only reason to launch on warning is if you think you won't have enough left to shoot back after riding out the incoming strike. We do not need a launch on warning policy so there's no reason to think we would take the risk of having such a policy.
India subscribes to 'no first-strike' policy.
Launch on warning (LOW), or fire on warning, is a strategy of nuclear weapon retaliation where a retaliatory strike is launched upon warning of enemy nuclear attack and while its missiles are still in the air, before detonation occurs. A launch on warning policy is NOT a first strike policy.

You seem to have lost the thread of thought. The US has no need to put nukes in Russia's back yard even in new NATO countries. Why? Because the conditions to fulfill "Mutually Assured Destruction" are fulfilled without moving any of our nukes. There is no need for Russia to feel nervous about nukes in their back yard because NATO nukes moved into Finland (or anywhere else) wouldn't actually escalate the threat to Russia. Why? Because, as we keep explaining to you, NATO is a defensive alliance and they also have a "no first strike" policy.
I think it is an issue for Moscow because they hope they can deter NATO from reacting to an attack on a non-nuclear power. Local nukes make that hopeless.
WTF does this even mean???
It means every country is concerned about safety of its borders. That is why we have armies and bombs as deterrents. So too is Russia.

?? And you want Ukraine to be defenseless?

I'm still waiting for Aupanyav managing to justify Russias attack.

I get the impression he accidentally said something foolish and now is just sticking to his guns, for no reason
Hmph. The ignorance of facts and counterfactual assertions that Aupy flaunts, have shown his comments on international affairs to be irrelevant and ignorance-based. I don’t think he has any real guns (position) to stick to. Just some guy content to swallow the tripe he is fed by his goobermint. No big deal.
WTF does this even mean???
It means every country is concerned about safety of its borders. That is why we have armies and bombs as deterrents. So too is Russia.

?? And you want Ukraine to be defenseless?

I'm still waiting for Aupanyav managing to justify Russias attack.

I get the impression he accidentally said something foolish and now is just sticking to his guns, for no reason
There are many pro-Putler people outside of Russia who believe that if Ukraine gives up land, de-nazifies (WTF does that even mean?!) and de-arm completely that Russia will respect their future borders and never invade again. As for me, I'm hoping that my mother-in-law visit next week will be confined to only 3 days, rather than the usual 2 weeks. Hope isn't a great strategy!
and de-arm completely that Russia will respect their future borders and never invade again
Russia had respected Ukro-borders for 25 years until they decided to go full nazi and ban russians.
You agree then that Russia won’t honor a future peace agreement with an unarmed Ukraine correct?


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There is a bigger problem. Russia has shifted their economy into a wartime economy, and are producing weapons at a high rate. The west has not shifted their economies into wartime economies. If we did we could crush Russia like a bug. But we haven't. Yes, Russia is trashing their economy in order to win this war. But over time Russia will grind down Ukraine. The west has already sent anything that is redundant. We're now cutting into our preparedness storages. But we're not increasing production. If the current situations keeps going Russia will, over time win. In the long long term, Russia will of course run out of money, and then it'll just implode (as happened to Russia in WWI).
This omits any comparison of our production vs their production.

If our peacetime production exceeds their wartime production it doesn't matter that they are in a wartime economy.

But our side doesn't. Russia has both more artillery pieces as well as more ammo than Ukraine.

And artillery is important. Artillery is a lot more important than war movies have us believe. It is a problem.

If Ukraine starts getting and usinf F-16's to get air superiority ans start taking out Russian artillery. Then things will change. But we're not their yet

Russia can throw more but they can't throw it as accurately and their guns are wearing out, making it even more inaccurate.
White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre said India can play an important role in brokering peace in Ukraine by leveraging its historical ties with Russia.
I seem to have lost the tab but there was a recent statement from one of Russia's top people that they intended to seize the rest of Ukraine after a cease-fire. Why in the world would Ukraine be willing to agree to a cease-fire that Russia doesn't intend to honor?
WTF does this even mean???
It means every country is concerned about safety of its borders. That is why we have armies and bombs as deterrents. So too is Russia.

?? And you want Ukraine to be defenseless?

I'm still waiting for Aupanyav managing to justify Russias attack.

I get the impression he accidentally said something foolish and now is just sticking to his guns, for no reason
There are many pro-Putler people outside of Russia who believe that if Ukraine gives up land, de-nazifies (WTF does that even mean?!) and de-arm completely that Russia will respect their future borders and never invade again. As for me, I'm hoping that my mother-in-law visit next week will be confined to only 3 days, rather than the usual 2 weeks. Hope isn't a great strategy!

I don't know of anyone who is pro-Putin who believes anything Putin says.

The people I know who are pro Putin just thinks all countries are cunts and everyone is just trying to get what they can

Its essentially a hyper cynical might makes right argument

It took me a while to figure it out, but Barbos isn't just pro-Putin. He's just gone down the conspiracy theory rabit hole. By employing that methodology you can prove and believe anything.

Bottom line, I just don't see any kind of movement who believes what Putin is saying. That's why I find Aupanyav position so baffling. It doesn't seem to belong to any camp
Here’s your logic, if a woman is beaten by her husband and tries to get external help then she's to blame for the abuse.
Why was the woman beaten by her husband? Did she side with his enemies? Let us listen to the husband's story.
Of course, physical violence is a crime.
Questioning whether the victim was asking for it without any reason to think so. That's a position usually taken by abusers.
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