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  1. S

    Yet another reason we don't want The Felon

    Taiwan is an artifact of WWII and the Cold War. It does not have nay international status. There is a quasi legal trail of who has it. Post war Tu awn was given the status as China, then it wentt to mainland China. The only importance today is a center for chip manufacturing. The idea of...
  2. S

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    One of our greatest military blunders was when MacArthur discounted China's threat to enter the Korean War. China declared the Yalu River as the line not to cross or approach, the rest is history.
  3. S

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    In the VN war American pilots flying over Haiphong Harbor could not attack ships piled with weapons. Publicly hot pursuit into Cambodia was forbidden but there were secret operations in Cambodia. International politics.
  4. S

    There is no evidence of Abiogenesis

    Exactly, seconds,meters, and kilograms are arbitrary. People are conditioned by decades of scifi to see time as some kind of reality unto itself.If you talk about tine as a metaphysical abstraction other then seconds then you have to unambiguously define it. If not then it becomes a kind of...
  5. S

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    A last thought for for you Aupmanyav. Russia and China are now having joint militray operations. If Putin takes Ukraine without any serious consequences China will be emboldened. The outcome in Ukraine has potential consequences for India.
  6. S

    The Race For 2024

    Bernie Sanders is doing to Harris what he did to Clinton. Criticizing, chastising, and perching from the pulpit and no endorsement. Berni should retire before he becomes fossilized and desiccated. I am starting to feel hopeful she will beat Trump.
  7. S

    There is no evidence of Abiogenesis

    Once again.... Scientifically time is a unit of measure along with meters and kilograms. The MKS meters-kilograms-seconds system that is theo foundation of the Systems International unit of measure. Time is a measure of change of states of matter. Time is not some philosophical metaphysical...
  8. S

    There is no evidence of Abiogenesis

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miller%E2%80%93Urey_experiment There are three choices. Something winked the universe into existence out of nothing, the universe appeared all by itself out of nothing , or we are the rpduct of natural causes stretichg back in tine forever. We are one point in an...
  9. S

    The Race For 2024

    After listening to Harris speak on Israel, she is a breath of fresh air. She correctly IMO framed the Israel - Palestinian conflict, not a binary issue. Pro a two state solution. Netanyahu likely not very happy. She is probably too soft on immigration for me, but she has my vote. Speaks and...
  10. S

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    I posed the nuke quip to see how long it take to end up in the news....or in Russian propaganda. I expect conservative Christians would like to destroy Russia, Iran as well. Aupmanyav Imagine the government d India saying despite agreements Pakistan has always been part of India, so India...
  11. S

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    China is extremely jingoistic. The hatred between Pakistani Muslims and Indian Hindus is legendary. Gandhi tried to build a bridhe but neither side wanted it. When the Brits pulled out they tuned on each other. India-China-Pakistan is the same cultural swamp conflicts as with Russia and...
  12. S

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    NATO is stockpiling small tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine, and secretly moving them close to Moscow. No warning, just KABOOM! End of the war.
  13. S

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    It is relevant to today and the poor performance pf the Russian army. Communism,Stalinism, and Putinism has bred out the kind of independent thinking that we have in the west. The main reason IMO why the Soviets failed, communism bred out peronal initiatve nd creativty. War u a cretve effort as...
  14. S

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    Of course it is different. That is what Netanyahu says about the death and destruction in Gaza... I see, India has agreements with Pakistan and China but once in a while you shoot at each other. Makes sense to me. What's a few artillery shells among friends, right? Still the question...
  15. S

    Should Biden step down?

    After watching his speech I would say yes, he is unfit to continue as president. In a mental fog. That would give Harris 4 months as president before the election.
  16. S

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    Answer the question man from India. Should India give land claims and acquiesce to Pakisatn and China? A yes or no question. If Ukraine should give up the fight why not India? Maybe this is one of those moral conundrums.
  17. S

    The Race For 2024

    Trump was actuakkt born in Russia. His real last name is Trumooskovich.
  18. S

    The Race For 2024

    You can't get a better background than Harris. Accomplished parents plus her own accomplishments. That plus experience as VP makes her more than qualified to be president. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kamala_Harris
  19. S

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    I an wondering if there are more than one person posting under Barbos. Just with my cursory knowledge of militray history the invasion was ridiculous A convoy in the open with unprotected flanks and no coordinated air support. A stunning blunder. Wide open to hit and and run attacks which the...
  20. S

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    If Russia was fighting NATO it would quickly be pushed out of Ukraine. Years of batting a non professional poorly equipped Ukrainian army with little air support and Russia is still taking causalities with no end in sight. NATO open;y said it was sending instructors, and F16s. Ukraine is not...
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