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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

Barbos, you are quite insistant on repeating your conspiracy theories, so I'll ask you again to support them with a shred of evidence. Go ahead. Show us the evidence that "NATO occupied Ukraine in 2014."

Aupmanyav believes the same! I think that Putler was so embarrassed that Ukraine had kicked Russia's ass in the beginning; that he's been claiming that really Russia is fighting Nato troops. The Russians are always the victims. Here's a great question: 500,000 Russian troops are desperately fighting in Ukraine; and yet not a single Nato trooper has been killed or wounded!

We just sent 50 NATO troops, sorry, instructors to the Almighty.
Of course we are fighting NATO.
Nato troops are not directly fighting Russian imperialists in Ukraine. Of course, we are helping Ukraine by sending arms and support. We are training Ukrainians. Just has Iran and North Korea are sending arms to Russian and helping train Russians on their weapon systems.
Nato troops are not directly fighting Russian imperialists in Ukraine.
NATO imperialists are directly involved in attacks on Russia. banderites don't have expertise to control ATACMS and other complicated shit, let alone satellite data.
We are training Ukrainians
According to ukrainians that training is useless, just sayting
Just has Iran and North Korea are sending arms to Russian and helping train Russians on their weapon systems.
100% of weapons Regime in Kiev use is from the West.
Russia no longer use Iranian drones and NK ammunition was merely tried and turned out not great.

Sorry man, you are not winning. But if you think you are, keep doing it, I am not going to interfere :D
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Fun fact about Ukraine's great offensive last year which utterly failed. Remember these satellite photos of layers and layers of russian trenches and countless discussions about crumple zones and such? Apparently reality was slightly different.
Most if not all these trenches were ..... fake. I mean they were all built absolutely like real ones but they were never meant to be manned in any major fashion. Their purpose was to have US satellites to take pictures and then have coordinates downloaded into your hightech howitzers and weaste ammo on them. All real position were hidden in ..... tree lines :D
I guess orc commanders realized how war changed before West Point generals.
Now even banderites know that open field is utterly pointless. You need either tree line or some kind of buildings preferably concrete ones. And Russia had ...... FABs for that. So you are fucked.
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Aupmanyav believes the same!
Majority of the World is with Russia. Even Europe is not that united. Puppet governments may be united but ordinary people are not with you. And even governments are not that much pro-ukrainian. We have Hungary, Slovakia, Austria. then Czech is barely on the side of nazis and only becasue of shenanigans with elections neocon implemented. italy is not that hot, same with Greece.
There are constant leaks about Euro and American neocon Scum being frustrated with the lack of support for their war on Russia in the third world. Why french think that africa would be with them is baffling.
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Interesting link below. Chinese foreign minister reported that Kyiv is ready to negotiate with Russia over the war that Putler started.

"The negotiations should be rational and substantive, aimed at achieving a just and lasting peace," the Chinese foreign ministry added, according to a translation. I think that China wants this war of aggression to end.
Interesting link below. Chinese foreign minister reported that Kyiv Kiev is ready to negotiate with Russia over the war that Putin Boris started.
Fixed for you.
And why would Kiev do that if they are winning?

I think that China wants this war of aggression to end.
And aggressor is now trying to start negotiations.
They know russian Conditions.
Let me remind you, Ukraine forces leave territories which voted to go back to Russia and then and only then Russia stops military actions. Status of these territories are not negotiable. They are part of Russia now. The rest of "Ukraine" is subject of negotiations. I want Harkov and Odessa back for sure. I would also demand time limit on negotiations. I don't want 8 years long negotiations while NATO is rebuilding Regime in Kiev. 3 weeks max.
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Interesting link below. Chinese foreign minister reported that Kyiv Kiev is ready to negotiate with Russia over the war that Putin Boris started.
Fixed for you.
And why would Kiev do that if they are winning?

My friend, you have great difficulty spelling the capital of Ukraine (KYIV) and it's president (Zelensky). But I'm always here to help you! Secondly, it was China that stated the fact that Russia started the war.

I think that China wants this war of aggression to end.
And aggressor is now trying to start negotiations.
They know russian Conditions.
Let me remind you, Ukraine forces leave territories which voted to go back to Russia and then and only then Russia stops military actions. Status of these territories are not negotiable. They are part of Russia now. The rest of "Ukraine" is subject of negotiations. I want Harkov and Odessa back for sure. I would also demand time limit on negotiations. I don't want 8 years long negotiations while NATO is rebuilding Regime in Kiev. 3 weeks max.

I don't know much about Harkov. But clearly Odessa will remain in Ukraine! Just to help your geography: Odessa is a major seaport and transportation hub located on the northwestern shore of the Black Sea. Odessa is also an administrative center of the Odessa Oblast and a multiethnic major cultural center. We've learned that having Russian ships in the black sea is not a good thing for transit to say the absolute least!
Interesting link below. Chinese foreign minister reported that Kyiv Kiev is ready to negotiate with Russia over the war that Putin Boris started.
Fixed for you.
And why would Kiev do that if they are winning?

My friend, you have great difficulty spelling the capital of Ukraine (KYIV) and it's president (Zelensky). But I'm always here to help you! Secondly, it was China that stated the fact that Russia started the war.

I think that China wants this war of aggression to end.
And aggressor is now trying to start negotiations.
They know russian Conditions.
Let me remind you, Ukraine forces leave territories which voted to go back to Russia and then and only then Russia stops military actions. Status of these territories are not negotiable. They are part of Russia now. The rest of "Ukraine" is subject of negotiations. I want Harkov and Odessa back for sure. I would also demand time limit on negotiations. I don't want 8 years long negotiations while NATO is rebuilding Regime in Kiev. 3 weeks max.

I don't know much about Harkov. But clearly Odessa will remain in Ukraine! Just to help your geography: Odessa is a major seaport and transportation hub located on the northwestern shore of the Black Sea. Odessa is also an administrative center of the Odessa Oblast and a multiethnic major cultural center. We've learned that having Russian ships in the black sea is not a good thing for transit to say the absolute least!
You are not in a position to dictate conditions. Odessa is a russian city founded by Katherine The Great. And Ukrainian regime demonstrated they are not interested in anything multiethnic, hence Odessa goes back to Russia.
I am willing to leave Kiev to Ukraine which is also pretty "multiethnic"
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There was something in the news about Cihina mediating, but it was also said the majority of Ukrainians oppose any land in exchange for an end to the war.
There was something in the news about Cihina mediating, but it was also said the majority of Ukrainians oppose any land in exchange for an end to the war.
Yes, according to phone polls which are not safe in Ukraine, hence useless.
In any case, Russia is getting the territories which voted to go back to Russia, otherwise Putin would have to do a lot of explaining. "Ukraine" is a loser, they have to pay.
We just sent 50 NATO troops, sorry, instructors to the Almighty.
Of course we are fighting NATO.
If Russia was fighting NATO it would quickly be pushed out of Ukraine. Years of batting a non professional poorly equipped Ukrainian army with little air support and Russia is still taking causalities with no end in sight.

NATO open;y said it was sending instructors, and F16s.

Ukraine is not like fighting Georgia or Chechnya. Putin's Folly is one of the greatest military blunders in history.

The result of a dictator having sycophants who kiss ass instead of professional mil tray leadership.

You are not likely to find a Schwarzkopf in the Russian army. You will find such leaders in NATO.
You say you would not be cozy with your neighbor’s enemy but you want Ukraine to be cozy with their neighbors’ enemy.
All along, I have been saying that Ukraine should not have tilted towards NATO and should have kept balance. When did I want Ukraine to be friends with NATO, disregarding Russia' concerns. What hypocrisy are you talking about?
Ukraine did not tilt towards NATO at first. They tilted towards economic cooperation with the west to the advantage of both parties. Russia did not like that and started amassing troops and armaments at the border.
Ukraine was for all intents and purposes occupied by NATO in 2014.

Utterly, totally, absolutely untrue. Ukraine was invaded by Russia. A predatory state invading a militarily weak and vulnerable sovereign nation.
You are not likely to find a Schwarzkopf in the Russian army. You will find such leaders in NATO.
Obviously because the Stormin' Norman gene has been excised from the Russian gene pool. Zhukov was the last such general and Stalin was so afraid of his popularity that he gave his a nothingburger assignment where he wouldn't be noticed. I think our local barbos is also more proof that Russians are afraid of freedom.
I an wondering if there are more than one person posting under Barbos.

Just with my cursory knowledge of militray history the invasion was ridiculous

A convoy in the open with unprotected flanks and no coordinated air support. A stunning blunder.

Wide open to hit and and run attacks which the Ukrainians used. Apparently the Russians were not equipped with good maps and GPS, or the Russian version of GPS.

Right out of a WWII movie Ukrainians changed road signs and blew up bridges..

When I was at Lockheed there were always militray journals laying around. The Cold War Soviets kept the lower levels in the dark. No maps or briefings, just given a direction to advance.

After the failures in North Africa Eisenhower initiated headship training down to the lowest ranks.

I read a translation of paper by a Russian officer. He said it was difficult to prepare for war with the USA by studying their manual on tactics. When a battle begins they don't always follow the book.

You say you would not be cozy with your neighbor’s enemy but you want Ukraine to be cozy with their neighbors’ enemy.
All along, I have been saying that Ukraine should not have tilted towards NATO and should have kept balance. When did I want Ukraine to be friends with NATO, disregarding Russia' concerns. What hypocrisy are you talking about?
Ukraine did not tilt towards NATO at first. They tilted towards economic cooperation with the west to the advantage of both parties. Russia did not like that and started amassing troops and armaments at the border.
Ukraine was for all intents and purposes occupied by NATO Russia in 2014.
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