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120 Reasons to Reject Christianity

The point of that story is to show that Jesus is "greater" (there's that concept again) than Elisha ...

2 Kings 4:42-44 said:
4:42 And there came a man from Baalshalisha, and brought the man of God bread of the firstfruits, twenty loaves of barley, and full ears of corn in the husk thereof. And he said, Give unto the people, that they may eat.
4:43 And his servitor said, What, should I set this before an hundred men? He said again, Give the people, that they may eat: for thus saith the LORD, They shall eat, and shall leave thereof.
4:44 So he set it before them, and they did eat, and left thereof, according to the word of the LORD.

Elisha fed 100 with 20 loaves, so Jesus fed 5000 with just 5. Like many of the Jesus miracles, it's a call-back to an OT miracle, only better.

It reminds me of a well known piece of schoolyard discourse, which goes something like this:

Child A: How old are you?
Child B: I'm five.
Child A: I'm six!
Child B: Well I'm seven!
To snivel or not to snivel...

A side point...
In one case [Joseph Smith] we know who wrote the documents, . . .

Again, there is nothing inferior about "anonymous" documents. This is a phony criterion contrived here only for rejecting the gospel accounts as a source, when this is never used in other cases to reject a document as a source.

Just because a document has a name attached to it does not mean it's more reliable. There are many problems with identifying the source and the author's credibility for the documents generally, even if there is a name attached. That name being attached does not resolve the problems, and the anonymity is at worst a very minor problem.

You can't name any document rejected as a historical source just because it's "anonymous."

You seem to like to pick at each point, as if it exists in a vacuum. I don’t reject a document just because it’s anonymous. There is a large weave that I am looking at, and you are sniveling about one strand….

I'm sniveling about the others too, which is why this post is so long. Are you whining that this WALL OF TEXT is too short?
I hit you with charges of sniveling, when you project crap into what I wrote and have written before. We have danced back and forth long enough for you to have a clue that I haven’t “rejected” the Gospels as a historical source “just because it's anonymous”. This is one of many components that I have already pointed out, and one of several instances where I have corrected your “just because <fill in the BS>” projections. When you state charges of "just because" you are reducing the argument down to a single strand, ergo my point. WALLS of obfuscation are unrelated to the issue.

Additionally, I do consider the Gospels as historical evidence. I just don't consider them sufficient evidence for the plausibility of the dozens of major Christian theological constructs. They are evidence of things going on in the area in that time frame, but little more.

June 2016, where I quoted myself from March 2016 (underline added):
Lumpy post Title of the day: "The reason you can't believe the Jesus miracle stories is that you can't believe ANY reported facts of history. (because someone might have just made it up)"

Ah, this time it’s not the “anonymous” sources, but “someone might have just made it up”….yeah very original spin…not. No Lumpy I can assure you that is not the “reason” all by its lonesome.

And again: Like any of this really needs to be said over and over....
Like any of this really needs to be said over and over, but then someone keeps spouting the same wished, washed, and re-rinsed gibberish... I don't know of anyone here who has said that only because the gospel accounts are "anonymous", they are not credible. That is just Lumpy's pretend punching bag he keeps attacking. Most don’t start out with just that the miracle claims are not credible. Most don’t claim that the Bible is “no evidence”, they are claiming it is grossly insufficient to suggest that Christian theology is anything other than silly. Paul’s letters (even the forged ones) particularly provide insight (aka evidence) into the emergence of this new cult within the Roman Empire. Most start out with that all miracle claims from history need strong evidence to support them, if they are going to seriously consider any particular case of the thousands upon thousands of miracles claimed around the world throughout history. The Jesus evidence is incredibly weak, no matter how many times you wish, wash, and repeat the same vacuous claims. And central to the issue is the big picture of Yahweh worship (Judaism) all the way thru to this newer Christ cult.

A very short list of issues that strongly suggest that the atypical Christian theological construct is not credible:

Feb 2016 (underline added):
Yep, like it really needs to be said over and over, but then someone keeps spouting the same wished, washed, and re-rinsed gibberish... I don't know of anyone here who has said that only because the gospel accounts are "anonymous", they are not credible. That is just Lumpy's pretend punching bag he keeps attacking... Besides time and distance, it also includes discounting the conflicting birthing narratives of GMatt & GLuke and the forged ending of GMark (as Lumpy has acknowledged). It also includes a bizarre forced march census' that never happened; Harod's killing of the babies that didn't happen; the earthquake and blood red sky that no one bothered to record; Jesus' quoted attachment to the old Jewish fables as if they were real; fake Davidian genealogies; and one Roman reference to Pilate, where he was recalled back to Rome as he was too brutal even for their tastes...not quite the patsy of the gospels.

Yet you continue to repeat your “just because ….” projective bullshit.
Another point separated out...

Getting beyond your conflation of comparing Gospel documents verses Mormon documents, with the Gospel documents vs. historicity... Hint: they aren't the same topic.
. . . in what years they were written, . . .

On this point you're just factually wrong. The gospel accounts and the Paul epistles are dated with equal accuracy to most other documents of the time. Very few can be precisely dated to within 20 years of when they were written.

Or again, you're contriving a guideline here for automatically excluding MOST documents prior to 1000, and thus MOST of our mainline history. It is very common to accept ancient documents as sources even though they cannot be dated precisely.

Sorry, but you are factually wrong. The point that is being discussed here are the Gospels, where people purportedly passed on stories about this Jesus guy they said they knew.

Yes, we're discussing the Gospels, but you cannot impose standards or requirements onto these documents that are not also demanded of other documents of the period. Your demand for the precise dating etc. would require us to reject MOST/ALL the sources for ancient history.

Paul’s documents are pretty accurately dated, but he never met Jesus by his own words. Mark is closer to having some accuracy, but still there are lots of assumption even there. I’m not trying to critique the Gospels against all other ancient writing, I’m comparing it to the reality we know of JS and the Mormons.

So then you reject almost ALL documents for ancient history? That's what we have to do if we reject all documents which cannot be dated and identified as easily as the 19th-century LDS documents can be. In effect you are dictating that ONLY MODERN documents can be trusted as sources for historical events.

In the other case, we can only assume that some of the writers knew their demigod, . . .

No, I think the general consensus is that the gospel writers and also Paul did not know Jesus directly, as most all sources for history back then did not know the historical figure they wrote about. Paul claimed some mystical contact with him, like others since then have claimed, but not the historical Jesus known by the direct disciples.

The assumption generally is that the later writers had information, from sources, oral reports, and even some written reports now lost, about the earlier events, going back to 30 AD. So the knowledge of Jesus was indirect, for the later gospel writers/editors. But most of their information, written and oral, likely originated from the earlier direct witnesses, including both direct disciples and non-disciples who were present.

Yes, that is the assumption by Christian theologians….funny that is….

And you don't agree? So then you think the Gospel writers were right there in 30 AD witnessing the events themselves?

Or you're assuming there were NO events at all, and all of it was "made up" decades later? It can't be ruled out. But much more likely is that they relied on earlier sources, written and oral. This fits much better the pattern for ancient writings on the reported events. Even Homer tried his best to rely on the earlier tradition, to which he added fiction only out of necessity to fill in so much that wasn't known.

Here is an excerpt from an actual historian and archaeologist. From page 171 of John Romer's Testament; The Bible and History (First American Edition 1998)
With the Gospels, in common with many studies of ancient history, we are left, not with firm facts, but with a scale of probabilities ranging from very high to very low. Working inside this scale, modern New Testament historians would generally agree on a short list of statements about Jesus, a sort of historian's creed, you might say: at the beginning of his mission Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist, a man known from other ancient records: Jesus came from Galilee and preached and healed inside the borders of Palestine with a group of followers; he became embroiled in a controversy about the Jerusalem temple; he was subsequently crucified by the Roman authorities. Naturally, as a modern historical list, this contains neither miracles, nor a resurrection! And, because there is still strong disagreement about certain key issues - which party, for example, was responsible for his execution - this list, at first glance, seems to be very short. Nonetheless, it is born of historical probability rather than pure faith and it contains sufficient information to attempt a reconstruction of Jesus' earthly career.

The point is that historians do treat the Gospels as historical evidence. They just don't treat Jesus as if he was a demigod doing miracles.
The Jesus miracle claims are based on the historical evidence, but are not established historical fact.

Here is an excerpt from an actual historian and archaeologist. From page 171 of John Romer's Testament; The Bible and History (First American Edition 1998)

With the Gospels, in common with many studies of ancient history, we are left, not with firm facts, but with a scale of probabilities . . .
Note: he places the Gospels right alongside other historical documents which give us probabilities/possibilities and not definite established facts. But these documents are used for determining the facts, despite the credibility problems. Much/most history is based on such documents.

. . . ranging from very high to very low. Working inside this scale, modern New Testament historians would generally agree on a short list of statements about Jesus, a sort of historian's creed, you might say: at the beginning of his mission Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist, a man known from other ancient records: Jesus came from Galilee and preached and healed inside the borders of Palestine . . .

He "preached and healed"? What healing? As described in the accounts, these were not standard medical healings, were they?

. . . and healed inside the borders of Palestine with a group of followers; he became embroiled in a controversy about the Jerusalem temple; he was subsequently crucified by the Roman authorities. Naturally, as a modern historical list, this contains neither miracles, nor a resurrection! And, because there is still strong disagreement about certain key issues - which party, for example, was responsible for his execution - this list, at first glance, seems to be very short. Nonetheless, it is born of historical probability rather than pure faith and it contains sufficient information to attempt a reconstruction of Jesus' earthly career.

The point is that historians do treat the Gospels as historical evidence.

Of course. ALL the documents from the period are evidence, despite containing elements about religion or miracles or other doubtful matters. ALL documents are accepted, but none is believed without question. So the gospel accounts are placed alongside all the others, and any miracle claims or other questionable points are put in a doubtful category rather than taken as historical fact. But this doesn't mean they are ruled out. The historians do not proclaim: "They made up shit!" and other judgmental outbursts. They just place those in the doubtful category along with much of our historical record.

And non-scholars (99.9% of us) may believe some of that content or not. We trust the experts/scholars, but these are not deciding for us what the truth is about those doubtful elements. The historians do not proclaim that the miracles did not happen, but rather just set them aside in the doubtful or uncertain category. And one can reasonably believe or disbelieve those questionable parts. To believe a questionable part is not to go contrary to the expertise of the historians.

They just don't treat Jesus as if he was a demigod doing miracles.

But they also don't rule this out. They make no judgment about it one way or the other. They leave the miracle element aside in the doubtful category.

To believe the Jesus miracle stories does not contradict reason or historical fact.

It is based on the evidence, the written accounts, while mainline history places it in the doubtful category, just as many claims in the historical record are disputed and placed in the doubtful category.
while mainline history places it in the doubtfulcategory, just as many claims in the historical record are disputed and placed in the doubtful category.
But that's the point.
If it's doubtful as history, then how can you say belief in it is justified?
You need EXTRAORDINARY evidence for the doubtful stuff, to claim it's rational to accept it as history.

To believe the Jesus miracle stories does not contradict reason or historical fact.
But you cannot then claim that you accept it because of 'evidence.' If there's no acceptable evidence, then your belief is based on something other than evidence.
When I was a Christian, my thought process was, "It's true, I believe it, and you should too."

Later, while I debating atheists for a while, it was "I believe it, and you should too."

Then, after about a year of debating atheists, it was "I believe it, but there's no point in trying to convince others."

Shortly after that, it was "I don't believe it either."
. . . and healed inside the borders of Palestine with a group of followers; he became embroiled in a controversy about the Jerusalem temple; he was subsequently crucified by the Roman authorities. Naturally, as a modern historical list, this contains neither miracles, nor a resurrection! And, because there is still strong disagreement about certain key issues - which party, for example, was responsible for his execution - this list, at first glance, seems to be very short. Nonetheless, it is born of historical probability rather than pure faith and it contains sufficient information to attempt a reconstruction of Jesus' earthly career.

The point is that historians do treat the Gospels as historical evidence.

Of course. ALL the documents from the period are evidence, despite containing elements about religion or miracles or other doubtful matters. ALL documents are accepted, but none is believed without question. So the gospel accounts are placed alongside all the others, and any miracle claims or other questionable points are put in a doubtful category rather than taken as historical fact. But this doesn't mean they are ruled out. The historians do not proclaim: "They made up shit!" and other judgmental outbursts. They just place those in the doubtful category along with much of our historical record.
Great, then don’t tell me I need to throw out all historical records in every other post of yours. Your latest example is shown below.

Paul’s documents are pretty accurately dated, but he never met Jesus by his own words. Mark is closer to having some accuracy, but still there are lots of assumption even there. I’m not trying to critique the Gospels against all other ancient writing, I’m comparing it to the reality we know of JS and the Mormons.

So then you reject almost ALL documents for ancient history? That's what we have to do if we reject all documents which cannot be dated and identified as easily as the 19th-century LDS documents can be. In effect you are dictating that ONLY MODERN documents can be trusted as sources for historical events.
Again, the above exchange had been about comparing extraordinary miracle (sourced from magical entities) claims between your faith and the Mormon faith based upon doubtful historical claims from each faith group. Yet, you charged headlong into your usual charges about atheists needing to rejecting all history, because I dared to mention the sourcing issues with the Gospels.

And if you read thru the various examples within the below link for source criticism, “who was the author” is one valid component of considering any source.

And non-scholars (99.9% of us) may believe some of that content or not. We trust the experts/scholars, but these are not deciding for us what the truth is about those doubtful elements. The historians do not proclaim that the miracles did not happen, but rather just set them aside in the doubtful or uncertain category. And one can reasonably believe or disbelieve those questionable parts. To believe a questionable part is not to go contrary to the expertise of the historians.
Works for me:
1. unlikely; improbable

Go ahead and believe in the Jesus miracles. And others can believe that Mohamad and Joseph Smith received a great revelation; others can believe that Yahweh is still in charge w/o the Jesus appendage; others can believe in the revelation of Vyasa…ad nauseam.
There is evidence which makes the Jesus miracle stories more credible than the other miracle legends.

There are many miracle claims from religious worshipers who prayed and claimed a victim recovered. Who can say whether any of these might be credible? from thousands of various sects or cults or denominations? There is nothing here unique to Joseph Smith. The same could be said of thousands of preachers who have followers in their congregation who make such claims about the power of prayer. Nothing makes JS stand out from those thousands of others.

The same cannot be said of the Jesus miracle stories. There is not one other person from that period, or anytime prior to modern publishing, who stands out as a healer, for whom the accounts were published near to the time he lived, in multiple documents. And no other case of an alleged miracle-worker who was someone of NO STATUS or recognition or notoriety during his lifetime. He does not fit the normal mythologizing pattern that JS and all the others fit.

Lumpenproletariat once again demonstrates this penchant for blinding himself to the facts in his eagerness to draw a circle around his favorite myth.

Of course the amount of written data we have about stories from the time period in question are rare.

I.e., the "time period" being from the beginning of writing, maybe around 2000 BC up to about 1500 AD. Longer than a 3000-year "time period" during which there is only one "miracle legend" for which there is a written record, published widely in multiple documents originating within decades of the alleged events. Even though there were surely thousands of such miracle legends during the period. A few dozen get some brief mention in the written record enough that we know they existed.

The absence of such a record for miracle legends suggests that conditions made it impossible for fictional miracle heroes to gain such recognition, because the scarcity of writers and writing resources made it uneconomical, since the miracle claims were generally not taken seriously enough that educated persons would record or copy the accounts.

That does not mean human nature completely changed. The very stuff you describe in the first paragraph was going on constantly then as well. Call them soothsayers, witches, sorcerers, magi, shaman, wizards, enchanters, magicians or necromancers.

But none of these were taken seriously enough for anyone to record the alleged miracle events and copy and publish them for future generations. There is only one case of this, which sticks out conspicuously from all the others. Why was this one case the only one taken seriously?

There is no such thing as "normal mythologizing" as opposed to "mythologizing." This is a term you either made up or borrowed from some other apologist specially to begin the process of creating the sharpshooter fallacy that is the foundation of your arguments (not the only fallacy).

"normal" = the standard known examples of it. ALL the known cases. We can describe the pattern(s) which they all follow. And the Jesus case does not fit the pattern, and yet these mythologizing patterns or features of all the miracle legends are necessary to explain how the fiction stories got started and spread widely among thousands/millions of followers, usually over many generations or centuries.

People can and do make up stories overnight.

But not miracle stories which were believed and circulated and recorded and published in multiple documents. No one took them seriously enough. Over centuries a very few myths did grow and become popular, but only after the centuries of storytelling.

Of course any individual could make up stories overnight. But 99.99% of those died without ever being recorded for future generations. Because virtually no one believed them. The extreme successful cases won a few followers, and then it died with them. The rare mention of this or that obscure case in the record is the exception.

It does not take centuries to do so.

Yes it required centuries for the stories to become published, in the rare case where the legend caught on and spread to a large population, i.e., the pagan mythical heroes. It did "take centuries to do so."

Through the Dark Ages you might find 1 or 2 saints as exceptions to this "centuries rule" -- these of course were Christ worshipers who fell back on the established Jesus miracle tradition which their followers already believed in. These were charismatic prophets/preachers who had a long career inspiring their followers, which also explains how they became mythologized possibly even during their lifetimes. But their case is not analogous to that of Jesus, who popped up suddenly with no earlier miracle legend to fall back on as a model.

The stories of Jesus were engendered in a culture rife with miracle-working prophets; the gods of ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome also were purported to have special powers . . .

But all those myths required centuries to evolve and find a way into the written record.

. . . and this story would be in competition against those stories to capture the imagination of followers.

But why is this the only story which succeeded in winning followers serious enough to write it down and publish multiple accounts of it? in only a few decades? Why did no other cult choose to be "in competition" against those earlier Egyptian-Greek-Roman legends? Only the Christ-believers knew how to compete? All the others were dummies?

This insane argument that the Jesus myths are more credible than the Joseph Smith myths is absurd. Somehow we're supposed to buy your lame story that since we don't know for sure how the Jesus myths came into existence they're more credible than the Joseph Smith miracle stories that were propagated by direct disciples or Smith himself?

If we just take both the Joseph Smith and the Jesus miracle stories at face value, from the accounts that exist, it's obvious that the ones who first spread the Jesus stories were mostly non-disciples. The accounts imply this clearly, and say it explicitly in a few cases. Whereas all the JS stories began from his direct disciples only, if we just go by the stories themselves, i.e., what they say about the origin of each story.

As if that weren't bad enough you also argue that Smith telling his disciples about such things undermines their credibility.

We cannot take JS as a credible source for the story. Why are so many of the stories dependent on the Prophet himself? We need a source other than JS or his direct disciples in order to take the accounts seriously. They are not credible if they originate from these only.

But then you make a typical apologetic U turn when convenient and argue that events Jesus told his disciples about (because none of his disciples could have been there according to the story line) are credible.

What "events" do you mean? Jesus is not the source for the miracle stories.

The sworn testimony of the three witnesses in Mormon history is most certainly false witness, but it is also most definitely sworn testimony. And while it doesn't involve parlor tricks it does include an angel and the voice of God talking directly to the witnesses. According to this sworn testimony God told them that the plates had been translated by his power.

The story itself contains many magical elements. This silly argument that one type of magic element (healing a disease) is more impressive than god-assisted language translation puts you at odds with whoever wrote I Corinthians chapters 12-14. There the writer specifically lists 9 different categories of "gifts" that allegedly evince God's power. Healing people is only one of these, and is put on par with "translation of tongues."

It's not on par with "tongues" regardless what Paul said. And you're distorting Paul on this. But regardless, Paul is wrong if he says that babbling in incoherent tongues is equal to performing a healing act. (Which he does not say.)

Paul also plays down the speaking in tongues -- in fact, almost everything he says about this is some form of telling his readers to put up with it almost like a necessary evil that some people are caught up in. The tongues-speaking was a common phenomenon in many pagan cults also, and these people who had converted just brought this with them from their former religious tradition.

The entire twelfth chapter is an argument that each of these gifts are equally important and none should be looked down on as second rate.

No it is not such an argument. It doesn't say they're "equally important" or any such thing.

Most of these "gifts" have nothing to do with any special superhuman power, such as healing physical affliction (without medical training) is. And raising the dead. Paul is not addressing miracle acts here. So it's not relevant to our point about Jesus demonstrating unique superhuman power.

There are stories that show Joseph Smith performing translation miracles that we do not have stories about Jesus performing. There are stories about Jesus controlling weather that we do not see Joseph Smith perform. Big whoop. Stories. That's all we have on either side of this silly debate, and the stories are equally silly.

Are they "equally silly"? Why don't you post a Joseph Smith miracle story here, as I have posted Jesus miracle healing stories several times. What's "silly" about a person being healed of leprosy or of bleeding or blindness etc.? Here's the example I like to use, about the bleeding woman (Mark ch. 5):

25 And there was a woman who had had a flow of blood for twelve years, 26 and who had suffered much under many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was no better but rather grew worse. 27 She had heard the reports about Jesus, and came up behind him in the crowd and touched his garment. 28 For she said, "If I touch even his garments, I shall be made well." 29 And immediately the hemorrhage ceased; and she felt in her body that she was healed of her disease.

What's "silly" about this? Why don't you post a Joseph Smith miracle story for comparison to this account. You're wrong that they are "equally silly." One difference (if you're able to find one of the JS healing stories), is that the victim reportedly healed by JS was always one of his direct disciples who had been under his influence for years. Whereas the woman in this story had heard of Jesus but was not a disciple of his. Her act here was based only on reports she had heard about him.

So put a Joseph Smith miracle story next to this one and compare them. Let's read them side by side. It's not true that they are "equally silly."

Millions of people today accept the Joseph Smith bullshit for the same reason millions of people way back when accepted the Jesus bullshit.

That's not a conclusion based on any facts we know of the two cases. Rather, it's just your premise about ALL reported miracle stories, regardless of any facts about the individual cases. You merely superimpose this premise onto any miracle stories, regardless of the facts about individual examples of miracle claims.

Someone convinced them it was true. The miracle of marketing is the only one in play here.

And you have been convinced also. You obviously rely on certain Jesus-debunker-mythicist gurus to convince you, like Richard Carrier, which you and others here have fallen back on as an authority which has convinced you. Including the "marketing" and promoting and selling books. You could dismiss any claim about anything, even claims about the earth being round, by saying people believed it only because "someone convinced them it was true."

A platitude like this is no explanation or any rationale to dismiss a claim someone makes about what happened.

Appeals to popularity, sharpshooter fallacies, totally lame arguments that are laughable.

These are the same "arguments" for believing ANYTHING in the historical record. The gospel accounts are part of the historical record, which is the basis for ALL beliefs about what happened in history. The Jesus miracle reports are no more "laughable" than a very large part of our standard knowledge of history, based upon "popularity" and "sharpshooter" reasoning from the limited accounts we have, by comparing them and comparing the credibility of one claim to another.

Your basic argument is that ALL the historical record is "laughable."

That's all you have. Lots of people believe it, sure.

That's what most of our historical record is based upon. The wider distribution of the accounts, recorded because people believed it, because there were a greater number of reports, near to the time of the alleged events.

Lots of people believe Joseph Smith and Mohammad are prophets too.

Only the direct followers of Joseph Smith, influenced by his charisma for years, believed that he did any miracles. And there are no miracles of Mohammad, other than from Mohammad himself as the source, except after about 200 years during which the mythologizing took place.

Lots of people are wrong.

How do we know who is wrong or what claims are wrong?

In your case, the only rationale you have is the dogmatic premise that no miracle event can ever happen, and so all such claims must ipso facto be false. Other than this, you offer no reason why the Jesus miracle claims must be false.

It is not necessary for everyone to subscribe to this dogmatic premise of yours. It's not required by science or logic that we impose this premise.
''How do we know who is wrong or what claims are wrong?''

The quality of evidence. What it happens to say in this or that scroll does not provide the evidence to verify the claims being made.
There's no "evidence" for the historical events we were taught in school?

''How do we know who is wrong or what claims are wrong?''

The quality of evidence. What it happens to say in this or that scroll does not provide the evidence to verify the claims being made.

You mean there's no reason to believe our history books (it's all fiction), since we have no evidence for the claims other than "what it happens to say in this or that scroll"?
''How do we know who is wrong or what claims are wrong?''

The quality of evidence. What it happens to say in this or that scroll does not provide the evidence to verify the claims being made.

You mean there's no reason to believe our history books (it's all fiction), since we have no evidence for the claims other than "what it happens to say in this or that scroll"?
Unless there's corroborating evidence... And identified sources... and, you know, all that OTHER historical evidence you so carefully remain ignorant of.
History books and scrolls ("scrolls" in the religious sense) are vastly different, however. They serve different purposes, go about their functions by very different methods, describe very different events that supposedly happened (when I hear a story being described of a talking snake, I tend to not take it literally, as one example). So it is a mistake to equate the two in any relevant sense to this discussion. Besides, nobody is saying that all history books are completely accurate. Of course they will have some factual errors and such. Humans are humans, and tend to make at least occasional mistakes and mishaps, etc. A history book may be overall and generally accurate though, even if not entirely so throughout. That is why they get edited, peer reviewed, and more by various others as well. Religious books or scrolls emphasize taking their claims on "faith" so much though, which is not a particularly accurate or reliable means of acquiring knowledge and verifying information.


Edited: Similar to what Keith said just above.
''How do we know who is wrong or what claims are wrong?''

The quality of evidence. What it happens to say in this or that scroll does not provide the evidence to verify the claims being made.

You mean there's no reason to believe our history books (it's all fiction), since we have no evidence for the claims other than "what it happens to say in this or that scroll"?
Once again demonstrating your lack of understanding of how history is determined.

Let's go way back many hundreds of pages to your proclamation that Homer's Iliad was an example of real history that has been mythologized while the Bible is an example of "PURE TRUTH". Both have accounts of heroic tales and accounts of gods and demigods interacting with mere humans. Both have accounts of events that are corroborated by writings of other cultures. Both have accounts of places that are confirmed by archaeological findings.

The Trojan war described in the Iliad was not accepted by historians as having happened until it was found to be described in Persian and other writings. It was still not fully accepted to have happened until the ancient city of Troy was unearthed and evidence of a long siege found. However the stories of gods and demigods being involved in the Trojan War was never accepted by historians (or even by you).

From the Bible, historians accept many of the events described (such as the Roman occupation) because there is corroboration from other sources and archaeological evidence. However, the gods and demigods involvement is not accepted historically (just as they aren't for the Iliad) because there is no corroboration from other sources and cultures.

If you want to claim that the miracles described in the Bible are evidenced then you have to also accept Athena, Ajax, Hector, etc. are evidenced by the Iliad.
''How do we know who is wrong or what claims are wrong?''

The quality of evidence. What it happens to say in this or that scroll does not provide the evidence to verify the claims being made.

You mean there's no reason to believe our history books (it's all fiction), since we have no evidence for the claims other than "what it happens to say in this or that scroll"?

Without corroboration from independent sources, there is no reason to believe (form a justified conviction) that the claims are true and factual.

History books are not in the same category as the original material they deal with because a history book should take into account the nature of the material it is dealing with without taking the claims of that material at face value.
Here's how it works:

"Sam went fishing the other day."

People go fishing all the time. Lots of folks are named Sam. The chances that Sam went fishing are pretty good.

"Sam hooked a 50 pound bass when he went fishing the other day. Unfortunately the fish got away."

50 pound bass are every bit as rare as magic Jews who can levitate up into the air and disappear into the clouds. Not going to believe it without very strong evidence. And that evidence is not going to be a couple of other people I don't know from Adam claiming it was so.

Sorry, tough. I'm not going to apologize for the fact that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
What it says in the scrolls is EVIDENCE for what happened. (usually the ONLY evidence)

The quality of evidence. What it happens to say in this or that scroll does not provide the evidence to verify the claims being made.

You mean there's no reason to believe our history books (it's all fiction), since we have no evidence for the claims other than "what it happens to say in this or that scroll"?

Unless there's corroborating evidence...

There are plenty of facts in mainline history sources for which there is NO CORROBORATING EVIDENCE. There's virtually no ancient historian you can name who does not give us facts for which he is the ONLY source.

And identified sources...

Are you once again insisting that ANONYMOUS sources are ruled out? You may subjectively toss them out if you are so driven by your emotional impulse, but there is nothing in science or logic or historical scholarship which rules out anonymous sources.

. . . and, you know, all that OTHER historical evidence you so carefully remain ignorant of.

What evidence?

How about for the assassination of Caesar: What "OTHER historical evidence" is there for this event than the written documents which say that the event happened?

You think they dug up some swords with Caesar's blood on them, and engraved with the words "official Caesar-slaying weapon" certified by the City of Rome Police Forensics and carbon-dated to 44 BC?

We would know this event happened even if we had no documents saying it happened? If "What it happens to say in this or that scroll does not provide the evidence to verify the claims being made," then how do we know that Caesar was assassinated? Where's the "evidence" other than in the scrolls which say it happened?
''What it says in the scrolls is EVIDENCE for what happened. (usually the ONLY evidence)''

Therefore Brahma, Shiva, kali, etc, are true and actual Beings because that's what it says in the scrolls?
Both Homer and the gospel accounts are evidence for the reported events.

You mean there's no reason to believe our history books (it's all fiction), since we have no evidence for the claims other than "what it happens to say in this or that scroll"?

If you want to claim that the miracles described in the Bible are evidenced then you have to also accept Athena, Ajax, Hector, etc. are evidenced by the Iliad.

The Iliad IS evidence for these, or some of these.

But it's mostly not very good evidence, because all we have is this ONE SOURCE ONLY for these, and it's better to have more than only one source; but also, Homer wrote his accounts at least 400 years after the events happened, making them much less reliable as a source, especially for miracle claims.

Whereas we have 4 (5) sources for the miracles of Jesus, and these are dated from 30-70 years from the reputed events. So they are much stronger evidence for the events than Homer is for the Trojan War.

But even so there is no reason to reject Homer as evidence for some of the events and characters. Some of them were probably real historical figures to which he added his fiction details.

And the gospel accounts also probably added fictional elements to the real events. This does not discredit the factual part which constituted the original true story to which some later legend was added.

The question is: What was the original true account, or basic events in about 30 AD, to which some later fiction may have been added? The best answer is that Jesus really did demonstrate power such as we see with the miracle healing events. This explains why the later legend developed. Without this miracle element, it is impossible to explain how he became mythologized into a god in such a short time and how the accounts became published and copied and circulated.
Yes, the scrolls are evidence for what happened. But maybe not good evidence, like the gospel accounts are.

''What it says in the scrolls is EVIDENCE for what happened. (usually the ONLY evidence)''

Therefore Brahma, Shiva, kali, etc, are true and actual Beings because that's what it says in the scrolls?

The scrolls are evidence. However, the sources for the above are dated many centuries after the reputed events (even thousands or millions of years), and so they are very poor evidence for those events.

But also, they are evidence for possible historical figures like Krishna more than for abstract entities like the above.

Likewise, the opening chapters of Genesis are not good evidence for how the earth and life on earth originated. This is a better analogy to Brahma and Shiva etc.

But by contrast, Jesus was an historical figure at a particular place and time, for whom we have the same kind of evidence we have for persons and events of mainline history.
Many accepted facts of history are derived from ONE SOURCE ONLY, uncorroborated by anything else.

You mean there's no reason to believe our history books (it's all fiction), since we have no evidence for the claims other than "what it happens to say in this or that scroll"?

Without corroboration from independent sources, there is no reason to believe (form a justified conviction) that the claims are true and factual.

There are plenty of historical facts, millions, which are reported by ONE SOURCE ONLY without any "corroboration from independent sources." And from this one source only we believe those facts. There IS REASON TO BELIEVE the claims based on one source only, without any corroboration.

(But if it's a miracle claim, there should be more than only one source for it to be taken seriously. I.e., a source near to the time of the alleged event(s).)
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